paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
First Cleans Too Long
« on: November 11, 2018, 09:58:30 pm »
Been doing a couple of first cleans today, I know its Sunday and all but wanted to get them done so I don't have many first cleans left for next week.

It took me an hour and 20 minutes to first clean a £20.00 bungalow!!! That's an extreme example, I'm not always that slow but you get the picture.

No matter how I approach first cleans they just seem to take me too long, I think the problem is I try to get them to the point where I can be sure the next clean is a straightforward maintenance clean.

Do you guys try to get them ready for maintenance first time, or would you get them "clean" dry the frames and give them a good thorough clean on the next one? I know if I were to just clean the frames and then dry them I would be done in half the time, but then on the next clean, I wouldn't be sure if I was to just "maintenance" clean them.

How long do others spend on first cleans?

Any tips, tricks, wisdom or opinions welcome.


  • Posts: 6080
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2018, 10:16:56 pm »
I used to spend ages.

Doing all windows then waiting for frames/vents to dry or drying the with a cloth then going over glass etc.

If they are paying double then all this fine but the way I do it now doesn't take much longer than a first clean, I just tell them they might gets some runs on first clean, clean and scrub top frame well then clean rest of window as normal then onto next window.

I've started to give less of a poop in general and am now working much faster, I have been guilty of going overboard and ocd in the past when really most of the time its overkill for a ten quid house.

I've got 5 first cleans tomorrow along with about 25 other jobs on my own so I better get my skates on.

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2018, 10:20:53 pm »
Its like some kind of mental block for me. Annoying.


  • Posts: 928
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2018, 10:21:17 pm »
If the windows are minging (ie: algae covered UPVC frames) you need to charge more for first cleans. For these sort of first cleans it genrally takes me at least twice as long as a maintenance clean.

I use virisol in a spray bottle diluted roughly 1:20 concentrate on the vents/frames/sills then do the glass last of all. I don't bother drying the frames.

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2018, 10:23:23 pm »
I've done around £300 in first cleans over the weekend, would have rather had it done in one day though.

it's defo a mentality thing.

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2018, 10:24:45 pm »
If the windows are minging (ie: algae covered UPVC frames) you need to charge more for first cleans. For these sort of first cleans it genrally takes me at least twice as long as a maintenance clean.

I use virisol in a spray bottle diluted roughly 1:20 concentrate on the vents/frames/sills then do the glass last of all. I don't bother drying the frames.

You can get them to a great standard in x2 time?

paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2018, 10:28:16 pm »
I used to spend ages.

Doing all windows then waiting for frames/vents to dry or drying the with a cloth then going over glass etc.

If they are paying double then all this fine but the way I do it now doesn't take much longer than a first clean, I just tell them they might gets some runs on first clean, clean and scrub top frame well then clean rest of window as normal then onto next window.

I've started to give less of a poop in general and am now working much faster, I have been guilty of going overboard and ocd in the past when really most of the time its overkill for a ten quid house.

I've got 5 first cleans tomorrow along with about 25 other jobs on my own so I better get my skates on.
The image of runs on a customers windows, especially new ones is painful to me.


  • Posts: 928
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2018, 10:32:22 pm »
If the windows are minging (ie: algae covered UPVC frames) you need to charge more for first cleans. For these sort of first cleans it genrally takes me at least twice as long as a maintenance clean.

I use virisol in a spray bottle diluted roughly 1:20 concentrate on the vents/frames/sills then do the glass last of all. I don't bother drying the frames.

You can get them to a great standard in x2 time?

It obviously varies job to job but generally speaking yes.


  • Posts: 23856
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2018, 10:34:50 pm »
I generally clean everything on a first pass; top frame glass sills together.

Then I go back to the start and do the glass again.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 6080
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2018, 10:36:04 pm »
I used to spend ages.

Doing all windows then waiting for frames/vents to dry or drying the with a cloth then going over glass etc.

If they are paying double then all this fine but the way I do it now doesn't take much longer than a first clean, I just tell them they might gets some runs on first clean, clean and scrub top frame well then clean rest of window as normal then onto next window.

