Don Kee

  • Posts: 4872
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2017, 07:33:02 pm »
He can't spell 'quite' so I'm out...

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2017, 02:07:28 pm »
Hi Martin Beaumont welcome to the forum. Can you supply me with a data sheets please?
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267


  • Posts: 8538
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2017, 10:36:55 pm »
Hi Martin Beaumont welcome to the forum. Can you supply me with a data sheets please?

I'm guessing Martin don't have one or he would have made it available to the trade by now. All this clock and danger poope does my head in. lol

Martin Beaumont

  • Posts: 4
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2017, 03:36:06 pm »
Hi there
I've had a look for emails requesting my SDS from Chris Scott / Smurf and I've never had a request from you for them. Either way, I only supply them to my Trade users, (and just to settle anymore comments on them) I only have to disclose some of the  ingredients to protect the Patent -   There is no "Clock and danger poope" and when someone refers to my product as cat urine, you can be sure of one thing, you won't be getting hold of anything to do with my business.  Other than one person on here, no one has asked me direct questions through email which is accessible to all of you. The one person wanted a 5L of Trade solution which I don't allow, my business, my rules.  I don't have to make any of my paperwork available to any of you, when my Trade users come on board, it's all available, Coshh, & SDS . If you have a problem with me not allowing the Trade Solution out to the public, I have no idea why, this protects your area and avoids people getting hold of it and undercutting my Trade users,  I note how you left the rest of the email out, a trade order of 100L covers 1500 square meters of which it is 0.30p to clean in your area which I protect for your business, along with all the paperwork, marketing material and everything else I can help with.
Interesting that "Dragons Den" mention Patent pending means nothing, fair enough only my business was invited onto the Den, along with all the paperwork I own, I do suspect this will open more criticism. If you really want me to start on how destructive jet washing is and put all your businesses down,  destroying customers property, I'm more than qualified to, I have been in the industry over 33 years, from sand blasting Power Stations to Ice blasting etc.  To the "Dragon" who is "out"  because of a typo with the word " Quite"  Do me a favor?  I'm glad I don't have the time or inclination to trawl through forums and find Typos and slate people for making a difference.... I'll be sure to let you know when I have secured the Patent, thanks very much. For anyone who has sensible questions please ask away, if not, I'll let you all continue on your quest to slate businesses and make up what you don't know and haven't bothered to ask. Martin.


  • Posts: 8538
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2017, 10:12:21 pm »
Martin don't you think you are being a wee bit offish as before your potential trade customers are going to part with £460 of their hard earned cash they will want to know in advance the chemical and concentration they will be handling surely?

Just take a look at many of the chemical suppliers on the internet as you will find they provide sds, information sheets etc to download so it's not unreasonable to ask for one now is it? 

If you have nothing to hide then why not just post the msds and information sheet for the trade version of Monty solution.

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2017, 06:25:33 am »
Hi there
I've had a look for emails requesting my SDS from Chris Scott / Smurf and I've never had a request from you for them. Either way, I only supply them to my Trade users, (and just to settle anymore comments on them) I only have to disclose some of the  ingredients to protect the Patent -   There is no "Clock and danger poope" and when someone refers to my product as cat urine, you can be sure of one thing, you won't be getting hold of anything to do with my business.  Other than one person on here, no one has asked me direct questions through email which is accessible to all of you. The one person wanted a 5L of Trade solution which I don't allow, my business, my rules.  I don't have to make any of my paperwork available to any of you, when my Trade users come on board, it's all available, Coshh, & SDS . If you have a problem with me not allowing the Trade Solution out to the public, I have no idea why, this protects your area and avoids people getting hold of it and undercutting my Trade users,  I note how you left the rest of the email out, a trade order of 100L covers 1500 square meters of which it is 0.30p to clean in your area which I protect for your business, along with all the paperwork, marketing material and everything else I can help with.
Interesting that "Dragons Den" mention Patent pending means nothing, fair enough only my business was invited onto the Den, along with all the paperwork I own, I do suspect this will open more criticism. If you really want me to start on how destructive jet washing is and put all your businesses down,  destroying customers property, I'm more than qualified to, I have been in the industry over 33 years, from sand blasting Power Stations to Ice blasting etc.  To the "Dragon" who is "out"  because of a typo with the word " Quite"  Do me a favor?  I'm glad I don't have the time or inclination to trawl through forums and find Typos and slate people for making a difference.... I'll be sure to let you know when I have secured the Patent, thanks very much. For anyone who has sensible questions please ask away, if not, I'll let you all continue on your quest to slate businesses and make up what you don't know and haven't bothered to ask. Martin.


