
  • Posts: 735
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:55:15 pm »
Went to a regular customer today(been going 7 years)never once complained.... They already had a conservatory but just got a new one built to replace it.....

Anyway cleaned the usual windows and the 'new conservatory' wasn't finished inside (but was on the outside) and there was this film or something on the glass that wouldn't shift with a standard clean(trad methods) it was all over the conservatory glass but didn't shift at all with the usual methods... anyway I cleaned it is best I could...

Get a text from customer saying... Hi,why wasn't the conservatory cleaned today?

I replied... Hi Barry... The conservatory was cleaned today as the man inside working saw me clean it.... However I noticed there was a film or some sort of coating on the glass which wouldn't come off with a standard clean.... Normally the builders would clean this after they finish.... I would have to bring a scraper and stronger detergent(ok I had the scraper with me but it would have taken bloody ages)to shift the film or whatever is on the glass.... Does this help explain? I can bring a scraper and detergent next time? it will take abit longer but happy to do that?

This is what I said(no response as of yet)    Is this reasonable or should I have cleaned it all off thoroughly? Sometimes I question my own judgement..... another example is when a custy got new windows on a conservatory and it had stickers all over and they expected me to scrape all of them off for the usual price.... although they were quite rude when it didn't happen on first clean so by the next time I just cleaned without removing stickers... then explained wife was rude to me and that if they had mentioned in a nice way.... such as would u mind taking the stickers off(even offer a couple of quid as a goodwill payment)then I would have but I did say it would cost more for that clean if they wanted me to spend half hour more scraping all these stickers off........

Anyway am I being unreasonable? Am open to constructive criticism if necessary and always value the advice given on this forum :-)


Re: Complaint
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 09:59:53 pm »
It isn't your job to finish the conservatory. Why should you remove the stickers? Assume it will take 1/2 hour and price accordingly I would say.


  • Posts: 4454
Re: Complaint
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 10:00:33 pm »
No i wouldnt of done it either mate (im from ipswich) I would of cleaned how i normally do for the normal price, explained as you have this is something the builders should do but if they dont your willing to do it for £xyz

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4237
Re: Complaint
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 10:02:23 pm »
You did the right thing buggered if I would do it without charging extra ;D


  • Posts: 5602
Re: Complaint
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 10:04:15 pm »
It isn't your job to finish the conservatory. Why should you remove the stickers? Assume it will take 1/2 hour and price accordingly I would say.



Re: Complaint
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2014, 10:09:26 pm »
Anytime I get a job where I would need to use a scraper I tell the customer that I cant do
them until they have signed a scratch waver.
And yes you need to charge extra as it can take a lot longer.


  • Posts: 5602
Re: Complaint
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2014, 10:10:06 pm »
you sometimes get it when the "painter" as painted the exterior walls and flecks of paint appear on the glass and have been there for two weeks and they expect you to clean them and they get the hump with you......i normally tell them to get a rebate of the painter

The reality is were only charging to remove normal day dirt that lands on windows over a period of weeks or months

Marc Stock

Re: Complaint
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2014, 10:12:53 pm »
Went to a regular customer today(been going 7 years)never once complained.... They already had a conservatory but just got a new one built to replace it.....

Anyway cleaned the usual windows and the 'new conservatory' wasn't finished inside (but was on the outside) and there was this film or something on the glass that wouldn't shift with a standard clean(trad methods) it was all over the conservatory glass but didn't shift at all with the usual methods... anyway I cleaned it is best I could...

Get a text from customer saying... Hi,why wasn't the conservatory cleaned today?

I replied... Hi Barry... The conservatory was cleaned today as the man inside working saw me clean it.... However I noticed there was a film or some sort of coating on the glass which wouldn't come off with a standard clean.... Normally the builders would clean this after they finish.... I would have to bring a scraper and stronger detergent(ok I had the scraper with me but it would have taken bloody ages)to shift the film or whatever is on the glass.... Does this help explain? I can bring a scraper and detergent next time? it will take abit longer but happy to do that?

This is what I said(no response as of yet)    Is this reasonable or should I have cleaned it all off thoroughly? Sometimes I question my own judgement..... another example is when a custy got new windows on a conservatory and it had stickers all over and they expected me to scrape all of them off for the usual price.... although they were quite rude when it didn't happen on first clean so by the next time I just cleaned without removing stickers... then explained wife was rude to me and that if they had mentioned in a nice way.... such as would u mind taking the stickers off(even offer a couple of quid as a goodwill payment)then I would have but I did say it would cost more for that clean if they wanted me to spend half hour more scraping all these stickers off........

