Timmy Boy

  • Posts: 431
Site Closed - Who Picks up the tab?
« on: October 30, 2017, 10:00:38 am »
Hi All

I think I know the answer but wanted to know if they have any previous experience to the contrary. We have had a site close due to it losing money and the bank told the owner to shut the doors immediately. This is a bingo hall but he still owns others around the country. He has not gone bust.  We have 3 cleaners there (10 years, 7 years and 5 years service). As he hasn't gone into administration or liquidation can I go after him for the redundancy (which will be about £5000) or is it for me to swallow if the cleaners do not want the other cleans I have available.

I look forward to your responses!


David Deer

Re: Site Closed - Who Picks up the tab?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2017, 08:07:28 pm »
If you are  dismissing the staff,  you pay their wages for the notice period.
If you have contract with the owner of the bingo hall you can sue for breach of contract.
If the staff are offered “suitable” alternative employment and they unreasonably reject that offer then the Employment Rights Act specifies that the employee forfeits his or her right to a redundancy payment.