Matt Steele

  • Posts: 90
« on: June 07, 2017, 08:12:31 am »
Theoretical question; when cleaning carpets where a low PH is key is it ok to lower the level of a high PH detergent with an acidic additive or will this be detrimental to the effectiveness of the detergent, or indeed detrimental in any other way?

Adam Eastman

  • Posts: 93
Re: Detergents/Acidity
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2017, 01:06:03 pm »
Personally I would just buy a low ph detergent, for example pre spray gold.

Robin Ray

Re: Detergents/Acidity
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2017, 05:04:11 pm »
I would second what Adam has said. There are also chemicals which self neutralize, two excellent solutions are Spitfire Advanced and Up & Out. Both are manufactured by Research Products. You can buy them here in the UK from Cleaners Warehouse. My personal favorite is UP & Out.

Additionally, you can get away with leaving wool at ph 9.5. I know the woolsafe people would have a heart attack even thinking about such a thing  but in reality it can be ok. As always test first though.

........ and one more thing for real mingers it is quite often ok to use a high ph prespray like powerburst which is ph 11 then rinse with an acid rinse. I and many others do this all the time with absolutely no problems. Again many would never do this but if in doubt test and that will tell you all you need to know.