Bob Allen

  • Posts: 523
Risk Assesments
« on: May 22, 2017, 09:44:45 pm »
Has anyone got an example of a risk assessment for cleaning a rest home I do each week, carpets & upholstery
thanks in advance
Bob Allen


  • Posts: 3183
Re: Risk Assesments
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2017, 08:29:00 am »

You need a method statement and data sheets initially, these form the basis of the risk assessment( you cannot possibly assess a risk when you do not understand what you are cleaning, how and what with)

I will post a risk assessment in the next post,  data sheets are on most suppliers sites, and ought to be carried on each vehicle which holds chemicals.

Carpet and upholstery cleaning Method statement
The method for cleaning such surfaces centres around the accessibility and safety aspects.
Areas requiring cleaning will be cordoned off as agreed with site management prior to the commencement of any works to minimise risk to third parties (where applicable).
This work will have a strict adherence to a formal Health & Safety document (provided separately).
Techs are to receive information, instruction, training and supervision from their managers.
Due to the nature of hosing being in evidence during the cleaning, yellow warning and slippery surface signs will be deployed where deemed necessary.
Safety Personal Protective Equipment worn at all times includes fluorescent jackets, hard hats and safety shoes (where applicable).
Carpet areas will be damp to the touch for a short while following the cleaning activity. Foot traffic is advisable after approximately one hour.
However, from heavy soiled areas and external venues this is advised to be ok once all carpets are fully dry.
Carry out an on site risk assessment and record your findings and controls.
You must carry the M.S.D.S on your vehicle for the chemicals to be used.  Carry out a CoSHH risk assessment.
A first aid kit and an eye wash kit must be close to hand.
For manual handling see our Manual Handling Method Statement.
Several solutions exist that will provide a deep clean to all carpeted areas.
Each solution used will be deemed appropriate by Valley cleaning centre for the carpet construction, type and soiling being removed.
The resultant carpet will be left in a clean and rinsed neutral condition.
All solutions are environmentally safe, non toxic and not flammable.
Additional treatments including, sanitizers, deodorisers, carpet protectors etc will be applied as per guidelines (where required to be applied).
Each working area will be determined with site management prior to commencement of any works to maximise site operations. The designated working area will be cordoned off and/or marked with ‘Caution – Cleaning in Progress’ slippery surface warning signs.
Where applicable, safety PPE will be worn.
Commencing at the furthest point from the equipment access area, an appropriate pre-spray cleaning solution will be sprayed onto the carpet areas. Pre-sprays can contain odour neutralisers and deodorisers where required.
Dependent upon soiling levels and carpet construction, the pre-spray will be agitated into the fibre to release soiling. Such solutions will be allowed to ‘dwell’ on the fibre set to enhance soil removal.
Hoses from a Truck Mount unit or portable machine will then be run from the machinery through to the area being cleaned.
Yellow warning signs will be deployed typically every 50ft where applicable to notify nearby traffic of hose hazard (where necessary).
If people are nearby a banks man may be used to control trailing pipes and protect people.
The cleaning machine will be used to deliver a heated rinsing agent and powerful vacuum, removing the residual soiling from the carpet being cleaning.
The rinsing agent will leave the carpet in a clean and neutral condition.
Any localised staining not removed during the main cleaning process will be investigated for its potential removal and dealt with where possible.  Solutions used will be neutralised where appropriate.
Strong solvents (if used on sticky residues), will be rinsed and neutralised from the area.  The work must be well ventilated.
All carpeted areas will be damp upon completion, but internal office traffic can be resumed over the surface within a one hour time frame.  Traffic from heavy soiled areas is not advised until such time as the fibres are dry.
All residual soiled solutions and waste is vacuumed back to our vehicles. Such waste can be disposed of in the sewage system.
Valley Cleaning Centre are designated carriers of hazardous waste and can safely transport any residual soiling from the area for safe disposal.
All debris to be disposed of under duty of care and waste transfer notes to be recorded.
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings


  • Posts: 3183
Re: Risk Assesments
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2017, 08:45:10 am »

The risk assessment contains boxes that cannot be copied and pasted so if you email me, I will respond with a copy

Employer’s responsibilities
As employers Valley Cleaning Centre has a duty to all employees, casual workers, part-time workers, trainees, visitors and sub-contractors who may be in our workplace or use work equipment provided by us. Consideration will also be given to our neighbours and the general public.
Management will ensure they:
 Assess all risks to worker’s health and safety and bring the significant findings to the attention of employees.
 Provide safe plant and equipment that is suitably maintained.
 Provide a safe place of work with adequate facilities and safe access and egress.
 Provide adequate training and information to all employees.
 Have provisions in place to guarantee that articles and substances are handled and stored in a proper manner.
 Provide health surveillance to employees where it is deemed necessary.
 Appoint competent persons to help comply with health and safety law.
Employee’s responsibilities
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 details two main sections which employees are required to comply with. These are:
Every employee has a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, section 7, to take reasonable care of himself/herself and any other person who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
In addition to the above, Section 8 states that under no circumstances shall employees purposely or recklessly interfere or misuse anything provided in the interest of safety or welfare, life saving equipment, signs or fire fighting equipment.
Employees also have a duty to assist and co-operate with Valley Cleaning Centre and any other person to ensure all aspects of health
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings

Bob Allen

  • Posts: 523
Re: Risk Assesments
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2017, 07:19:47 pm »
Hi Jason
Thank you for responding would be greatful if you could send me a copy
Regards Rob
Bob Allen


  • Posts: 3183
Re: Risk Assesments
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2017, 04:46:15 pm »
if you email me I will send it over
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings


  • Posts: 4239
Re: Risk Assesments
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2017, 08:19:25 am »
Never yet been asked for any of this at any commercial premise....they have always been empty when being cleaned though.
Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 3617
Re: Risk Assesments
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2017, 09:02:17 am »

Strangely,  I was asked for the first time in years only yesterday.

They have asked for a generic risk and method statement.

Appreciate it if any one could forward me a copy.

who ever said dont knock before u try ,i never tried dog crap but i know i wouldnt like  haha