I've started to give less of a poop in general and am now working much faster, I have been guilty of going overboard and ocd in the past when really most of the time its overkill for a ten quid house.

I've got 5 first cleans tomorrow along with about 25 other jobs on my own so I better get my skates on.
The image of runs on a customers windows, especially new ones is painful to me.

I agree that's the old ocd kicking in.

I don't get any complaints or call backs though, I just tell them that to cover my arse. I explain how really dirty vents can hold dirty water and there is potential to get a drip long after I have gone.  If that happens which I tell them it probably won't give me a call and I'll call back to rectify.

Unless you are charging double then you need to work faster


  • Posts: 23617
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2018, 11:15:09 pm »
I spend longer on first cleans for sure but 80 mins on a bungalow seems slightly excessive....this is where hot water helps a lot....I will charge double on really dirty first cleans....I'll also dry off the top seals/frames on ground floor windows if I think they may cause me problems with a fresh dry scrim(runs/spotting etc)....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 5366
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2018, 12:00:30 am »
I spend longer on first cleans for sure but 80 mins on a bungalow seems slightly excessive....this is where hot water helps a lot....I will charge double on really dirty first cleans....I'll also dry off the top seals/frames on ground floor windows if I think they may cause me problems with a fresh dry scrim(runs/spotting etc)....

I generally clean everything on a first pass; top frame glass sills together.

Then I go back to the start and do the glass again.

Same as these guys.   Daz has a point with Hot water, as it does make a huge difference on a first clean, especially if they are really bad.
But, I use the same method, go to town on the frames and vents (which I flush (pending the type of vent) until clear water comes through), then I clean the windows. Once I'm back at the begining, I will state again but miss all the frame work etc so I'm ensuring the glass is clean and streak free.
I will then explain to the customer, that some seals may trap in the dirty water n leak it out later and if this happens, let me know and I will return. Its my 24hr guarantee.
(however, If this is a first clean within the area of my rounds ie, same street, I have been known to double back and check all the glass work to ensure. This has proved me well for two reasons. The first, the customer sees that I offer a great service and I ensure their windows are clean. The second, it reconfirms to me that my technique works and that I do a fantastic job. Yet more nowadays, I just walk round once I'm finished and check the windows whilst they are still wet, you kinda know which water bead types are going to dry not so good and this has served me well, as to date, I've not had one call back

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2018, 06:09:57 am »
I generally clean everything on a first pass; top frame glass sills together.

Then I go back to the start and do the glass again.

Pretty much how I do things, Malc.  I'll add something to this though: on that first pass, I can save a little time by not concerning myself so much about the order in which I clean.  It's often the case that I'm cleaning under windows that are still dripping heavily.  It doesn't matter so long as the order is right on the second pass.  It saves a little effort (time) with moving the hose.


  • Posts: 5602
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2018, 07:52:35 am »
i always use a backpack, TFR or similar, then a pure water clean, 3 bed semi about 30 minutes maybe


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2018, 08:50:25 am »
I charge double on first cleans,

 and I always say after ‘they will get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward’

I say this to cover any little runs or marks that may be left. I’m far too impatient to be there for an hour!

I’ve never had a problem with this way of dealing with first cleans.

I think it depends how fussy you are yourself...


Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2018, 08:58:54 am »
Its so funny, the ammount of abuse i got from this forum when i posted up my experience of a customer who wanted a price for window cleaning, but wouldn't commit. So i gave her a 1st clean price of £160 and moving forward from there a regular clean i think of £55, can't remember exactly now. Anyway the frames and sills were absolutely minging, it would have taken at least 3 hours to do the 1st clean, and the abuse I got from here was extraordinary. And here we have an example of a 1st clean taking ages for £20. Now you can understand why i charge what i charge, especially on 1st cleans, it has to be perfect, especially when your cleaning million quid detatched houses.

