L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner

  • Posts: 822
Tool Storage Set-Ups / Systems
« on: September 02, 2006, 06:31:35 pm »
I`ve been gonna ask this question for awhile ( 33 years in fact!!!) What do you
Fella`s have and use and can recommend for the everyday storage use of your tools etc.
At present (excluding W.F.P.) I use 2 sizes of Ettore `Back-flips`,separate squeegees
And custom made strip washers.SqueegeeMates,`Wagtails`,cloths,scrim,spare cone
Ends,spare this,spare that,sill raking squeegees etc. etc.Obviously not all at once,some
I even leave at home in my workshop.I`ve tried everything I can think of.Nothing seems to work.The main thing I find is,squeegee rubber soon can get easily marked and
`nicked` etc.I`m a `stickler` for perfection( well sometimes).Anyone out there got the
Perfect and ideal set-up???? I know its all down to personal preference at the end of the day,but as a bonus,can any of you fella`s send any photo`s down to help me perhaps get something better after all these years `shining`? I work out of the back of
A Ford Focus Hatchback 3 door vehicle.

Lewis Doubtfire, Gleem Clean ( The Blade Runner )

L. Doubtfire
Window Cleaner