
  • Posts: 3029
Offering £££ for a tidy up of van 1h from surrey ill go
« on: December 11, 2018, 02:55:53 pm »
Thought I would just put it out there
Basically someone who's good at van mounts and enjoys doing it. Negotiable but willing to pay a reasonable amount of money.

I need the plywood on floor everything taken out everything painted watertight. The pumps probably moved the battery probably moved hose reels screwed in just things like that really
Know your stuff with the AC current and stuff like that.
If there's any one that likes doing this sort of work and wants to earn some money and help out as well please get in touch and I'll call you straight back or leave your number here or email
next year I'll probably get a citroen Dispatch  and would like it all done again so more money to be earned as well

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4855
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2018, 03:40:36 pm »
Thought I would just put it out there
Basically someone who's good at van mounts and enjoys doing it.

I need the plywood on floor everything taken out everything painted watertight. The pumps probably moved the battery probably moved hose reels screwed in just things like that really
Know your stuff with the AC current and stuff like that.
If there's any one that likes doing this sort of work and wants to earn some money and help out as well please get in touch and I'll call you straight back or leave your number here or email
next year I'll probably get a citroen Dispatch  and would like it all done again so more money to be earned as well

Rip the ply out and paint the floor yourself.
The paint would need at least a day to dry out before you start on the rest.

Not sure anyone would take you up on a days work doing all that for £150 though, dust the mothballs off your wallet and offer a decent amount you tight bugger.


  • Posts: 77
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2018, 03:45:19 pm »
I remember when I had my system switched  from old van to new it was 300 that's with me  sorting out the painting ect
. I dont think you will get anyone to do it for 150  not down south anyway.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2018, 03:56:15 pm »
I remember when I had my system switched  from old van to new it was 300 that's with me  sorting out the painting ect
. I dont think you will get anyone to do it for 150  not down south anyway.
Where did you get it done that's really cheap for the whole thing if it was a business ?I'm just talking about a few bits and pieces regardless I'm looking for someone who is self-employed not a business
That is VAT registered
essentially what I'm asking for I can't see it being much more than a handful of hours for someone who knows what he's doing. I'm also happy to negotiate  depending on what  that person can do Cheers


  • Posts: 2037
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2018, 04:54:17 pm »
I offered to help you and I am still waiting for you to put pictures up, however ripping wood out and painting you can do yourself, come on stop making excuses


  • Posts: 7743
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2018, 05:20:00 pm »
I can't see it being much more than a handful of hours for someone who knows what he's doing.

So, you haven’t got the skills to do it yet only want to pay for someone’s time. What about their skills, tools and experience.

Once they’ve done 5 or 6 hours for you what are they going to do for the rest of the day? Leg it home and shine some glass to make up their money?


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2018, 05:21:55 pm »
I offered to help you and I am still waiting for you to put pictures up, however ripping wood out and painting you can do yourself, come on stop making excuses
haha mate I appreciate that but you're really far from me I live down south. Honestly I'm so useless I'm considering working for one of these water fed pole places for free just so I can learn lol. Not that they'll probably employ me I'm too used to be my own boss.
I don't really want to put pictures up lol it's a right state I kinda want it looking better first.
Whereabouts are you again


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2018, 05:23:26 pm »
I can't see it being much more than a handful of hours for someone who knows what he's doing.

So, you haven’t got the skills to do it yet only want to pay for someone’s time. What about their skills, tools and experience.

Once they’ve done 5 or 6 hours for you what are they going to do for the rest of the day? Leg it home and shine some glass to make up their money?
I was actually considering about locking this post because I really couldn't be bothered to receive stuff like this yes I am looking for someone who needs some extra work and who wants to make some extra money doing something they may enjoy building things up it's a bit of a difference to window cleaning buddy .

