Steven Butler

  • Posts: 1318
Larger hose and performance
« on: October 04, 2017, 08:38:42 pm »
Might be a daft question.. hope not BUT I've got a black max 600 psi and use CFR hideahose which I believe is 1.5", if I was to use 2" like the airflex storm or Jag etc would my performance improve??? Or is it all down to what vacs you have?


  • Posts: 775
Re: Larger hose and performance
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 11:32:43 pm »
Performance would be the same, but there would be a delay before reaching peak
suction, so it would appear as a performance loss. Your machine is vac optimised
so ideally you do not want to go above 1.5".
Switching to non hide a hose may help slightly, but the solution hose doesn't affect
performance very much.
Those other machines are air optimised due to vacuum motor configuration so 2" is
the ideal size hose, they shift more air, you shift less at higher suction.
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