
  • Posts: 779
Red Nose Day
« on: March 06, 2005, 10:02:13 pm »
Any one got any good idea's?
The secret is not doing as you like but liking what you do


Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2005, 10:03:36 pm »
Personnaly, I find something incongruous with having a laugh for people who are either suffering or dying a bit odd. Try as I might, I can put the two together as related.

I worked for the volunteer services overseas for over 10 years and whilst anything that helps is good, I can't help but feel that somehow the real horror of starvation, disease and like gets trivialised by the red nose thing.

I think give your money to a charity that tells you excatly how much ends up where it should, and exactly what the money is used for. i.e. permantly substainable agriculture etc.

Cheers and the above is an entirely personnal view point but you did ask about red nose day and I have been to those countries and seen it for myself when the cameras aren't there.


  • Posts: 289
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 10:17:17 pm »
I'm just starting out, and using RND as a bit of a marketing point, as well as a way of making money for a good cause. Obviously, as I'm new, I'm still in the process of building my customer base. So, with that in mind, I'm issuing flyers and knocking on doors, and informing them that for all new customers I receive by Friday I will give a percentage of the first clean price to Comic Relief.

I'm well aware there will be a number of people that will scoff at this idea, but I feel that by doing this you are showing that you are an honest person with good values. Also, if someone has been thinking about getting a window cleaner then this may push them into saying 'Yes'.

Everyone needs money to live, but there is a difference in the amount you need to have a good life, and the amount you want. This is a personal choice, about making lives better for some of those who are worse off than you and if you don't wish to participate then keep your arrogant comments to yourself. (Mentioning no names)


  • Posts: 289
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 10:17:57 pm »
Ps It isn't Ross.


  • Posts: 289
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 10:26:01 pm »
Like I said:

This is a personal choice, about making lives better for some of those who are worse off than you and if you don't wish to participate then keep your arrogant comments to yourself. (Mentioning no names)


  • Posts: 25083
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2005, 10:27:34 pm »
Obviously you've had much experience Ross, but I don't know - when I see Lenny Henry (for example) stood surrounded by villagers where they've just managed to supply fresh water it warms my heart - (the fact that for a relatively few dollars a whole village doesn't have to spend hours a day collecting water and being able to cleanse, irrigate and even just drink at will is wonderful.)

I know its never ending and that it doesn't make a huge difference to millions of others but it makes a huge difference to the ones that get the help.

Mind you - I'm not charity mad - I reckon too much (generally) money doesn't get to where it would do the most good.

Sermon and ramble over! :)

Modified to add - sometimes it's a case of "You have to laugh or you'd cry." or a bit of both.
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2005, 10:44:37 pm »
I think 12 years of charity working gives me more than just an insight.

The issues with charity are very complex. The main one being is to do something that lasts.

I didn't want to demean what Red Nose Day does. It's simply that having been in the middle of horrors that  the West in general have no idea as to it's reality when you are there, that comedy and 'starvation' for instance, don't mix. That is my perspective but form the perspective of those in such countries, the aid is all that is important however it is raised.

Also, when the camera's go - oh yes. That is a very different story. Speak to any aid worker about that. My personnal experiences of that on repeated occassions are one of disgust. Selling a news story.... that's what matters. Not always but often.

Simbag, your idea is a good one. And why the 'mention no names'? You were refering to me so just say so. Arrogant? Arrogant is think you know it all and to ignore others.


  • Posts: 25083
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2005, 10:49:07 pm »
Ross read more carefully what simbag and graham said!
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 26
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2005, 10:53:31 pm »
I think ross owes simbag some " charitable" words now!
Graham wins 1st place for arrogant one line sentances!


  • Posts: 289
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2005, 11:07:42 pm »
You were refering to me so just say so. Arrogant? Arrogant is think you know it all and to ignore others.

Ross as you will see, I added a PS under my post. So evidently,the coment was not aimed at you.

I hear what you are saying though. And I realise that Comic Relief is not the be all, and end all of the solution to the problem. Itis a way of giving a little to some people that need it more than me.

Other than actually getting on a plane flying to Africa, I can't really think of a way of doing something that lasts, other than, trusting the money to charities that claim to know what they are doing.

Ross, if you do have any articles that would show the other side of the camera, I would be interested in reading them.


Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2005, 11:10:23 pm »


I do think what you are doing is a very worthwhile thing. Every penny helps. Some think that even 5p does nothing but it does.

I'm a cynic. I admit that and I got worn down with trying but do go for it.

