
  • Posts: 3029
No problem getting Domestics. With the new gdpr rules how you can't just ring commercials up from Google and things like that how do you go about targeting commercials do you just advertise?

What I am getting at is you know the commercial cold callers that used to operate on this forum that did used to actually work here and there so just wondering about how you obtain your commercial work these days I'm assuming it's all through advertisement but I'm curious to know if anyone else cold calls still


  • Posts: 928
Re: How do you get commercial work with gdpr
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2018, 04:11:40 pm »
Not sure what your asking exactly ....


  • Posts: 3029
Re: How do you get commercial work with gdpr
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2018, 05:41:05 pm »
Not sure what your asking exactly ....
used to be able to cold call commercials


  • Posts: 928
What I am getting at is you know the commercial cold callers that used to operate on this forum that did used to actually work here and there so just wondering about how you obtain your commercial work these days I'm assuming it's all through advertisement but I'm curious to know if anyone else cold calls still

Yes I know who you mean. It was Becky something...

GDPR however does not prevent you from cold calling (particularly if you get their 'phone number from Google). GDPR is related to how you store & use personal information.

Splash & dash

  • Posts: 4364
No problem getting Domestics. With the new gdpr rules how you can't just ring commercials up from Google and things like that how do you go about targeting commercials do you just advertise?

What I am getting at is you know the commercial cold callers that used to operate on this forum that did used to actually work here and there so just wondering about how you obtain your commercial work these days I'm assuming it's all through advertisement but I'm curious to know if anyone else cold calls still

I think once you get well known and established they will contact you , or do a site visit and ask for the site mantanance manager


  • Posts: 23617
What I am getting at is you know the commercial cold callers that used to operate on this forum that did used to actually work here and there so just wondering about how you obtain your commercial work these days I'm assuming it's all through advertisement but I'm curious to know if anyone else cold calls still

Yes I know who you mean. It was Becky something...

GDPR however does not prevent you from cold calling (particularly if you get their 'phone number from Google). GDPR is related to how you store & use personal information.
Becky Swann.... ;D
price higher/work harder!