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Carpet cleaning leaflet for January

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Mike Halliday:
Neil, my normal leaflet is on the back, it cost me an extra £100 for 20,000 to have this 2 colour ad on the back of my leaflet.


Let us know how your offers work.  I've tried the same offers with little response.  People just ring and want it cleaned.  Those who care about the offers where usually 'not desirable' as longterm customers.


We once tried a 3 for 2 offer, it generated little work but lots of questions about how we could afford to do it and whether we had we inflated our prices.

We have found that gimmicks do not work. Simply keeping to an honest, reliable price with constant high standards will guarantee repeat business and recommendation. We are well booked up into January without any "offers".


Mike Halliday:
A very interesting reply nicky, especially when you look beyond the words.

it generated little work but lots of questions

this says to me you need to work on your salesmanship, if a marketing plan gets the customer to ask questions then its done its job, its how you answer these questions that leads to getting work.

I'm glad you're established enough not to have to resort to these types of marketing, but some of us need a little bit of help in these lean months ;)




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