Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner on September 01, 2004, 09:03:46 pm

Title: Spiders / Spiders Web Repellent Advice
Post by: L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner on September 01, 2004, 09:03:46 pm
Just wonder if anyone can help me out here at all. I do some commercial work where this
particullar summer they have been plagued and I mean plagued with spiders and masses and
I mean masses of their woven webs etc.It`s like string and rope twine all over the glass windows
and walls.In a few days time they are having some `big wig` bosses come over from Japan on
an open day event and the branch manager has asked me if there`s anything I can do.They`ve
had problems before.Just thought if there`s any bug,spider spray repellent that could be used
to help eleviate the problem for future times.The branch manager says its because the building
is near a river.I must say I don`t have any problems with any other of my accounts.Its the only
job I do thats near a river.Comments and advice much appreciated and thanks in advance.

Lewis Doubtfire, Gleem Clean ( The Blade Runner )
Title: Re: Spiders / Spiders Web Repellent Advice
Post by: Philip Hanson on September 01, 2004, 09:53:08 pm
Boy do I wish there was something that could shift it!

We were doing a school at the weekend, and it was spider-web city.  Horrible and gooey stuff, at one point I had 3 spiders dangling from the end of my brush, trying to cling on for dear life and being sprayed with pure water.

Yes it is a problem, if anyone has a solution I'd be interested in hearing it.

Title: Re: Spiders / Spiders Web Repellent Advice
Post by: Duke on September 02, 2004, 10:37:07 pm
you and me both ! It seems that I daily have more than my fair share of spiders...interesting point about the river though, my Town (Tewkesbury) is where the Avon and the Severn meet.......Spider City ! :'(
Title: In the eRe: Spiders / Spiders Web Repellent Advice
Post by: L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner on September 06, 2004, 09:06:34 pm
In the end I`ve given the walls,signs,window glass a real good D.I.,pure water `blast`
and I`ve drowned,`nuked`, and washed the little blighters away! So far so good,there`s
nothing much come back over the weekend but there`s time yet I guess. Thanks for all
the advice.

Lewis Doubtfire, ( Gleem Clean ) The Blade Runner.
Title: Re: Spiders / Spiders Web Repellent Advice
Post by: Rob_Mac on September 07, 2004, 11:56:41 pm
I think it has been a particular problem everywhere this year. Ive been in touch with a general from Vietnam whos going to supply me with an amount of Napalm. No good for repeat business but got rid of the sods