Adam P

  • Posts: 1444
when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:01:35 pm »
ok so i need a couple cleaners for evening. my usual thought is to put advert on job centre, then have everyone call my mobile and i'll take details and get them to send c.v's if they have them either through post or email, very few then will send the c.v which i feel is perhaps because of the job that it is, just a cleaner may not have access to internet nor the bother to get a c.v sent for a small evening job.

i'm pretty rubbish at this part and would appreciate what i should be doing. do i have a telephone interview with them then agree to meet at their house? if so i don't feel i'd have much to ask about them other then perhaps few basics e.g. previous experience (not that it's required), driving, what they're looking for, and how soon can they start.

i really need to get this sorted and i'm being distracted and held back by my lack of experience with this area.


  • Posts: 186
Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 11:08:53 pm »
Advert in local papers works very well. They ring you and you arrange to meet them in local coffee shop for interview


Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 02:20:48 am »
Problem with advertising at job centre is you will get loads of calls from people who don't actually want the job but have to apply for a certain amount to qualify for the job seekers payment. Even worse is when a nice sounding lady calls you to enquire about the job, asks all the right questions then you find out she is phoning from the job centre and passes the phone to a complete drongo, yep some are so stupid they can't even use a telephone ( except to text who they want evicted from Big Brother ).
The best employees I ever had were the ones that have a full time job and come to work for you in the evenings to earn a bit extra, they already have the 'work' ethic. The worst ones are the ones that want just 2 hours per day, they think they are doing you a huge favour and hate being there anyway as you are eating into their precious time. I grew up in the town I still live in, surprising how quickly you can go off a potential employee when you hear their surname! 
I would fork out the £50 and put an ad in the local paper, this way you can be sure they can actually read and are vaguely interested. Hardest spot to fill is mornings as this they are either sleep or watching Jeremy Kyle ( or starring in it ).


Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 02:38:45 am »
But to answer your question......

Arrange to meet them at the premises ( if its commercial ) and show them around and what is required ( if they seem suitable and not about to rob the place ) and see how interested they are.
Don't take it personally when they don't show up, it's not you, its them!

Beware the ones that say " I won't let you down", they will!
Beware the ones that turn up with loads of kids ( and possibly a dog ).
Beware the ones that try to change the advertised time.
Beware of all of them!!!

Oh, and keep telling them its TWO hours work each night and that doesn't include the half hour chat at the beginning while they talk about Katie Price or the hour break half way through while they raid the companies coffee machine with money they found in someones desk drawer.

Tell them exactly what needs doing, show them how to do it, watch them do it and then tell them again.

Robert Parry

  • Posts: 535
Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 08:41:45 am »
First things first!

Advertise the vacancies, job centre, local paper, local shop windows etc etc.

Ensure that you have written up a job description, the job centre can help with this if you have not done this before.

Have each applicant fill out your application for employment form, those that send back only a CV, should in my opinion be rejected. The form should be completed in full, and neatly written. Dont forget to send them an equality form as well!

Arrange interviews with the prospective candidates, again the job centre can help by allowing you to use one of their interview rooms, often at no cost, so much better than visiting people in their own homes or a local coffee shop!

Have a list of questions written down for the interviews, all applicants should be asked the same questions, this makes it very easy to rate each candidates answers as well. This ensures that all applicants are treated fairly during the interview process.

Once you have found your your man or woman, send them a written offer of employment, giving details of hours/pay/holidays/trial period etc.

First day on the job each new member of staff should be issued with their contract of employment(ensure that you have a trial period clause in there!), Staff handbook detailing your procedures, policies etc. Induction form, detailing their bank details, health and safety etc etc. Issue PPE etc.

Intorduce them to the site, ensuring that they know the location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers etc.

Then start them on your training programme.


A world of difference....


  • Posts: 1942
Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2010, 10:11:16 am »
Robert has pretty much covered this for you.

I would suggest including a trial day for those you deem suitable.

This involves taking the chosen one / ones (ideally one at a time) along to the workplace, or a similar environment, usually for a part day. You then get to see how they behave, perform.

Obviously they will be at their best but you'd be surprised how bad some can be, even though they have satisfied you enough to get to this stage.

I also find it tells me a bit about their attitude as in our case this will always be without pay. If they agree to this then it gives me an insight into how flexible they will be in future, if they do not agree to this then they go no further. They will not be paid for their time but they will not really be working as such, more shadowing one of our supervisors.

Whilst we do not pay for their time we do cover any expenses (however, if arrangements are made for them to be picked up / dropped off this will be zero).

I agree with earlier comments about the quality of applicants from the job centre. The job centre though is still a great source, you just have to trawl through loads of **** applications to find the good ones.
Then follow Roberts advice.

Adam P

  • Posts: 1444
Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2010, 10:22:25 am »
how would i get the application form to the person applying? would i simply take their address and send one to them with the hope they'll send on back or does the job centre allow me to upload one so they can print it out?

i think i'll put an advert up on job centre tonight and if nothing hopefully by next week then i'll put one in paper. trouble i never tried paper as always considered it better for full time staff working 5-6 hours a day, not a couple hours each evening.

edit: actually thinking about it, is the price for a job advertisement lower then the classifieds section on the papers?


  • Posts: 1942
Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2010, 10:39:59 am »
how would i get the application form to the person applying? would i simply take their address and send one to them with the hope they'll send on back or does the job centre allow me to upload one so they can print it out?

i think i'll put an advert up on job centre tonight and if nothing hopefully by next week then i'll put one in paper. trouble i never tried paper as always considered it better for full time staff working 5-6 hours a day, not a couple hours each evening.

edit: actually thinking about it, is the price for a job advertisement lower then the classifieds section on the papers?

Take their address and post it to them. If they do not send it back then no worries, this is part of the selection process. Would you really want to employ someone that can't even manage to do this?

We also include a medical questionnaire at this stage.

Adam P

  • Posts: 1444
Re: when people call asking about advertised cleaner position
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2010, 10:46:20 am »
no i agree that they should bother, but then i understand as i was in the same position and it seemed a little unnecessary for a simple evening job. will get them to fill one out and then go from there. thanks for the advice so far everyone