
  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2012, 04:06:37 pm »
So what do you do if a gate is locked? So if a customer dares to ask for something that you are not happy with you just dump them? There are more and more people coming into the industry and its the ones that offer good customer service that will survive....

The world has moved on and too many cleaners want it all in their favour, its a customer led business and if someone comes into your area offering the full package you will lose customers.....

Someone said earlier that its a lifestyle business, thats true to a degree but that does not mean that you can treat people with contempt, most people are happy to just turn up so the odd phone call shouldnt be an issue....

When I started my round I text every single customer every single day and it worked a treat, its sorts the round into decent customers in a matter of months and they were made aware that the text wasnt a get out clause, it was just notice for the next day. It also meant 99% percent of the access issues were sorted....

And for those that think this takes too much time, it took less than 5 minutes to text them all as just had a template and just had to add the numbers....


Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2012, 04:14:53 pm »
Gd why did u give up if your round was to a t???


  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2012, 04:22:02 pm »
Simply wasnt for me, I prefer to work in sales and marketing.... I am slowly stopping the canvassing too as I am now involved in another company that I am spending more and more time on....

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2012, 04:53:16 pm »
Nothing is wrong with that Mick Kent. I'm talking about special customers.
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 1942
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2012, 04:57:07 pm »
Just call, why is it a problem?

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2012, 05:02:17 pm »
So what do you do if a gate is locked? So if a customer dares to ask for something that you are not happy with you just dump them? There are more and more people coming into the industry and its the ones that offer good customer service that will survive....

The world has moved on and too many cleaners want it all in their favour, its a customer led business and if someone comes into your area offering the full package you will lose customers.....

Someone said earlier that its a lifestyle business, thats true to a degree but that does not mean that you can treat people with contempt, most people are happy to just turn up so the odd phone call shouldnt be an issue....

When I started my round I text every single customer every single day and it worked a treat, its sorts the round into decent customers in a matter of months and they were made aware that the text wasnt a get out clause, it was just notice for the next day. It also meant 99% percent of the access issues were sorted....

And for those that think this takes too much time, it took less than 5 minutes to text them all as just had a template and just had to add the numbers....

I thought I'd explained fairly well what my opinion was. I don't just "dump" anyone, I replace them as soon as I can. Seems hard for some to see any other point but their own on here at this time. Maybe it's the warm weather eh? You text who you want, and go that extra mile. What else do you need me to write so as to make it clear? Why must there be a right and wrong? Maybe you should try a debating club or something similar.

Nobody trying to take anything away from you GD. Calm down, and keep doing what you think is best for you. I haven't got that much time as I need to service the customers who want their windows cleaned. If they want anything "special" I'll be sure to pass their address onto someone who goes that extra mile.

When I started my round, there were no mobile phones, but if there were, you can guess if I'd have texted anyone. As I said, there's no right and wrong, just different attitudes really.
Funny the way we're all different isn't it?
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #46 on: May 29, 2012, 05:16:53 pm »
Lol I am calm, just trying to get my point across....

dave f

Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #47 on: May 29, 2012, 05:41:44 pm »
what happens when you call no reply cant hang around for ever ive already dumped one for that reason ,phoneing haning around waiting for them to get sorted why make a easy job hard  ??? just get rid ,ok if its a decent paying job

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4149
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #48 on: May 29, 2012, 05:48:22 pm »
Heaven forbid that anyone should give a customer what they want...

Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #49 on: May 29, 2012, 05:50:02 pm »
Window cleaning has changed a lot in the last 5 years and its will totally change beyond our expectations in th enext 10 to 15 years.

Window cleaning is a service industry and people are used to having customer service in place, in the old days they never complained if they had to wait in line at the shops or for a taxi, not now, they want a till opened for them and 10 minutes to wait for a taxi when you are a regular customer is over the top.

I have always texted /phoned the night before because it gives me more control on my round and what I earn, I have worked it out, that if I did not cal the night before I could lose upto £800 per month because I cannot get to the backs.

I go with the flow with my customers and if they that the morning/afternoon is bad for them, I will re-gig the round and work them into it to suit them, if it cannot be done tomorrow it will be done that week, so I don't lose any revenue.

At times some customer will say not this time please, I always ask why, and most of the reasons they give is they have an appointment or don't have the cash in the house.

I then offer to clean their windows when they are at home and as for the money, no problem I can pick it up the next time I clean.

We all use services industries and we all notice and remember the companies that give us a better shopping expierence, when we order a part, that we need urgently because our system is broken, who would you recommend and use again, the comapny that ships the park straightaway, by a courier who will do a, am, delivery or the company thats ships the part when they like and the courier company will deliver it when its right for them.

I gain a lot of customers by pointing out that I do this and how long does it take to send 20 to 30 text/phones calls, you will get a 50/50 share of text/calls to do, texts are a doodle because it the same message that is saved on th ephone I just add the numbers and press the send button, I can do 20 in 2 minutes, phone calls take a little longer, I normally allow 15 to 20 minutes for the lot to be done.


  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #50 on: May 29, 2012, 05:56:16 pm »
what happens when you call no reply cant hang around for ever ive already dumped one for that reason ,phoneing haning around waiting for them to get sorted why make a easy job hard  ??? just get rid ,ok if its a decent paying job

So if its a good paying job you give more of an allowance?

If no reply you have done your bit and just crack on with the job, its not about jumping through hoops its about a bit of common courtesy.

Purehydro makes some very good points, I always try to reverse the situation and think how I would like it to be.