I don't fancy paying hundreds and hundreds of pounds like I have recently to a VAT registered business you are coming out with 5 and 6 hours how do you know it might be 2 hours in might be 3 hours
I'm not silly I'm well aware most people or some people will probably earn more just sticking on the glass like I said it is what it is


  • Posts: 7743
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2018, 05:24:42 pm »
£350 you bring it to me. Cash.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2018, 05:27:16 pm »
£350 you bring it to me. Cash.
I edited  my reply because I thought you was was a bit naughty afterwards lol but I really appreciate the offer.
Obviously I am sick of paying through the roof. And I'm looking for someone for a start who may not have full-time window cleaning work or who likes to do this sort of stuff some people do enjoy it. Obviously I'm looking to save money that's why I put this on the forum last time I had a couple of pumps installed a tank strapped and I was really ripped off
Intern hopefully I can assist the fellow DIY window cleaner in other areas I am good at other things you know just completely terrible at DIY...


  • Posts: 7743
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2018, 05:29:18 pm »
£350 you bring it to me. Cash.
I edited  my reply because I thought you was was a bit naughty afterwards lol but I really appreciate the offer

I know

You originally wrote this “Listen I said is negotiable do you want to do it let me know what you want to charge :)


  • Posts: 2535
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2018, 05:31:40 pm »
It would do you the world of good to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things. Everybody makes mistakes in life but then we learn from them through knowledge or wisdom, that's life. When you overcome your challenges, the rewards are so more appreciated. The only real challenge would be fitting the tank through the flooring and most garages would do that on your behalf safely for peace of mind.

I took down a conservatory 4m x 4m Edwardian style a few years back. Never had any experience before so I googled everything I could, there wasn't much but I managed it safely without breaking a single pane of glass and even transported it safely. I was really chuffed with myself after I done it all.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2018, 05:31:56 pm »
£350 you bring it to me. Cash.
I edited  my reply because I thought you was was a bit naughty afterwards lol but I really appreciate the offer

I know

You originally wrote this “Listen I said is negotiable do you want to do it let me know what you want to charge :)
Edited again lol listen I'll take it into consideration 350 is a little bit steep I could do the painting myself I think I can do that it's pretty idiot-proof then just a few pumps moved and things like that hose reels screwed in I want a friendly happy-go-lucky window cleaner who isn't as rich As You Are and enjoy the little bit of socialising haha


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2018, 05:33:18 pm »
It would do you the world of good to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things. Everybody makes mistakes in life but then we learn from them through knowledge or wisdom, that's life. When you overcome your challenges, the rewards are so more appreciated. The only real challenge would be fitting the tank through the flooring and most garages would do that on your behalf safely for peace of mind.

I took down a conservatory 4m x 4m Edwardian style a few years back. Never had any experience before so I googled everything I could, there wasn't much but I managed it safely without breaking a single pane of glass and even transported it safely. I was really chuffed with myself after I done it all.
You know what this is a very inspirational post I really do appreciate it and you are right I really wish I could get my head around these things I can do the very simple stuff and I mean simple like when a connection becomes loose and stuff like that but if it involves tools and things like that I don't know what's wrong with me I just bloody can't face it I'm the kind of person that needs to be shown things when it comes to DIY lol..


  • Posts: 23617
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2018, 05:37:57 pm »
if your hopeless at DIY its because you havent had enough practice,youll never learn anything if you just keep getting other people to do jobs for you......even im ok at basic DIY these days...... ;D

its a bit like people saying  "im hopeless with money" as if its a lifelong thing and they cant do anything to change their behaviour/attitude....... ::)roll
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 7743
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2018, 05:38:24 pm »
It would do you the world of good to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things. Everybody makes mistakes in life but then we learn from them through knowledge or wisdom, that's life. When you overcome your challenges, the rewards are so more appreciated. The only real challenge would be fitting the tank through the flooring and most garages would do that on your behalf safely for peace of mind.