Anyway am I being unreasonable? Am open to constructive criticism if necessary and always value the advice given on this forum :-)

What you should of done is raise the issue with the customer right away as apposed to letting him call you about it later on, if you already noticed the film on the glass. That's what I would have done before continuing with the clean. This is the mistake you made here.

Going forward there isn't really much you can do but what you have already said. He might come back to you and say ok and pay for a deeper clean. But the damage might already be done, as he might have taken it as a cheeky "see if I can get away with it " type thing from you and be looking at changing to someone else who is more eager to please.

If your that worried about it; id go back to him and say. Please accept my apologies..i should of notified you right away that there was a film on the glass that needed deeper cleaning. Really the only way round this one now is to take on chin go back and make good for no extra charge as in my opinion you missed your opportunity to upsell a deep clean to start with.



  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2014, 10:14:19 pm »
I'm liking the advice guys :-)  I did actually question whether I was being reasonable but realise now I wasn't  ;D   plus I offered to bring detergent and scraper next time for them..


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2014, 10:21:37 pm »
marc stock...

It's a 4 bed detached with conservatory(maybe 3) but 3 windows(biggish)at front and 4 at back(2 up/2 down)and a good size conservatory... did it for a tenner for the first 4 years then after 6 put it up to £12 then few months back up to £13.00... It was raining today and the custy wasn't even in...

Anyway(I'm getting off the point lol) but would you really put a letter through door explaining all that? Maybe I was too eager to just get to the next job or get back in car(as rain was coming down abit)

Fair enough.. like I said I'm open to constructive criticism :-)


  • Posts: 766
Re: Complaint
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2014, 10:22:12 pm »
i think ur bang to rights suff*** and agree with u 100 % and would do exactly the same thing

if i was getting a mechanic to service my van i wouldnt ask him to valet the car as well and not pay him!

also sean ks scratch waiver is a great idea going forward :)

Marc Stock

Re: Complaint
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2014, 10:30:13 pm »
marc stock...

It's a 4 bed detached with conservatory(maybe 3) but 3 windows(biggish)at front and 4 at back(2 up/2 down)and a good size conservatory... did it for a tenner for the first 4 years then after 6 put it up to £12 then few months back up to £13.00... It was raining today and the custy wasn't even in...

Anyway(I'm getting off the point lol) but would you really put a letter through door explaining all that? Maybe I was too eager to just get to the next job or get back in car(as rain was coming down abit)

Fair enough.. like I said I'm open to constructive criticism :-)

I think my point here is just notifying the customer first that you noticed a potential issue, as apposed to letting him see if he noticed for him to contact you with a complaint. See?

You notify him first-No complaint.. as he now knows the issue

You don't notify him- A complaint- as he wants to know why they still look uncleaned.

Simple stuff really. A note on his voicemail or home phone just highlighting the issue briefly and a recomened course of action would have taken a couple of mins during the day..  as aposed to a whole evening worrying about it like you are now.

Simple customer service.. that's all..


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2014, 10:30:36 pm »
Can someone explain more about the scratch waiver? I know it's abit self explanatory but what exactly do you mean? :-)   Is this something you guys get all your customers to sign? are you saying they all agree to sign this?


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2014, 10:34:32 pm »
Fair point marc stock.. like I said open to constructive criticism.. are you based in Suffolk by the way? :-)

Marc Stock

Re: Complaint
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2014, 10:37:29 pm »
Im based in Surrey.  :)

Out of interest, how do you use your scrapers?


  • Posts: 4454
Re: Complaint
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2014, 10:39:17 pm »
Fair point marc stock.. like I said open to constructive criticism.. are you based in Suffolk by the way? :-)

where are you based SUFFOLKCLEANERS? and i mean where in suffolk  ;D


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2014, 10:40:59 pm »
What do you mean marc stock? we make sure the window is wet and then scrape any birdmuck or stickers off... would never scrape on dry glass :-)   I'm assuming most people scrape this way? Lol

Marc Stock

Re: Complaint
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2014, 10:44:16 pm »
Yeah exactly.. id never use it dry either. So why get customer to sign a waiver?

Not needed in my opinion. If you know how to use a scraper, and use a SHARP fresh blade, with water & detergent you aint going to scratch that glass at all to be honest.


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2014, 11:18:20 pm »
cleancare..based in Ipswich in Suffolk.. marc stock-very true :-)


  • Posts: 4454
Re: Complaint
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2014, 11:20:18 pm »
cleancare..based in Ipswich in Suffolk.. marc stock-very true :-)

me too what do you drive? is it sign written?


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2014, 11:23:38 pm »
not sign written..just a ford car at the moment... Longterm may well get a van and move to wfp with signs etc but been working this way for years now and works for me :-) U Ipswich based?