I know if I get poor customer service from any company I am the first to complain so its important to me....

Roy Cauldery

  • Posts: 497
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #51 on: May 29, 2012, 09:03:21 pm »
   Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #15 on: Yesterday at 10:02:52 pm »   
Quote from: bobplum on Yesterday at 09:35:09 pm
have we created our own problems
many years ago window cleaners would just call and do the job
now i do appreciate that times have moved on and we need to adapt or die,technology as played a big part in this,ie texting but in our quest to be different from other windies are we not just compounding the situation and giving more power to the customer
this is a devils advocate question

Any business is customer led, I think too many on here forget that and think they are in charge. No customers equals no business...

If someone came in and offered a more customer led experience then the customers would follow....

I have said for a long time that sooner or later someone will set up a "super" company in the domestic market that competes on price and customer service and totally change the industry....

Somebody called??? 8)

Woah,only joking boys

we succeed because others can't or won't

Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #52 on: May 29, 2012, 10:37:14 pm »
I agree with you Roy, times are changing and we all need to look over our shoulder to see who is coming.

Already a lot of sole traders are branching out, they are taking on staff, putting more vans on the road or even franchising, you also have to look at some of the big boys.

I think that the super company will come from the sole trader who wants to exploit the market he works in, the same is true with a franchise, as they grow they make more and more money, this can then be used to canvass/promote their services, the price on the work involved will not be affected at fist but customer service will be, as well as quality.

The customers will be given a better choise of service that is on offer and when someone offers a better service, with the same level of quality or better, then you will start to lose customers and once lost they are hard to replace as all will be left are the wannaby customers who really don't want a regular cleaner, but just to have their windows cleaned whenever they like.

Of course this is not going to happen overnight or all over the country but it has already started to happen and the future is not that far away in time.


  • Posts: 23828
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #53 on: May 29, 2012, 11:24:03 pm »
Simply wasnt for me, I prefer to work in sales and marketing.... I am slowly stopping the canvassing too as I am now involved in another company that I am spending more and more time on....

So you've given up your window cleaning ... obviously you didn't feel it was rewarding enough for you.

Perhaps that is because you didn't have the most rewarding of relationships with your customers?

I'm with Paul Coleman on this one.

Other points ... Access to the back? Use a gate ladder or obtain the key or a code. Want to have money put out for you? How quaint ... get paid on line or they can send a cheque.

I really don't have time to put up with unnecessary whims of customers.

And as for customer service - we turn up - we do a very good and thorough job and we go. On average we lift £10 to £20 from them per visit - I'm not selling Porsches!

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2012, 11:29:19 pm »
Lol you really want to sink to that to try and prove a point gold? I have friends now that were customers so my relationship with them was just fine. You stick in the dark ages and shy away from customer contact....

The funniest thing is trying to say that getting customers to leave money out is a bad idea, thats just plain hilarious.... How can that be a bad idea?


  • Posts: 23828
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2012, 11:39:35 pm »
I dunno GD you come from a funny old angle ... you have customers who are friends and you think that is a good business model?

I don't clean windows to make friends.

Leaving money out is completely unnecessary with cheques and now online payment it never has been.

What happens when Mrs. lady says "I left £20 under the plant pot!" and it's gone missing between her fair hand and my wallet? More trouble than it is worth.

It's a game of three halves!

Paul Coleman

Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #56 on: May 29, 2012, 11:44:40 pm »
Simply wasnt for me, I prefer to work in sales and marketing.... I am slowly stopping the canvassing too as I am now involved in another company that I am spending more and more time on....

So you're not window cleaning any more but are now in sales and marketing?
I'm not that surprised really because you do seem to have a marketeers approach to window cleaning.
Just re-read that.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that approach.  It just doesn't suit me personally.  Trying to juggle schedules around individual customers' needs would have put me in the funny farm if I had continued that way.  I ended up on CIU instead  :)


  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2012, 11:46:41 pm »
Do you not think being friendly with people is a good thing? Wow we do live in different worlds....

If you are friendly with your customers they are less likely to mess you about, yes I did and still do the odd favour for them even though they are not customers anymore but I would do anyone a favour anyway.... You obviously not.....

Not much more to say really as we are obviously so different.....


  • Posts: 1049
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #58 on: May 29, 2012, 11:50:39 pm »
Simply wasnt for me, I prefer to work in sales and marketing.... I am slowly stopping the canvassing too as I am now involved in another company that I am spending more and more time on....

So you're not window cleaning any more but are now in sales and marketing?
I'm not that surprised really because you do seem to have a marketeers approach to window cleaning.
Just re-read that.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that approach.  It just doesn't suit me personally.  Trying to juggle schedules around individual customers' needs would have put me in the funny farm if I had continued that way.  I ended up on CIU instead  :)

Re read everything I have said cos this is driving me mad, I never said juggle schedules or jump through hoops, just a bit of old fashioned customer service...


  • Posts: 23828
Re: Can you call before you come next time
« Reply #59 on: May 29, 2012, 11:55:31 pm »
Do you not think being friendly with people is a good thing? Wow we do live in different worlds....

If you are friendly with your customers they are less likely to mess you about, yes I did and still do the odd favour for them even though they are not customers anymore but I would do anyone a favour anyway.... You obviously not.....

Not much more to say really as we are obviously so different.....

Now you're twisting things GD - there is a big difference in being "friendly" to customers and making "friends" of customers. Surely you see that?
It's a game of three halves!