Welcome to the Forum, quite frankly I think you are over reacting.  People on here have various traits which take a while to recognise.  Smurf will buy anything as long as it is from Lidl or Aldi.  Mike Halliday Moderator and (Ex Bricklayer) doesn't believe anything and questions everybody unless he knocked it together for tuppence.   In fact my shoes probably cost more than his whole set up ;D.  So essentially don't take it to heart just let them get on with it.   
I have had a look at your product together with your utube vids and I quite like it.   I also took the trouble of looking at your websites, various internet profiles and the available information at CH on your two different companies.  Therefore I would be interested if you could email me details of the product, together with trade pricing to
If this is not possible let me have the best email address for you and I will email you.  If you need to call I am available on 07770 598855

"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2017, 07:24:46 am »
Kev are you not an X tiler?? ;)  and what sort of mug spend £18k on shoes? ( the cost of my latest but of kit)

But to be honest all the criticism on this post seams to be about not answering a simple question which was is monty solution S/H. A simple of yes or no whould have killed this topic dead.

I am slightly concerned about this topic because in the end we are all in the business of making money and creating a future for ourselves. with CIU No longer locked against Googlebots topics can show up on google searches, which on  a whole is good for companies SEO. but in this case if you search monty solution on google this topic shows as a high result  which could have a negative effect on Martins bussiness (which goes against the whole ethos of what CIU  is about).

This being so I will delete this topic this evening, this will allow anyone else to comment And see the reason for it disappearing
Mike Halliday.

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2017, 08:39:45 am »
Kev are you not an X tiler?? ;)  and what sort of mug spend £18k on shoes? ( the cost of my latest but of kit)

But to be honest all the criticism on this post seams to be about not answering a simple question which was is monty solution S/H. A simple of yes or no whould have killed this topic dead.

I am slightly concerned about this topic because in the end we are all in the business of making money and creating a future for ourselves. with CIU No longer locked against Googlebots topics can show up on google searches, which on  a whole is good for companies SEO. but in this case if you search monty solution on google this topic shows as a high result  which could have a negative effect on Martins bussiness (which goes against the whole ethos of what CIU  is about).

This being so I will delete this topic this evening, this will allow anyone else to comment And see the reason for it disappearing


The shoes thing was a joke (I only spent £17K on them) ;D as was the ex Brickie, nothing more!   So was Smurf only shopping in Aldi & Lidl.

I for one welcome any new product especially if it is safer than what is available.  I spend a lot of time and money researching and sourcing safer and better chemicals together with best methods for hard surface cleaning and sealing.  Martin has a point regarding pressure washing and whilst it certainly has a place in cleaning so does soft washing and alternative products.  Professional cleaners along with the General Public need to know that there are alternatives.  Speed is not always the answer and sometimes a kinder process with a dwell time is a better alternative.

So remove / lock the post if you like you have that power as a MOD.  It will not affect me but,  I do think people need to know that there are alternatives.

"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |


  • Posts: 8538
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2017, 09:14:51 am »
Think you have hit the nail on the head there Kev as what surprised  me which may I add I thought was very odd was the minimum order of 100 litre  for trade only customers. Then to top it off when I requested  the msds my emails were totally ignored.  Not what you would call a great start now was it for someone that was generally interested to trial a product.

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2017, 07:11:10 am »
Hi Martin

Can you send me a data sheet for your product please, we use a large amount of exterior cleaning products, maybe in excess of 3 000L  per year.
 Is your product classed as corrosive ?.... we clean a lot of metal cladding.
 Is your product biodegradable...we have a certain contract where this is the criteria ?
 Does it carry the "dead fish " label.
 Can it be used on Astro turf?
 Is it passed for use on through coloured render the manufacturers .
 Does it smell strongly ...we have one certain internal contract where this matters.
Do we have to nuetralise after use ...if so by an acid or alkali soluction.
Is it safe on wood?
Will it discolour organic materials like sun canopies ?

My email is         info AT
Regrads Chris
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267


  • Posts: 13419
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2017, 06:42:52 pm »
Agree with the lads here - not knocking you Martin but over the years we've seen loads of 'new' cleaning miracle agents the worst of which was just diluted G101 sold at 5 times its value !!!

I worry that you have full time staff - and developed this product YET still remain under the VAT threshold ...

i Have ONE SIMPLE Question ( and i hope you answer it )

does your product contain sodium hypochlorite ?  YES or NO

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Martin Beaumont

  • Posts: 4
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2017, 03:03:23 pm »
I'm unsure if the people posting on here understand the concept of a Patent or Patent Pending so let me help you out.

You think of an idea, and if you think it has substance, you'd then spend a significant amount of money with a Chemist, and around £800.00 per hour with a Patent Attorney. To put a Patent out,  if granted (Which could take up to three years) you'd then own the Patent, in the meantime, whilst you're getting through an endless amount of money, it's a good idea to keep the recipe a secret.  :o

Here is my Patent Attorneys name and address, perhaps you'll have more luck with him than you are with me. I've also included his Bio for you, just in case there is any doubt as to who he is or what he does. Feel free to call / email him and let him know Martin would like him to discuss what is in the Monty Solution with you.