I took down a conservatory 4m x 4m Edwardian style a few years back. Never had any experience before so I googled everything I could, there wasn't much but I managed it safely without breaking a single pane of glass and even transported it safely. I was really chuffed with myself after I done it all.

When I moved in to the place I live in now back in 1990 it needed rewiring, badly. Not being a sparky I was a little flubbergusted about it all. Anyway, one day I got up, turned the lecky off at the wall and proceeded to pull out all the existing wiring. That done I sat back and realised the only way I was going to get a brew was to start to rewire the place again.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to start at the beginning.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2018, 05:46:04 pm »
if your hopeless at DIY its because you havent had enough practice,youll never learn anything if you just keep getting other people to do jobs for you......even im ok at basic DIY these days...... ;D

its a bit like people saying  "im hopeless with money" as if its a lifelong thing and they cant do anything to change their behaviour/attitude....... ::)roll
I totally agree with this :/
But as much as I do the whole experience really is daunting for me


  • Posts: 23617
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2018, 06:05:56 pm »
you can rip the ply out yourself and paint the floor,personally i dont see the point in painting the floor just get plastic load liner thats the right size for your particular van and put that down instead.....or failing that a few rubber mats.......

whats wrong with your van set up as it is?if your getting a new van and system next year why not just wait until you can start fresh again?

i got my local garage to fit my tank,the rest i did myself(plumbed in my pumpbox and screwed down reel and fitted pole holders)obviously when i bought my diesel heater i got it professionally fitted as i wouldnt attempt to fit anything as complicated as a webasto heater.....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2018, 06:14:22 pm »
you can rip the ply out yourself and paint the floor,personally i dont see the point in painting the floor just get plastic load liner thats the right size for your particular van and put that down instead.....or failing that a few rubber mats.......

whats wrong with your van set up as it is?if your getting a new van and system next year why not just wait until you can start fresh again?

i got my local garage to fit my tank,the rest i did myself(plumbed in my pumpbox and screwed down reel and fitted pole holders)obviously when i bought my diesel heater i got it professionally fitted as i wouldnt attempt to fit anything as complicated as a webasto heater.....
I just want to make the working environment in the van a bit more pleasant there's two really horrible hose reels that need bolting in I want to replace and obviously I can just replace those in the new van I also would like another hose reel pointing sort of diagonally through the van side I was thinking because sometimes there is a property to be cleaned forwards and there's parking issues.
I just want it done properly I tried finding a handyman ages ago and he didn't do a good job he basically fiberglass the wood water goes underneath the wood and obviously causes problems in the cabin I will be replacing the van and I was hoping maybe for the new tax year so it's still a while away meanwhile I'm happy to spend some money to get it done by someone who knows what they're doing. Because I'll just get stuck On Every Corner it will take that person a very short amount of time and it will probably take me bloody months


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2018, 06:23:38 pm »
When I moved in to the place I live in now back in 1990 it needed rewiring, badly. Not being a sparky I was a little flubbergusted about it all. Anyway, one day I got up, turned the lecky off at the wall and proceeded to pull out all the existing wiring. That done I sat back and realised the only way I was going to get a brew was to start to rewire the place again.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to start at the beginning.

Yeah and the moral of the story is..... to make the Tea BEFORE ripping the wires out of the wall! 

One of the Plebs


  • Posts: 23617
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2018, 06:27:35 pm »
a good way of fixing hose reels in your van is by fitting a piece of chipboard(cover in black plastic sheeting and stapled)at the back of your tank and fixing your reel to it,saves drilling holes in your van for me.....
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 928
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2018, 06:28:47 pm »
I just want to make the working environment in the van a bit more pleasant there's two really horrible hose reels that need bolting in I want to replace and obviously I can just replace those in the new van I also would like another hose reel pointing sort of diagonally through the van side I was thinking because sometimes there is a property to be cleaned forwards and there's parking issues.
I just want it done properly I tried finding a handyman ages ago and he didn't do a good job he basically fiberglass the wood water goes underneath the wood and obviously causes problems in the cabin I will be replacing the van and I was hoping maybe for the new tax year so it's still a while away meanwhile I'm happy to spend some money to get it done by someone who knows what they're doing. Because I'll just get stuck On Every Corner it will take that person a very short amount of time and it will probably take me bloody months

Sounds like you were a bit unfortunate last time...

