paul alan

  • Posts: 1683
Hi guys,

I think the title says it all.

I started recently and have worked hard on these cleaning exterior with virasol and water fed pole.
Cleaning inside all over including windows all hard surfaces, oven, shower, toilet, shampoo carpets, upholstery,
polish floors. Basically everything inside takes me and the wife ages to do but not too happy with the pay!

Does anyone know what i should be charging for this? Can anyone give me some oven cleaning advice/tips to quicken the process? Would be very appreciative of some help here as im sure im doing too much for the money im recieving!

I think the owners would be willing to bargain as they need our flexibility and standards, and i would be willing to jack it
as i can earn double what i am doing vans by cleaning windows.

Please advise me.

Many thanks
