Stephen Adams

  • Posts: 2
Backpack from Cleantech
« on: April 13, 2006, 11:44:34 am »
Can anyone let me know if Cleantech backpacks are ready to go or do I still have to modify it for cleaning water fed? If they are not ready to go, does anyone else sell one that is?
Thanks for any help. Stephen

Re: Backpack from Cleantech
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 04:48:40 pm »
I just recieved one, and it is ready to plug and play.

I have however taken the trigger off and replaced with a hoselock connector so that I dont dammage the trigger.


  • Posts: 23828
Re: Backpack from Cleantech
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2006, 05:15:07 pm »
Mine arrived from Cleantech yesterday - it comes with two hozelock end stops connected by a few inches of tricoflex hose. I put ptfe tape around the first initial joint as it leaked a bit on setting four.

I used it today - first on highish  ground floor on settings one and two at a school where my hose couldn't reach and then the far corner of a block of flats (same reason) at the third floor on setting three.

It's a very useful piece of kit. Like Bear I might remove the trigger (as it's not necessary with the hozelock fittings) and could easily get stood on.

I think it would be good for going thru' houses where a trolley or hose is impractical or too mucky.

I think Tosh is your expert tho'!
It's a game of three halves!

Stephen Adams

  • Posts: 2
Re: Backpack from Cleantech
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 06:58:22 pm »
Hey guys, cheers for taking time to let me know, looks like it's time to buy myself a backpack! Stephen

Re: Backpack from Cleantech
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2006, 07:21:46 pm »
Being a 'thickie-Geordie' I just cut the spray attachment off and stuck a female hose-lock connector to mine.

It works for me!

Get yourself one of those collapsable sack trucks, and hacksaw a larger opening at the bottom so you can get at the button in the base of the back pack.

Also drill a couple of holes in the sack-truck's base and put a couple of bolts in there to raise the base of the sack truck from the ground; so you can get your fingers under it without having to tip the sack truck back.

It is a good bit of kit, but it takes a little bit of getting used to.