
  • Posts: 9022
How would your business cope !!!!
« on: May 19, 2015, 07:14:42 am »
If like me your going to be on your back with feet up for a long period of time.
Who would manage your work
Who would do the work
Is your database as good and up to date as you think
How much is up in your head and not on paperwork
Etc etc etc
We still need to live and a income is needed

So how would you cope ?

Small but perfectley formed

  • Posts: 1743
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 07:24:21 am »
Wouldn't  :'( got accident and sickness plan that would cover mortgage  payment and a little bit left over

Spit and polish

Dave Willis

Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 07:27:39 am »
I wouldn't.

I'd be stuffed to be honest. 95% of my work is on software but as I don't employ or have anyone close at hand with extra capacity to take it on I'd be up poope creek without a paddle. Money wise I'd have a small income from an insurance scheme I pay into but nowhere near my normal income.
I love my cycling but always at the back of my mind I'm wondering how I'd cope if I broke a collar bone etc.

Sometimes self employment isn't all it's cracked up to be.

How about you Franky?


  • Posts: 2062
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 07:28:29 am »
I wouldn't.

I'd be stuffed to be honest. 95% of my work is on software but as I don't employ or have anyone close at hand with extra capacity to take it on I'd be up poope creek without a paddle. Money wise I'd have a small income from an insurance scheme I pay into but nowhere near my normal income.
I love my cycling but always at the back of my mind I'm wondering how I'd cope if I broke a collar bone etc.

Sometimes self employment isn't all it's cracked up to be.

How about you Franky?


chris turner

  • Posts: 1488
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 07:33:28 am »
I would struggle personally. I hate having 1 day off in the week because of rain etc let alone being out for as long as you.
I don't know you like others do franky but from what iv read your a very active person, so it must drive you round the bend knowing your going to be out of action for so long!
This forum is a blessing and it's great to see all the offers of support from people on here. I hope you accept the help being offered so this whole experience can be a lot easier for you to get through.
Even the best of us need a little guidance from time to time...

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 07:34:14 am »
I would be totally stuffed - bankrupt and homeless.


  • Posts: 23617
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2015, 07:52:51 am »
id be ok money wise for  about 3 or 4 months with no income and id ring/text and send letters to customers informing them i wont be round for a hope customers would understand and i think most would stick by me and i could ease myself back into it after this time.

we should all have at least 3 months money for bills,etc tucked away anyway(preferably 6 months)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 23617
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2015, 08:01:59 am »
i wouldnt let anyone clean my work.dont trust no one!never ever.lots of my work is like gold dust for a window cleaner with not enough work.
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 8156
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2015, 08:09:16 am »
Got some savings and the wife works full time we would survive

Dave Willis

Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2015, 08:22:13 am »
id be ok money wise for  about 3 or 4 months with no income and id ring/text and send letters to customers informing them i wont be round for a hope customers would understand and i think most would stick by me and i could ease myself back into it after this time.

we should all have at least 3 months money for bills,etc tucked away anyway(preferably 6 months)

Yep, I always keep £20,000 under the matteress just in case.


  • Posts: 23617
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2015, 08:25:47 am »
sarcasm doesnt come through that well on the internet dave!

surely you ve got SOME money put aside just in case esp if you ve got kids and a missus?at least 3 months bill money? ::)roll
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 9022
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2015, 08:25:56 am »
Trust is a big issue I must say when you put in the position

Work data is not as Good as it could be,I've only got a handful of email address to let a few customers know,
Thank fully for me I was due to have another lad start with me last week after a couple of days trail but he no where up to speed and doesn't know the work at all
But thankfully he's helping Don-key out who in turn is helping doing some of my work

With out donkey I would be lost really and can't thank him enough for the help he's given
Also I have two other good mates who I started up with who are going to do the odd day work here and there

I am more worried about keeping a good level of service than the money
Yes I have a bit of savings and a few good friends who have oftered to help me out financial is I need help until i rec a pay out.
The pay out is what I be hoping for to keep head above water

Mortgage don't have one let the ex wife keep that,but still have to pay for my kids
wife is a full time career for our disabled boy and now for me bless her

When I get back a few thing will have to be updated and prices uped

Dave Willis

Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2015, 09:13:18 am »
sarcasm doesnt come through that well on the internet dave!

surely you ve got SOME money put aside just in case esp if you ve got kids and a missus?at least 3 months bill money? ::)roll

Yes, I have SOME money but six months? Not many families have that kind of emergency fund. You have to remember Dazmond you don't have the financial commitments of most people of your age. A lot of us have teenagers at home, mortgages and bigger bills. You have the same income but the same outgoings as one of my kids.
My wife works part time so combined with insurance we would survive at a much reduced level. The business though, would be in trouble I think  with a lay off of say six months.
Like you Franky I don't have all my contact telephone numbers or emails. Nobody in our house has access to my cleaner planner programme either or would know what to do with it if I was seriously ill.
If I popped my clogs there is nothing really in place for the family long term.


Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2015, 09:21:33 am »
You must be entitled to  certain benefits, and you must not not worry about your customers for now, you have to get yourself well,
and rely on your friends.          You will get through this difficult period in your life, but try and think about yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
I have found in the past that customers are very understanding about illness, and as long as you inform them they will be patient.


  • Posts: 6100
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2015, 09:26:57 am »
Trust is a big issue I must say when you put in the position

Work data is not as Good as it could be,I've only got a handful of email address to let a few customers know,
Thank fully for me I was due to have another lad start with me last week after a couple of days trail but he no where up to speed and doesn't know the work at all
But thankfully he's helping Don-key out who in turn is helping doing some of my work

With out donkey I would be lost really and can't thank him enough for the help he's given
Also I have two other good mates who I started up with who are going to do the odd day work here and there

I am more worried about keeping a good level of service than the money
Yes I have a bit of savings and a few good friends who have oftered to help me out financial is I need help until i rec a pay out.
The pay out is what I be hoping for to keep head above water

Mortgage don't have one let the ex wife keep that,but still have to pay for my kids
wife is a full time career for our disabled boy and now for me bless her

When I get back a few thing will have to be updated and prices uped

Get well soon Franky.
With regard your pursuing financial compensation for your injury.
May I suggest you use an experienced local solicitor to deal with your claim and not one of those "blame and claim" companies where you will only be a name on a list whose point of contact will be a call centre with multiple staff that won't actually know you or care to know.
A good solicitor should get you the compensation you deserve.
One of the Plebs

Dave Willis

Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2015, 09:31:59 am »
Franky most likely has an insurance because of his competitive hobby. You aren't allowed to enter races without it. What level it is I don't know or how long it takes to come through could be months.
Certainly a wake up call for some of us.

slap bash

  • Posts: 1365
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2015, 09:44:41 am »
I have been off with a knee replacement and my saving  has bottomed out. I at this stage is not able to do a full days work yet. It has surprised me how many customers are not prepared to  stick with you. Its tough so Franky don`t expect to much mate. One good thing you have mates that will help you keep up and I cannot help you, but I will say a big thank you to all who are prepared to step in and help you. Well done guys you are  special type of friend.


Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2015, 10:24:05 am »
The most important thing when starting a business is
Do you run the business or does it run you?

My business was started so I do not have to be there - my only job which is important is the sales and marketing and I have just employed a surveyor to look at all the new enquiries that come in so I don't have to do that even.

I never see my lads - my supervisor deals with them all on a day to day basis - he also schedules all the works and as soon as he finishes a job a simple button is pressed on our software and an invoice is created and sent.

We have even started a team in Leeds recently doing office cleaning on evenings and also do one off stuff on weekends  - I supplied a van etc and they get on with doing the work - it works really well for us at the moment and we hope it continues this way.
It is essential to realise that you must price work properly so you can employ others to do the work for you - that is the idea of my business anyway.

Without a doubt if I was just window cleaning I would adopt the Ian Lancaster franchise system - you would not have a problem now if you had done this say a year or two ago.

Hope you get well soon and perhaps use this time to fully learn how to move your business forward when you recover.
Good Luck!


  • Posts: 4962
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2015, 10:39:01 am »
My database also isn't great for my domestic work although I think I'd be able to retain quite a high percentage of it.

Commercial work would go to the dogs. We have daily/twice weekly/ weekly etc work so it would need servicing regardless. I can't imagine anyone's commercial work will wait more than a couple of months at the most.

Financially I'd be able to live for about 10 months with no income whatsoever. Anything longer than that I'd be stuffed.

I don't know how people live from month to month without a security fund to fall back on. I don't think if sleep at night knowing a twisted ankle would mean struggling to meet my mortgage.

I hope your claim is sorted asap Frank so at least you have thinks taken care of financially. It must be a nightmare having that on your mind whilst being laid up.
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 4454
Re: How would your business cope !!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2015, 10:43:00 am »
The most important thing when starting a business is
Do you run the business or does it run you?

My business was started so I do not have to be there - my only job which is important is the sales and marketing and I have just employed a surveyor to look at all the new enquiries that come in so I don't have to do that even.

I never see my lads - my supervisor deals with them all on a day to day basis - he also schedules all the works and as soon as he finishes a job a simple button is pressed on our software and an invoice is created and sent.

We have even started a team in Leeds recently doing office cleaning on evenings and also do one off stuff on weekends  - I supplied a van etc and they get on with doing the work - it works really well for us at the moment and we hope it continues this way.
It is essential to realise that you must price work properly so you can employ others to do the work for you - that is the idea of my business anyway.

Without a doubt if I was just window cleaning I would adopt the Ian Lancaster franchise system - you would not have a problem now if you had done this say a year or two ago.

Hope you get well soon and perhaps use this time to fully learn how to move your business forward when you recover.
Good Luck!

100% patronising as usual  ::)roll