
  • Posts: 48
retractable pointer for trolley
« on: December 23, 2004, 10:33:04 am »
only started wfp 2 months ago no compaints so far but its obvious customers dont like the idea of leaving water on the glass.I was thinking of blading just the downstairs .I use a trolley system and it would be usefull if i could get hold of a retractable alluminium ladder to pull around on the trolley
playboy window cleaner


  • Posts: 2986
Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2004, 04:06:53 pm »
What o earth do you want to do that for ??? Once you start using WFP don't waver and backtrack by using your squeegee and blading off the water. Your customers will soon get used to it, you have will have spent a great deal of money investing in your WFP, stick with it!!!
Make sure that you exude confidence about the system in front of your customers and don't give an inch if they start saying they want you to clean the downstairs the old way.
Tell then that if there is a problem with the way they dry out (but not on the first clean mind! Customers have to understand that there is a bedding in period) that you will come back and rectify. But also tell them that this only applies if they ring you within 24 hours, the last thing you want is some muppett ringing you after a couple of weeks of weathering to complain that they are not happy with the work!!

Although not a domestic account, I had one shop manager (this shop has a couple, one works one day, the other works another) and this particular woman was covering for the one that was usually in when I cleaned them.
I cleaned as usual and collected my wonga, I was on a shop a little further along the high street when an assistant asked if I could go back, the manageress wanted a word.
I walked in, with a fair idea of what was to come, and in a loud voice in a shop full of customers she proceeded to tell me that my work was crap! :'( The windows were still wet and that I had a cheek thinking I could claim to have cleaned the windows properly.

Now I am never rude to any customer, so I wasn't argumentative, but I told her (in a loud voice too ;D) quite bluntly that, no, it wasn't a crap job, in fact it is a pretty d a m n good job, and that if she has the patience to wait for the glass to dry out fully she will see that not only is the glass spotlessly clean, but so are the frames and so is the tiled floor outside of the windows, that I had been using this system on the windows for the past 8 months every week without a problem.
Now as I say, I wasn't in any way rude, but I was forthright, I made sure I had my 'Exuding Confidence Head' on, I didn't hedge' or mmm and ahh, she backed down sharpish and I haven't had a problem with her since. Though I did see her going over the outside really closely about 30 minutes later when I was cleaning the inside of a shop the other side of the road ;)
To be fair to her, it was the first time she had seen it in action, so shewas entitled to be indignant, lets face it, unless you understand how it works, so would you be if some guy turned up, WFP'd your windows and with the water dripping off the sills asked you for the money ;D



  • Posts: 48
Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2004, 05:18:59 pm »
Im sure what your saying is right but on a windy day windows do get contaminated after using wfp therefore I think it would be a good idea to blade the water off on these occasions im sure you have wind .
playboy window cleaner


  • Posts: 103
Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2004, 06:21:56 pm »
Sure we'll all have wind ... beans..sprouts  etc


  • Posts: 2986
Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2004, 07:37:54 pm »
I just blame the dog! ;D

Windy days worried me too, but so far those worries have proved groundless.
I worried that in the summer dust would get blown onto the windows and contaminate them that way.
Then there are the mucky days of winter :-\
But it really hasn't had much of an effect at all.

1/ The odd bit of dust getting on the glass doesn't cause much of a problem, because it is just that, dust, a speck.
If you use just tap water then you have dissolved solids in it, much smaller than any dust that will blow around, and as anyone who has tried to clean a window with ordinary tap water (to see what sort of difference pure water makes) will see what that does to the glass.
Although if you squeegee'd off the water you wouldn't have any detergent residue, should you use your applicator and clean them in the trad way then the invisible film of detergent left on the glass is sticky towards dust (not to your hands though) and windy days will soon get a thin layer of dust on them, which should it rain will then show up.
Try washing one of your own windows in the trad method using washing up liquid, wait a while until it is dry and spray over it with pure water (don't wash it with your brush or you will clean off the residue!) So long as you haven't sprayed too much water on the glass, when it dries you should see the effects, particularly if it is in the sun.
In fact if you wash over it with your WFP you should notice a faint 'sudsing' effect as you wash it with your brush.

Truly bad weather will muck up the windows whether you squeegee it off or not.
But there is almost always wind in this Country, we are in fact supposed to be the windiest Country in Europe :o
There is nothing we can do about the wind, and I think any effect it has on the standard of your work is pretty negligable.
But hey, each to his own ;)



Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2004, 08:59:56 pm »
I've been wfp cleaning since May and I always blade the front downstairs windows after I have wfp cleaned them.  The customers seem to like this service as it what they are use to, also if the window beads then this will cure it.

I don't use a ladder for this, Instead I use a 4' Unger pole with which I can attach the blade to.


  • Posts: 355
Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2004, 10:08:38 pm »
I have been using wfp on residential work for over 2 years now. I leave all the windows wet and in all that time the only problems I have had, have been with old pvc window frames with a spongy black seal. Some of these seals have soaked up the detergent over the years and release it, leaving a dirty run down the glass.On these if it still happens after 2 or 3 goes I just do them normally.
Other than this, no complaints at all.
The system works guy's, trust it.
I know the first few months I was wondering whether it worked, but now I know.

 ::) Blessings  ::)



Re: retractable pointer for trolley
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2004, 04:00:46 pm »
I'd have to agree with Ian on this one...forget blading water off...that's not how the system is supposed to work...why not do what we did, after we first started and had a few misguided complaints and cancellations.....we produced an explanatory leaflet/flier...explaining all about WFP's. The Osmosis process, properties of pure water, health and safety, new legislation...etc...etc....you can even nick the wording from the manufacturers sites for tech info, then add a few of your own, explain the befits...no more clanking ladders or faces at the window etc.....most are fine now that they know what's going on, and that we arn't trying to pull a fast one....give one of these to every first clean done by the pole....apart from that it's just down to technique and practise....I made loads of mistakes when I first started with the pole...but it's ok now.