Just thought that was ironic


  • Posts: 23617
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2018, 09:01:39 am »
i never ever mention there could be runs and spots or the windows will take a few cleans to be really clean.......if i was paying double for clean windows thats what id want.....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 4239
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2018, 09:24:57 am »
If they have an outside tap I will rinse the frames and seals out with a hose reel and gun first then 2 cleans but I always charge double and most accept when I tell them what is involved.
Getting a few now that want the first clean to include the soffits, gutters and conservatory including roof which I prefer.
It makes it all look nice and it's a lot more money.
Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 6080
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2018, 12:29:00 pm »
i never ever mention there could be runs and spots or the windows will take a few cleans to be really clean.......if i was paying double for clean windows thats what id want.....

Absolutely if they are paying double then you can take double the time and they need to be perfect.

If they are not then I'm not taking twice as long.

I'm just sat having my dinner, off to go do 3 first cleans now, will see how long they take...


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2018, 01:10:45 pm »
i never ever mention there could be runs and spots or the windows will take a few cleans to be really clean.......if i was paying double for clean windows thats what id want.....

I can’t say anyone has ever called me back, my point is, I say ‘they’ll get cleaner and cleaner as we go’ just as a safety in case (key word here is in case) they do happen to not dry 100% perfectly.

It works for me  ;D

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2018, 02:25:07 pm »
I am trad, so the method used here doesn't apply, but the mental approach may.

I always take as long as I need to ensure as near perfect a finish as I can achieve. If that means I take an hour and 20 minutes, or double that on a small property, it makes no difference to me. My reasons are that I see the time I spend on a first clean is an investment in the customer. I see every new job as a one off unless the customer requests a regular clean, so I may or may not get the job on a regular basis, but whether I do or not, I often pick up work through recommendations or walkups because of my attitude towards my job and the value for money I offer.

I'm not being boastful at all because I don't see myself as better than anyone. It's simply my modus operandi and with my 21 years in this game, it has served me very well.

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2018, 02:38:09 pm »
i never ever mention there could be runs and spots or the windows will take a few cleans to be really clean.......if i was paying double for clean windows thats what id want.....

Absolutely if they are paying double then you can take double the time and they need to be perfect.

If they are not then I'm not taking twice as long.

I'm just sat having my dinner, off to go do 3 first cleans now, will see how long they take...

You see that’s where I’m different, I don’t take twice as long,  but then again, If I was still building a round I would.

My main reason for saying ‘they’ll get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward’ is simply to cover any imperfections should they be there. First cleans are sometimes minging, so its a way to manage the expectations of the customer.

 Now there rarely ever is an issue, but it puts that thought in the customers mind just in case  ;)

The good thing about our ‘trade’ is we can all do things differently, we all think our own way is the best, hence why we do it. As long as we’re happy and it works, happy dappys


  • Posts: 5366
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2018, 02:39:48 pm »
This is what most are saying, but just adding the fact that they make sure they charge accordingly for their time and effort which also makes the customer more respectful of the worker. If the worker doesn't take pride in what they are doing, then they can't expect the customer to take pride in the worker and for them to think they work all year round and run a professional business.

However on a different note, what might take one person over the hour to do a "near perfect" job in their eyes. May take another worker much less time due to different tools, chemicals / tricks of the trade etc to do the same "near perfect" job as the first chap.

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4237
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2018, 03:16:43 pm »
First cleans don't take me all that much longer than regular...saying that though I don't get many minging 1st cleans for some reason ???


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2018, 03:38:23 pm »
First cleans don't take me all that much longer than regular...saying that though I don't get many minging 1st cleans for some reason ???
Same, takes me maybe 5-10  mins longer


  • Posts: 6080
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2018, 03:40:46 pm »
i never ever mention there could be runs and spots or the windows will take a few cleans to be really clean.......if i was paying double for clean windows thats what id want.....

Absolutely if they are paying double then you can take double the time and they need to be perfect.

If they are not then I'm not taking twice as long.

I'm just sat having my dinner, off to go do 3 first cleans now, will see how long they take...

You see that’s where I’m different, I don’t take twice as long,  but then again, If I was still building a round I would.

My main reason for saying ‘they’ll get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward’ is simply to cover any imperfections should they be there. First cleans are sometimes minging, so its a way to manage the expectations of the customer.