It's a good idea but please make sure you get a receipt for the money you send off and then show that to the customers who you do windows for.

Sorry if I seemed to putting a downer on your idea  :-[



  • Posts: 289
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2005, 11:16:52 pm »
Ross, I don't think you are putting a downer on it. The issue is obviously there and needs to be raised, which is exactly what you are doing.

It's just a shame some can't be more constructive with their comments. :-\


  • Posts: 779
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2005, 07:17:33 am »
Having worked over 16 years in the Pub trade I promise you that although it seems to be a conflict, having a laugh to help people with nothing, People give far more when they are enjoying themself than any other way and if some one's  efforts only help a little, it a start, when you see the picture of these countries with problems, people dieing for the lack of clean water and here we are (wfp users) pumping water over windows it's got to make you think obout values...
these are personal views and like a lot aof people I am concerned about how the money is spent but some times we need to trust other wise nothing will be achieved.

I don't think useing RND as a marketing tool is  wrong (all the major companys jump on the band wagon and tell you how much they helped to raise, pubs arrange special nights to raise money,  thier till take and profile in the community,and if by helping others you can help yourself I say go for it (When I was running a pub in Alcester I stuck a customer on the roof for the day to raise money, Had problems getting him down though had a little to much happy juice, (I never new about working at hights then)
The secret is not doing as you like but liking what you do


  • Posts: 2986
Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2005, 09:46:51 am »
I understand that it can seem incongruous to mix humor with the horrors that part of many third World Countries.
But I also think that heavy handed dour, appeals that do nothing but show the full horrors end out being counter productive. We become desensitized.
The Likes of Lenny Henry truly believe in what they are doing. I don't know just what percentage of the money raised through comic relief gets to where it is needed, the same goes with other charities too.

Best of luck to you Simbag, but make sure everything is done properly, monies receipted and so on.
I tend to support a local charity called S.A.R.A. its a local rescue service, cliffside rescues, lifeboat and so on. So all my small change goes in their box in the local shops.
I know where the money goes, and I feel I am doing my little bit.

Time I got back to work!



Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2005, 04:47:04 pm »
At the risk of sounding mean hearted i dont hold with events like red nose day, why it should take one day to prick anyone social conscience?. People congratulate themselves on their annual donation but do little to improve the society they live in. I know i sound like a leftty idealist but i'm not i just dont like being jerrymandered into a guilt trip by celebrities.

P.S. Does anyone else find it ironic that Billy Connolly does adverts for RND talking about compassion fatigue after his totally out of order comments re Ken Bigley.

Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2005, 05:50:44 pm »
If charities make money and the underprivellaged benefit, I can't see how anything that facilitates this is wrong.  My eight year old doesn't really give a stuff about hungry people - not a jot - not really; but she's bought a red nose and is paying £1.00 to her school so she can have a 'Mad hair day'.  Of course we try and educate her; but she'd rather play!

Would Third World children care as long as they were fed, clothed or had access to clean water, or medicines.  Of course not!

I think the means must justify the ends.

Red Nose Day can't be wrong.  The same way Bob Geldof's song wasn't wrong (or was it Midgure's?).  It saves lives and alleviates hardship.

Oh, I've seen poverty too during tours in Bosnia and Kosovo and I lived in Central America for nearly a year. 

In Bosnia I even met a twelve year old child, canvassing for customers for his prostitute mother (because he could speak English and she obviously couldn't).  The cost?  Two cigarettes.  She wouldn't have smoked them; currency was worthless in Tuzla; they would probably have been exchanged for food.  Why else would her son be so eager to 'give her away'. 

Poor lass.  I gave her a couple of packs and sent them on their way with a flea in their ear.  Hopefully it meant she didn't have to sell herself for a while!  I'm no hero mind.

Some problems can be helped by chucking money at them and if the alternative is to do nothing; give them the dosh! Don't be mean!


Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2005, 07:18:24 pm »
and is any of it actually funny ?..It's failed to raise a grin from me thus far....


Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2005, 07:45:44 pm »
It's sartarical humour. The type that's meant to make you think it's not funny.


Re: Red Nose Day
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2005, 07:47:47 pm »
oh, I see...

Philip Hanson

  • Posts: 652
Re: Red Nose Day New
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2005, 08:10:35 pm »
Again, to much trolling in this thread which I am now locking after having deleted too many posts.

If it doesn't stop, I'll have to start removing members.

Editor, Professional Window Cleaner Magazine

"The irony of the information age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion"
John Lawton