[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536

I was wondering where I should get them from, and what brand would be the best, I'd like a sleeve with one very rough side for the horrible 'building material on window' type of cleans. I got most of my stuff from Scrimcity, but I don't think they have what I'm looking for there.

They have this, but I have no idea if that is what I need :

Kind regards.


  • Posts: 980
This is probaly what your looking for mate!

[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536
You mean 'This' (missing picture or link) or ^ 'That' ; the thing that I linked? haha  ;D


  • Posts: 980

[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536
Haha don't worry.  ;)

Yea I better get me one of them then, one house just had their patio done, ugh, concrete stuff everywhere.....first scraper, then alot of scrubbing, I thought, hmmm I really need a special scrubber for this.


  • Posts: 33
Be careful srazor blading windows with concrete on, the concrete will drag on the window under the blade and scratch the windows.

Try oilflo 141 with a non abrasive sponge.