 Now there rarely ever is an issue, but it puts that thought in the customers mind just in case  ;)

The good thing about our ‘trade’ is we can all do things differently, we all think our own way is the best, hence why we do it. As long as we’re happy and it works, happy dappys

Absolutely if i was in the early days of building I would take twice as long and have done many a times worked for very little in a day in order to do a fantastic job sacrificing for the long term.

Just now I'm busy I work a lot faster, I don't rinse as much and generally I clean more slap dash - not that I am slap dash I don't get any complaints it's just that I think in the past I've been ocd trying to do a 100% bang up job when in reality a 95% job is twice as fast and more than acceptable to the vast majority of customers.

But everyone's idea of a good job will be different anyway l. My 95%er could be your 100%er . Who knows

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4153
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2018, 05:49:07 pm »
I used to spend ages.

Doing all windows then waiting for frames/vents to dry or drying the with a cloth then going over glass etc.

If they are paying double then all this fine but the way I do it now doesn't take much longer than a first clean, I just tell them they might gets some runs on first clean, clean and scrub top frame well then clean rest of window as normal then onto next window.

I've started to give less of a poop in general and am now working much faster, I have been guilty of going overboard and ocd in the past when really most of the time its overkill for a ten quid house.

I've got 5 first cleans tomorrow along with about 25 other jobs on my own so I better get my skates on.
The image of runs on a customers windows, especially new ones is painful to me.

So it should.  Anyone who told me my windows wouldn't be clean the first time wouldn't be doing my windows.



  • Posts: 23617
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2018, 06:03:18 pm »
I charge double on first cleans,

 and I always say after ‘they will get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward’

I say this to cover any little runs or marks that may be left. I’m far too impatient to be there for an hour!

I’ve never had a problem with this way of dealing with first cleans.

I think it depends how fussy you are yourself...

"they will get cleaner and cleaner going forward" really say this to a new customer that your charging twice the price for? ::)roll ;D

i would never ever say this to a customer...

put it this way if you said it to me after we agreed a price for cleaning my windows id sack you before you even started! :D :D
price higher/work harder!

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4856
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2018, 06:25:48 pm »
My advice...stop cleaning domestics on a Sunday and worrying you may have a first clean or two to do on a Monday.
Give yourself a break mate and spend some time with mrs (and kids if you have them) as otherwise you’ll drive yourself insane and burnout.

John Mart

Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2018, 06:45:12 pm »
If I charged double on the first clean I’d make sure they were perfect, if not I do my best, second pass them all and warn there may be a bit of spotting after the first clean. If it’s excessive call me. I really can’t see the problem with that. Some weeks we’ve 40-50 to get through and there’s no luxury of taking an 45 minutes to an hour to do an £18 house.


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2018, 09:01:37 am »
I love this forum  ::)roll

It works for me, and because it works, I won’t stop doing it.

I think the key here (which I’ve repeated many times now) is in saying ‘they’ll get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward) doesn’t mean they won’t be clean.

It’s a safeguard ‘just in case’.  Rarely do I get a phone call saying ‘they didn’t come up well’ but I say it just on the off chance.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2018, 09:13:16 am »
But I don't understand personally as to why phrase it like that.
Why would they get cleaner going forward. Its such a strange statement. You've probably got away with saying it as customers perhaps just skip overhearing it, but because we are reading it, it stands out like a sore thumb.
I simply tell them that on rare occasions, with it being a deeper clean that the seals may trap in some dirty water which might leak out later, once I've gone. Call me within 24hrs if it does and I will rectify it.
I also have had no call backs, but its an explanation which is understandable to the customer and makes sense.


  • Posts: 640
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2018, 12:40:23 pm »
I never ever say anything negative about the first clean ie may have spotting or other issues . On completion if the customer is present im  more likely to say "they have come up well what a difference a good clean makes" or something along those lines don't plant the seed and they won't go looking for every tiny spot or spec ;D  ;D


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2018, 12:59:49 pm »
But I don't understand personally as to why phrase it like that.
Why would they get cleaner going forward. Its such a strange statement. You've probably got away with saying it as customers perhaps just skip overhearing it, but because we are reading it, it stands out like a sore thumb.
I simply tell them that on rare occasions, with it being a deeper clean that the seals may trap in some dirty water which might leak out later, once I've gone. Call me within 24hrs if it does and I will rectify it.
I also have had no call backs, but its an explanation which is understandable to the customer and makes sense.

