
  • Posts: 15
calling all wfp guys
« on: November 16, 2004, 05:48:49 pm »
been pole working for bout 6 months now and were well impressed. brings my windows up like new. trouble is some of the customers just dont get it!! keep getting the usual rubbish like "but theyre still wet" and all the other tosh.
how do u deal with this. and how do u explain to new customers to bring them round to the idea. trouble is its not nationally known by the public i find. probably needs something on the telly to publicise it a bit.
any ideas and comments wud b appreciated.



  • Posts: 951
Re: calling all wfp guys
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2004, 06:50:11 pm »
Hi Jamie,

The customers don't get it because they maybe don't know too much about it. Some folk say that they gave their customers a leaflet explaining the process before thay actually changed over. Some were OK with that, but others read the leaflet and still asked daft questions! Just mention Health + Safety, cost of Insurance, privacy for them, etc etc.

Do a search for "wfp" and "leaflet" to see if you can dig them out. Scroll up to the Cleanitup toolbar for the search button.
You're a Scottish window-cleaner? Licensed or not, get yourself along to www.slwcn.org right now !

Davie Park
Dalzell Window Cleaning Service - Edinburgh www.windowscleaner.co.uk