(This is in case you want to do a google search, I've saved you the trouble) (Start Of Bio as found on google) Robin Browne has more than twenty years' post qualification experience of both corporate and private practice in many aspects of patent, trademark, design and exploitation matters.
His practice has included prosecution of European and international patent applications for a wide variety of clients with particular emphasis on chemical and pharmaceutical subject matter. He has experience of patent and trademark litigation in the UK high Court, Court of Appeal and House of Lords. 
Robin Browne
Registered Office
15 St Pauls Street, Leeds, UK, LS1 2JG
Tel: 0845 270 4900
In the meantime, I'm appalled at some of the comments displayed here over the months,  the idea that it has made it to the front page of google and harming my business is beyond comprehension.  I neither have the time or inclination to comment further, I have furnished all of you with the relevant details of Robin Brown who is dealing with my Patent and I wish you all well.


  • Posts: 13419
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2017, 03:38:35 pm »
as said before we have seen many "revolutionary" products
personally i would need data sheet before even buying the product - just like my clients demand from me - from your posts your unwilling to supply these under the term "secret"
not sure if thats legal or not - can't be bothered to check but i will say i can get info on all legitimate products

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2017, 06:21:55 pm »
So it's bleach then ;D
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267


  • Posts: 13419
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2017, 06:24:31 pm »
So it's bleach then ;D
Can't be - it's a secret  ;)
Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Splash & dash

  • Posts: 4364
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2017, 11:19:28 pm »
I think this guy is the solar steve of softwashing 😂😂😂😂😂 simple question is it sh or not why can you not answer a simple question ???  People arnt going to buy a product without data sheets as our customers dictate what can and cannot be used on the properties due to the type of building material , alloy cladding steel cladding , stone ,brick, k rend wood , and so the list goes on , how can we decide what's best and more importantly safe and won't cause damage to the client or there properties without this vital information, as they say on the den Ime out 😂😂😂😂😂


  • Posts: 432
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2017, 06:08:45 pm »
I just bought this and tried it out. ITS DEFINITELY HYPO! Stinks of bleach! Plus on the instructions explains how it will kill plants etc if not thoroughly watered before and after.


  • Posts: 2418
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2017, 06:16:45 pm »
I think you should get it patented and then put it to market. Saves all this p***sing about.
I have a customer with a huge grade 2 listed building that needs cleaning.
Am I going to use a product without the full RAMS and COSH. No f****ing way.
It sounds like you have a very good product with no idea of marketing or...
you have bleach with no idea of marketing.
Good luck.

"Thank you for calling: if you have a 1st floor flat, mid terraced house, lots of dogs, no parking, no side access, or no sense of humour, please press hold!
For all other enquiries, please press1"

robbie peters

  • Posts: 9
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2017, 07:20:22 pm »
Hello Lads,

Been lurking & reading the posts here for a while, so joined as some good info on this board.

For many years I used to run my own gardening care business,then one day the other half mentions that her company are looking for a maintenance man, I go along for the interview, and get the poxy job!

However after 2 1/2 years I'm starting to hate it! So looking to start on my own again. don't want to go into gardening service again, so maybe start jet washing/soft washing....

This is my 1st post, and as Monty Solution came up .....just had to post!

Also I've been doing a lot of research on this jet washing/soft washing over the last few months.

1st up the long time members here massive thanks for ya posts especially Mike Halliday your posts are just so helpful its beyond words! ;D

Now over to you Martin Beaumont.

RE:I'm unsure if the people posting on here understand the concept of a Patent or Patent Pending so let me help you out.

What and you do?

You have a recipe and you can NOT Patent a recipe.

Don't believe me then ring the London patent office on: 0300 300 2000

AND they will tell you the ONLY protection is a: 'Trade Secret'

Patent Attorney's sell fear AND you've been robbed!

But hey hoo what goes round comes round, only the gullible will buy your product, its obvious what Monty Solution is cos ya won't answer any of the lads questions here!

RE: If you really want me to start on how destructive jet washing is and put all your businesses down,  destroying customers property, I'm more than qualified to, I have been in the industry over 33 years, from sand blasting Power Stations to Ice blasting etc.

Then explain how in the heck are you going to clean something like this:

(picture copyright @ Mike Halliday - HOPE you don't mind me post it, btw good thread that one!)

BTW, I have the Monty Solution msds sheets, they were obtained from Martin Beaumont by a friend of mine that  I'm going into the jet washing/soft washing business with, when we were doing our research. I'm not going to post them on a public forum, however if Mike Halliday is reading this, send me a PM.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: any one heard Monty Solution
« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2017, 07:57:48 pm »
We don't have a pm system on clean it up, but if you want to contact me my website is listed below with a contact page & phone number

Mike Halliday.