It’s a passing comment as I leave, customers don’t take any real notice of it, I’m sure they’d ring if they weren’t happy.

To be honest the frames usually do get cleaner and cleaner as I go forward, I never ever bother getting every little mark of the whites. That seems to happen over time.

But as I’ve said, I rarely get a complaint, it’s just a way of covering any call backs till I’m next there, so if there is a mark or two, the customer will have already been told that’s a possibility, so they don’t ring me. They know that it may not come up perfect. Also remember, we’re talking about first cleans here, not regulars. This is purely something I say to customers when doing a filthy first clean.

Do you understand now Nathan? Or would you like me to do an amateur  video on YouTube explaining it along with a homemade trolley or the like?  ;D

Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2018, 01:06:24 pm »
First clean ( if its needed )I use a flocked brush with fan jets full blast and flash. Lumark jets are really quite powerful. I work quick to blast cobwebs and dirt off frames and  glass. By the time I've gone back to van and changed brush I'm ready to start where I began on just the glass. I find this takes me maybe 25 % longer than a regular clean.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2018, 01:26:30 pm »
But I don't understand personally as to why phrase it like that.
Why would they get cleaner going forward. Its such a strange statement. You've probably got away with saying it as customers perhaps just skip overhearing it, but because we are reading it, it stands out like a sore thumb.
I simply tell them that on rare occasions, with it being a deeper clean that the seals may trap in some dirty water which might leak out later, once I've gone. Call me within 24hrs if it does and I will rectify it.
I also have had no call backs, but its an explanation which is understandable to the customer and makes sense.

It’s a passing comment as I leave, customers don’t take any real notice of it, I’m sure they’d ring if they weren’t happy.

To be honest the frames usually do get cleaner and cleaner as I go forward, I never ever bother getting every little mark of the whites. That seems to happen over time.

But as I’ve said, I rarely get a complaint, it’s just a way of covering any call backs till I’m next there, so if there is a mark or two, the customer will have already been told that’s a possibility, so they don’t ring me. They know that it may not come up perfect. Also remember, we’re talking about first cleans here, not regulars. This is purely something I say to customers when doing a filthy first clean.

Do you understand now Nathan? Or would you like me to do an amateur  video on YouTube explaining it along with a homemade trolley or the like?  ;D

If your brave enough to do a video mate, that would be great. Even better if you have the spare time and non family commitments to make it more of a professional video the better and be brave enough to take criticism on it then please, by all means do a video


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2018, 03:15:49 pm »
Nathan, just so you know, it was a joke mate.

A video would be completely pointless on this subject.

The main point is - we all do things differently.


  • Posts: 23617
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2018, 04:05:18 pm »
I love this forum  ::)roll

It works for me, and because it works, I won’t stop doing it.

I think the key here (which I’ve repeated many times now) is in saying ‘they’ll get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward) doesn’t mean they won’t be clean.

It’s a safeguard ‘just in case’.  Rarely do I get a phone call saying ‘they didn’t come up well’ but I say it just on the off chance.

your still sacked! on yer bike! ;D ;D ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 2407
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2018, 04:07:47 pm »
First cleans are like women, no two are ever the same, most are a pita and the dirtier the better!  ;D
"Thank you for calling: if you have a 1st floor flat, mid terraced house, lots of dogs, no parking, no side access, or no sense of humour, please press hold!
For all other enquiries, please press1"


  • Posts: 2356
Re: First Cleans Too Long
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2018, 04:51:36 pm »
I love this forum  ::)roll

It works for me, and because it works, I won’t stop doing it.

I think the key here (which I’ve repeated many times now) is in saying ‘they’ll get cleaner and cleaner as we go forward) doesn’t mean they won’t be clean.

It’s a safeguard ‘just in case’.  Rarely do I get a phone call saying ‘they didn’t come up well’ but I say it just on the off chance.

your still sacked! on yer bike! ;D ;D ;D

I don’t offer my services to rough northerners Daz, sorry.
