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Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by Perfect Windows on Today at 09:13:23 pm »
Reduce rather than increase pressure on the brush. Rapid, light movements with the tip of the brush filaments do a far better job than giving it slow hard strokes (oo-er)

Window Cleaning Forum / Re: 4040 flush time
« Last post by the king on Today at 08:47:47 pm »
ive got 1200gpd ro flush once a week for 10 minits  :)
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Wooden frames
« Last post by the king on Today at 08:45:09 pm »
on these i avoid the top frame as they are a night mare if they dont like it i pass them on to a trad cleaner i know
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by the king on Today at 08:40:51 pm »
loads of them this year flocked brushes are best on them hot water really speeds up the cleaning they can be a pain in the ars at times
General Cleaning Forum / Re: Solar panels
« Last post by the king on Today at 08:31:29 pm »
some have a coating on but they will come up grate with just cold pure water but others can be a pig,  on them ubik or tfr works grate but hypo is grate on the really bad ones with fungus growing on them
This is the reason I like forming a bond with my customers. Always leaving a payment card is handy because there's always the monthly connection. Go Cashless has probably solved this issue happening in the future also.
me too my customers all know me very well and would never fall for any of the above
has any one used qwashers ? i was looking at there washers and they have twin inlet !! not shore what the benifit if this is ?

i run a 15 lpm 250 bar and it hammers through drives runs a 16inch fsc no issues  if i was to up grade i would get 21lpm but at 250 bar not 200 just my opinion for what its worth  :)
This is the reason I like forming a bond with my customers. Always leaving a payment card is handy because there's always the monthly connection. Go Cashless has probably solved this issue happening in the future also.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Snail Trails
« Last post by michael mckeary on Today at 07:28:58 pm »
The hotter the water the easier it is to remove them. Running cold was back in the dark ages.
Window Cleaning Forum / Re: Interesting day, Wednesday
« Last post by michael mckeary on Today at 07:27:00 pm »
Just telling a real life story about how we look at other occupations and think they have it made, until we experience it. Still trying to get the nail brush to clear out oil stuff from under my finger nails. 😉
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