  • Posts: 766
Re: Complaint
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2014, 11:29:05 pm »
In relation to scratch waiver i personally dont use one but i think its a good idea in certain circumstances eg new custie with paint of glass, builder cleans etc

Most cleaners are competent and i dont think the issue is whether you scratched the glass because as you have pointed out if you know what you are doing its unlikely to happen. The issue in my opinion is a custie accusing you of scratching glass even thou u kno u did not. Here a waiver would be very useful


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2014, 11:39:27 pm »
sorry cleancare.. u did say already you were Ipswich based.. ::)roll


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2014, 11:45:02 pm »
The whole idea of a scratch waiver is abit new to me if I'm totally honest.... from a customers point of view.. what if u went and obviously scratched the glass? If I was a customer(always difficult to imagine I know) I'm not entirely sure if I would sign a scratch waiver...

If an incident occurs then deal with it then but in over 16 years window cleaning I have had one customer accuse me of scratching a window.... (even then she was a nut job lol)Just my opinion :-)


Re: Complaint
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2014, 11:49:20 pm »
In relation to scratch waiver i personally dont use one but i think its a good idea in certain circumstances eg new custie with paint of glass, builder cleans etc

Most cleaners are competent and i dont think the issue is whether you scratched the glass because as you have pointed out if you know what you are doing its unlikely to happen. The issue in my opinion is a custie accusing you of scratching glass even thou u kno u did not. Here a waiver would be very useful

Exactly Tom and the fact that you would have used a scraper on the glass wouldn't help your case.
Don't forget the first time the customer will get a chance to examine the new glass properly is when you will
have cleaned it and that's when any scratches will be noticed that more than likely wouldn't have been noticed before.


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2014, 11:56:42 pm »
Fair point there sean k... never thought of it like that :-)


  • Posts: 735
Re: Complaint
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2014, 12:02:03 am »
Tom.. u say u don't use a scratch waiver.. but do you actually get a new customer to sign one if a paint job done etc? How many have you actually got to sign? The whole concept is new to me so just curious :-)


  • Posts: 8974
Re: Complaint
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2014, 07:18:06 am »
Yeah exactly.. id never use it dry either. So why get customer to sign a waiver?

Not needed in my opinion. If you know how to use a scraper, and use a SHARP fresh blade, with water & detergent you aint going to scratch that glass at all to be honest.

It's not that YOU will scratch the glass but the glass is really dirty, so dirty that any existing scratches will be hidden.
When you clean, you clear away all that dirt/stickers etc which may reveal existing scratches.
Because the customer couldn't see them before (due to the dirt) but can once you've cleaned, a lot of people assume the window cleaner made the scratch(es)
Getting them to sign the waiver, while you explain what I've just put, saves any ballache when you're done.
In fact, I usually say they probably will be scratched.
If they expect the worse, they'll only be more pleased.

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.


  • Posts: 1511
Re: Complaint
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2014, 07:47:15 am »
suffolk ,wot colours ur car/  are you the famous black mondeo man ?


  • Posts: 23857
Re: Complaint
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2014, 07:55:32 am »
Take your car to the car wash and ask them to remove tar spots and paint overspray .... all included in the standard clean price.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 766
Re: Complaint
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2014, 08:18:03 am »
Tom.. u say u don't use a scratch waiver.. but do you actually get a new customer to sign one if a paint job done etc? How many have you actually got to sign? The whole concept is new to me so just curious :-)

ive never got any1 to sign one mate nor have i tried

i avoid builders cleans like the plague but i like the idea of introducing it and i will. As granville said explain situation to custie, if i asked and  they dont sign it  i wouldnt  do the job

99% of people are fine but some people like to try take the poor windie for a ride and its that 1% we have to protect ourselves from. Ive insurance and of course they could claim from that but if im not in the wrong it would break my heart to have some make bogus claim against me


  • Posts: 4454
Re: Complaint
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2014, 10:16:03 am »
suffolk ,wot colours ur car/  are you the famous black mondeo man ?

No Bobby unless there are 2 black mondeo cleaners about. Thats my mate steve, about a 52 plate quite a nice one. does some work over chantry near you.


  • Posts: 1511
Re: Complaint
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2014, 03:05:47 pm »
suffolk ,wot colours ur car/  are you the famous black mondeo man ?

No Bobby unless there are 2 black mondeo cleaners about. Thats my mate steve, about a 52 plate quite a nice one. does some work over chantry near you.
Iv got in mind an oldey mondey , about T reggy .

Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: Complaint
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2014, 06:13:08 am »
If a conny has just been built and the company is still their i would not even touch the it maybe thats what they were getting at , Brand new shiny conny and you clean it before it has had a chance to get dirty . Mike