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Stains...pop chart

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For years the most common stain was either tea or coffee but in recent times the 'top of the pops' has to be red wine. My top three would be:-

1. Red wine
2. Oil/ grease spots
3. Coffee

My worst hate is the customer who has used every  chemical under the kitchen sink (and next doors too) then calmly call you, as a last resort, and expect you to wave your 'magic' wand to make it disappear!

Care to add to the list?


I would have to add radiator valve leaks to that list
of the most 'popular' call outs.

I would agree all these stain removers, Vanish,1001 etc are a major headache.

Mike Halliday:
Powder paint & blu-tak were last months specials but then I did do a lot of nurseries.

the stains that I really love are those big black suger stains that you get with soft drinks they always look bad but usually come out no problem. I also like big black bitumin or dirty oil marks, the customer always seams to think if its oil then it permanent. POG soon lifts it out.


Could not agree more  the the 'kitchen sink' comments - I normaly refer to these efforts as "do-it-yourself brain surgery - the customer normaly understands this to be a slap on the wrist!!

Fortunately I have had no problem stains for the last ten days, due to a smashed-up foot but prior to that the dreaded curry stain has been cropping up with increased regularity as has de-cafinated coffee (far worse than the real thing, due to the added dye)

Is there anything on the market to remove curry stains?


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