Do you have a friend, relative or even a customer who's handy at DIY? There's quite a few retired folk/handymen round my way  (many of whom help the old dears with the odd bit of DIY)  who'd love a little project like this, they would probably do it for peanuts as well...


  • Posts: 23617
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2018, 06:30:00 pm »
It would do you the world of good to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things. Everybody makes mistakes in life but then we learn from them through knowledge or wisdom, that's life. When you overcome your challenges, the rewards are so more appreciated. The only real challenge would be fitting the tank through the flooring and most garages would do that on your behalf safely for peace of mind.

I took down a conservatory 4m x 4m Edwardian style a few years back. Never had any experience before so I googled everything I could, there wasn't much but I managed it safely without breaking a single pane of glass and even transported it safely. I was really chuffed with myself after I done it all.

When I moved in to the place I live in now back in 1990 it needed rewiring, badly. Not being a sparky I was a little flubbergusted about it all. Anyway, one day I got up, turned the lecky off at the wall and proceeded to pull out all the existing wiring. That done I sat back and realised the only way I was going to get a brew was to start to rewire the place again.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to start at the beginning.

sod of got an electrician in...... ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 6076
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2018, 06:44:05 pm »
Get stuck in.

ive just decided to cancel my web hosting and try to re install my website on a new host

yesterday i was learning how to backup a wordpress site edit a config php file and next to learn about FTP and try to upload the files to my newly configured SQL database, final step to change the name servers.

My point is, i knew NOTHING about websites so decided to LEARN ON THE JOB

Jump off a cliff and learn how to fly on the way down 


  • Posts: 7743
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2018, 07:22:17 pm »
It would do you the world of good to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things. Everybody makes mistakes in life but then we learn from them through knowledge or wisdom, that's life. When you overcome your challenges, the rewards are so more appreciated. The only real challenge would be fitting the tank through the flooring and most garages would do that on your behalf safely for peace of mind.

I took down a conservatory 4m x 4m Edwardian style a few years back. Never had any experience before so I googled everything I could, there wasn't much but I managed it safely without breaking a single pane of glass and even transported it safely. I was really chuffed with myself after I done it all.

When I moved in to the place I live in now back in 1990 it needed rewiring, badly. Not being a sparky I was a little flubbergusted about it all. Anyway, one day I got up, turned the lecky off at the wall and proceeded to pull out all the existing wiring. That done I sat back and realised the only way I was going to get a brew was to start to rewire the place again.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to start at the beginning.

sod of got an electrician in...... ;D

Listen dipstick, I was bladdered, sparkies we’re out of the equation, booze was more important 🤣🤣


  • Posts: 23617
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2018, 07:31:41 pm »
It would do you the world of good to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things. Everybody makes mistakes in life but then we learn from them through knowledge or wisdom, that's life. When you overcome your challenges, the rewards are so more appreciated. The only real challenge would be fitting the tank through the flooring and most garages would do that on your behalf safely for peace of mind.

I took down a conservatory 4m x 4m Edwardian style a few years back. Never had any experience before so I googled everything I could, there wasn't much but I managed it safely without breaking a single pane of glass and even transported it safely. I was really chuffed with myself after I done it all.

