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Ex customers.....

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Had a text off one yesterday(last cleaned 3 years ago)asking how much would I charge to clean her 5 skylights as her current window cleaners can't reach them... ;D

She got rid of me when I put the price up £2 to £32 after years of service and no price rises...

I simply replied 'I'm sorry but I wouldn't take you on as a customer again'

I'm cleaning 4 of her neighbours this morning so I'll smile and wave at her if I see her! ;D

She basically replaced me with a cheaper cleaner who charged £25 but the skylights will not have been cleaned for 3 years now as they don't have a 47ft pole!🤣

michael mckeary:
I would have told her no problem, £200 because they have not been cleaned since I last cleaned them. Money paid into my bank account before I begin. I always offer old customers my service back but bump up the price. I'm happy to do work at a premium. Received a call from a rich guy saying he only had 12 windows. He texted his address and I saw it was a £750k house. I text back the real price and not heard from him since. I think he bumped the windy cleaner and thought he would get a newbi to do it for a tenner a month or he was selling up. Great getting customers this time of year because we are all busy so give a good price and don't need to explain anything because they need you more than we need them.

£200  FFS haha. Joke and plss take.


--- Quote from: michael mckeary on May 08, 2024, 08:44:25 am ---I would have told her no problem, £200 because they have not been cleaned since I last cleaned them. Money paid into my bank account before I begin. I always offer old customers my service back but bump up the price. I'm happy to do work at a premium. Received a call from a rich guy saying he only had 12 windows. He texted his address and I saw it was a £750k house. I text back the real price and not heard from him since. I think he bumped the windy cleaner and thought he would get a newbi to do it for a tenner a month or he was selling up. Great getting customers this time of year because we are all busy so give a good price and don't need to explain anything because they need you more than we need them.

--- End quote ---

How many have you lost to get the 100 you claim you have?


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