Clean It Up

Market Place => Used Equipment For Sale/Wanted => Topic started by: therapist on March 05, 2006, 11:16:54 pm

Title: another one bites the dust
Post by: therapist on March 05, 2006, 11:16:54 pm
I had the audacity to suggest there was evidence of paranoia and childishness in the Cleantalk, I am no longer welcome there.

Am I bovverred...............don't think so !

When the blatant marketing started on this board, I was one of the people causing upset to the members of the ( elite ) by questioning the set up.

I have to say, that I admire the marketing skill of the gent who convinced people to become part of his network and spread his gospel.

There is no point in complaining about the way other people go about their business and with so many good products available from a number of suppliers, we could all become ( indoor air quality experts ) IN FACT, it's been around as a concept for many years and   in spite of claims being made, there are a number of products which will satisfy the healthy homes criteria.


Title: Re: another one bites the dust
Post by: psg on March 06, 2006, 06:12:11 am
I am a member not couple years, i dont get products etc shoved in my face etc shoved in my face. The site membership is free.

I suggest you go see the doc & get that chip sorted out on your shoulder or go see a shrink.


Title: Re: another one bites the dust
Post by: therapist on March 06, 2006, 08:48:51 am

What's that short for ? No chips on my shoulder and if you were a regular poster or reader in this forum, you would find that, mine is more often than not, the voice of reason.

If you don't think the forum referred to, is over restrictive and over are incredibly naive and blinkered.

Of course you don't get products, in your face, the only products allowed to be aired are the ones sold by the marketing guru who owns the site.

The postings are stilted and there is no real's  really a little hidey hole for  people who all subscribe to the same creed.

They feel protected who's got the chip on their shoulder.

What you are forgetting, maybe selectively, is the fact that, the majority of people on this board got totally p....d off with the constant and blatant marketing of the Solutions company and that is why there was a change of ownership of cleantalk

There are, of course plenty of reasonable users of these products and purchasers into the network who should not be tarred with the same brush.

The way in which the produsts have been marketed has caused the divisions and bad feeling among many, who may, otherwise, have become purchasers and regular users.

What the style of marketing has caused, is an interest in the healthy homes aspect, which many of us have been aware of and indeed promoted for the past decade and encouraged people to look for suitable products within the suppliers market.

I have no time for restrictive practice, or closed debate and you should really think about the reality of these practices.

have a good day and try to keep an open mind

Title: Re: another one bites the dust
Post by: Ian Gourlay on March 06, 2006, 10:43:30 am

Bit puzzled why you posted under used equipment,

I will be sending you an email about alternitives to the product .
Title: Re: another one bites the dust
Post by: therapist on March 06, 2006, 08:51:35 pm
no particular reason Ian, in fact it's taken me ages to find it, as I thought it was elsewhere.....................Doooooooooooooooooh


rob m


I was one the original users of microsplitters in the uk when Franklins were marketing One step with two excellent machines.
Unfortunately I think they were just a little ahead of their time and the industry wasn't quite ready for them.