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pubs Leaded lights smoke glass windows?

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Hi everyone. I got one pub with leaded lights window. One I already cleaned for £60 :D who wants it cleaned every three weeks and one to give a quote on monday.
The problem is, It is bloody hard work cleaning leaded light windows with my blade >:( which do not dry it very so I I try to dry the windows with my scrim but it smudges also the outside small square frame windows [ too many for my liking ] :o is not a problem but the inside smudges. Anyway it did not go down well with the landlady. The pub I am gonna give a quote on monday is similar sort of pub who want it cleaned every week. Do you window cleaners do this kind of pub? do you have any advice that can help me out or do I not bother doing these pubs. The only problem is, most modern pubs with proper window are all taken. >:(

I used to clean a few pubs but these were georgian
 the princable is just the same though......use plenty of elbow grease  ;D

We used to spray with a water spray bottle first using a mix of water a small amount of fairy liquid and about a capfull of meths
this was sprayed onto the window rubbed in with a wet microfibre cloth and the polished off with a dry microfibre cloth.

Like i said its hard work but gets nicotene off a treat  ;)

Yep, done plenty like this over the years.

If they haven't been done for a long time then they are going to be gopping, real manky.
If they are almost sticky to the touch they are that bad then take the sleeve off your applicator, squeeze it out and use it like a have more control and can get into the nooks and crannies better this way.

First time off there is nothing for it but to grin and bear it, it's a long process to get them right, but it's worth it on repeat visits.

Thoroughly wash the windows with a soapy sleeve in your hand (not the one your arm is through ;D)
Squeegee off as best you can, then go over with a scrim drying it off as best you can.
Go to the next window and repeat the process.

Do as many of them as you can without inconveniencing the pub customers (if the pub is open that is) then go back to the first one.

Use a sprayer with either a GG3/4 solution, an unger liquid solution diluted down, or something like Tesco's own brand window clean spray (don't waste your money on the more expensive Mr Muscle or other big name brands).
Give the glass a good misting buff over with a fresh scrim (though at this point I would now be using a large microfibre cloth).
Do a couple more windows.
On the washing stage, and this first buffing stage don't try to go for a perfect finish.
Go back for a third time and lightly mist the glass, and with clean microfibre (or scrim) take your time and buff up to the final finish.

On repeat cleans (fortnightly or weekly preferably) all you should need to do is give a light misting and buff clean with a microfibre (or scrim)

Washing and squeegeeing leaded rarely works very well, soapy water will always collect around the edges of the lead and is always difficult to get right, particularly in pubs.

If you can charge extra for a first time clean on the insides then great, but if not, just bite the bullet and do it the long way.

you will rarely get a perfect finish with internal leaded glass in pubs, if the pub gets a lot of direct sunlight on the glass it will show up your work.
But they'll have to look close to see it.

Have fun!


Cheers Ian  :-*

There of lots of products to get nicotine off glass but the oldest method and still the best is ammonia. Just put a tea-cup full into a 3rd full bucket of hot water - no soap. Dunk a swap or a rough cloth into it, ring it out but have it fairly wet and wash the glass with it. It'll strip the nicotine straight off then just leather and scrim as normal.

If you can squeegee anything there, use the same formula but add some fairy to water. Piece of cake.

Oops, nearly forgot. Don't have the ammo bucket inside. It can whiff a bit :'(


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