
  • Posts: 4
Re: Checkatrade free membership
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2014, 07:39:59 pm »
I have been on checkatrade for a number of years, when it first came out it was very quite, now I get 4 to 5 enquirers per week , all my feedback is done on line by the customer ,and the work I get is over £100 per job as that is my min charge , this week I have one job over £600 and two over £250 , if are good at your job and charge what you are worth it is for you , just go to checkatrade customer feedback and type in Clean&Bright carpet cleaner you will see 850 customer feedback's not everyone does gives feedback, this is the only advertising I do, even my close competitor has over 500,so if you are getting it for free the you have a good deal, do not expect it to work overnight as you have to build up your reputation

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: Checkatrade free membership
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2014, 07:23:18 pm »
well its safe to say that it works for some and not for others.

Did someone not mention a while ago that most of their marketing is in the south of England? So obviously you'd stand a better chance if you services those areas.

peter maybury

  • Posts: 916
Re: Checkatrade free membership
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2014, 02:35:09 am »
They are very little known in south wales but the rates are the same as the rest of the country. We had an enquiry today from a company based in the south east that rent caravans in Wales, so all 3 enquiries we have had have been from out of our area, so in a 12 month period I have had 1 enquiry that I am actually able to convert to work. Even if there is some generation of work you could say that it may be worth while just for the recommendations from that. But paying hundreds of pounds for one job is not sound business sense. Those that are getting it for free be carefull of the amount of work you create for yourself if you ever wish to leave. Ie advertising it on your sites, stationary, van stickers etc as I have created quite a bit of work for myself in taking it down. Also bear in mind that if you, your staff and friends are hitting on your checkatrade page and your customers from links from your site, you will not be getting a realistic number of page hits from checkatrade.