When I moved in to the place I live in now back in 1990 it needed rewiring, badly. Not being a sparky I was a little flubbergusted about it all. Anyway, one day I got up, turned the lecky off at the wall and proceeded to pull out all the existing wiring. That done I sat back and realised the only way I was going to get a brew was to start to rewire the place again.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to start at the beginning.

sod of got an electrician in...... ;D

Listen dipstick, I was bladdered, sparkies we’re out of the equation, booze was more important 🤣🤣

we ve all been there matt!! ::)roll ;D........thank God we dont have to live like that anymore.....although i do miss some of the casual w*h*o*r*e*s  that i used to attract back then though! ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 13275
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2018, 09:54:40 pm »
£350 you bring it to me. Cash.
I edited  my reply because I thought you was was a bit naughty afterwards lol but I really appreciate the offer

I know

You originally wrote this “Listen I said is negotiable do you want to do it let me know what you want to charge :)
Edited again lol listen I'll take it into consideration 350 is a little bit steep I could do the painting myself I think I can do that it's pretty idiot-proof then just a few pumps moved and things like that hose reels screwed in I want a friendly happy-go-lucky window cleaner who isn't as rich As You Are and enjoy the little bit of socialising haha

NO! - your not - what you want is a pukka job, and someones valuable time and skills and pay next to nothing for it.

On your posts in this thread you should have no issues with customers who expect you to clean a 4 bed detached for £5

- sorry to be blunt - but many of your threads revolve about trying to get things done on the cheap or bemoaning about tight customers  - stand up and be counted ask for a favour, but at least reward the person to make it worth their while

you are the one to benefit with a decently fitted system

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £150 for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2018, 11:46:11 pm »
£350 you bring it to me. Cash.
I edited  my reply because I thought you was was a bit naughty afterwards lol but I really appreciate the offer

I know

You originally wrote this “Listen I said is negotiable do you want to do it let me know what you want to charge :)
Edited again lol listen I'll take it into consideration 350 is a little bit steep I could do the painting myself I think I can do that it's pretty idiot-proof then just a few pumps moved and things like that hose reels screwed in I want a friendly happy-go-lucky window cleaner who isn't as rich As You Are and enjoy the little bit of socialising haha

NO! - your not - what you want is a pukka job, and someones valuable time and skills and pay next to nothing for it.

Sorry now I'm going to be a little bit Blunt
No!! Same can be said about you wanting a pukka job from your employees and considering the amount of money They're gonna make for you you are paying them next to nothing for their valuable time and skills correct? Do you pay your employees 150 £200 for pretty much half a days work? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think everyone will agree that the amount I'm offering is a lot more than your offering for that particular half day or day.. obviously you're offering full-time employment regardless I do believe that a person who is earning £100 a day for a long day and has the skills and the tools and the 3 time would be over the bloody moon to earn more than that for basically less work
So your analogy there is a little bit flawed I'm afraid

what I'm looking for is somebody's time valuable or free time however they decide to deem it for extra money would ideally suit somebody who's good at this and who is self employed not a bussniess for what may be peanuts to you is sometimes a couple of months council tax to some people. Yes I indeed want to save money but hopefully it may just kill two birds with one stone
And I can end up helping somebody as well
 so I can fully disagree with this statement.

On your posts in this thread you should have no issues with customers who expect you to clean a 4 bed detached for £5

(I think you're really jump into some conclusions here you're thinking too much about it only because some have a lot of vans on the road for those a couple of £100 is literally wasting time I can tell you now there's a lot of people that would be over the moon to earn that on a weekend especially people that are good at this but lack window cleaning work or just want to do it . Paying £5 for a semi-detached house I think you know is extremely underpriced and everyone knows that as well

- sorry to be blunt - but many of your threads revolve about trying to get things done on the cheap or bemoaning about tight customers  - stand up and be counted ask for a favour, but at least reward the person to make it worth their while

(Again this is not true I actually don't spend a lot of time moaning about any underpricing well not for a long time really I had plenty of posts which have recently spoken about the laws regarding self employment employment ,vat questions granted I have a lot of questions occasionally I put my input or opinions on subjects just like other people on the forum I try and keep my conduct posetive as much as i can. Again.. the reward would be that somebody earns quite frankly a lot of money for a little bit of work that they enjoy and yes I did mean it when I said socialising that's exactly what I meant... not trying to take advantage of somebody because paying somebody a couple £100 or something like that yes in the real world is alot of money.. it isn't for you and that's fine.
I don't have a six figure annual turn over like some I'm sorry that this post has got your back up just because some people can afford to drive into the mainstream fitters and part with 4 figures for re aligning pipes pumps odds and sods. It's something I really want to avoid in the future if you catch my drift

you are the one to benefit with a decently fitted system
 indeed am the 1 to benefit and I hope you read correctly that I was looking for a tidy up not for a brand new fitted complete system...

If i may add if i was good at these things and i had free time and or fancied the job and if i could help someone out i wouldn't look into it like you have just now id offer to do it give advice or say nothing as what your saying doesnt help the situation

Appreciate your feedback
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year



  • Posts: 13275
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy up of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2018, 09:06:28 am »
Nothing wrong with being blunt but let’s get things correct...

Your comparing apples and oranges with regard to the staff - without going into loads of things being PAYE is different from a one off bespoke service for starters they get 28 days a year paid holiday ( I think you would fret yourself silly while the staff got paid while sunning themselves on a fully inclusive Jamaican holiday )

One minute you claim it’s JUST an alteration, yet you want ply lining ripped out - van painted ( I assume you mean protectorkote not b&q emulsion ? ) and everything refitted - well what is it a few bits screwed down or a refit ? To faff with a system can take as long as doing it from scratch - either way you seem unable/want to weld a brush and screwdriver yet willing to pay someone who can - and yes at £100 it’s peanuts in exchange for a well fitted, safe and reliable system

You don’t quite get the cheap cleaning price so I’ll refrase for you - you clean a customers windows, at the end they pop out and say can you JUST wash over the soffits/fascia for me, I’ll pay you a fiver, after all it’s easy, you have the equipment and you’ll have it done in a hour - that’s how you come across

Again, multi van operations are erelevant it’s about attitude, look on here far more owner/operators have top kit, extreme poles, hydro heat than multi van operators - I hold Daz one up as an example here, several years ago he was anti wfp etc....  but now look, he’s embraced things and understands that investment in a decent van and equipment pays dividends in the future of trouble free operation  - it’s about valuing some one else’s time and skills not penny pinching

I’m not nieve enough to thing everyone earns £*** per hour, for some it’s hard to make ends meet, been there, but be upfront and ask for help not pretend that your doing someone a favour offering a few quid for what is a fairly time consuming job, which you get the benefit from

Hope you have a great Christmas
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy up of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2018, 09:39:33 am »
I have a set of golden rules!  I never mess with electricity, braking systems, steering or anything that could involve loss of life.  Everything else is fair game👍
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy up of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2018, 12:51:36 pm »
Ok don't really want to turn this into some discussion it was initially a post for help yes.
That said I really appreciate everyone's effort in helping me to try and resolve. And everyone's feedback
Perhaps my mistake was I put a price out there and it was a bit confusing as to what I wanted..
best thing to say is
Yes I require help happy to pay a fair price I put a 3 figure sum out their based on half the day's work sort of thing but again everything's negotiable.

Anyway im just putting it out there if anyone is reasonably close and wants to help has any free time at all and ofcourse make some extra money please drop me an email. That's pretty much it that's all there is to it. I appreciate getting a professionally installed system is worth it in the long run as well

Email visible in previous post
I'm going to lock this thread now  ;)


  • Posts: 23817
Re: Offering £££ for a tidy of van 1h from surrey ill go
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2018, 02:53:24 pm »
a good way of fixing hose reels in your van is by fitting a piece of chipboard(cover in black plastic sheeting and stapled)at the back of your tank and fixing your reel to it,saves drilling holes in your van for me.....

Use plywood, not chipboard.
It's a game of three halves!