
  • Posts: 80
Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« on: January 15, 2018, 11:29:20 am »
Hi. I know there's  a lot of similar post but I want to get all useful tips in one fresh post for potential newbies and of course for me.

 What time in year is the best to looking for new customers? Some say "late March" but some also say "mid February you can start" I heard also in winter months you can find customers who want to clean windows all year but it's hard to find a right amount of them.
When finally somone can decide when, then is another quesiton, what time is the best. Morning from 8 am? Afternoon from 1 pm or start in evening around 5 pm till 8 pm.
Someone already got equipment and leaflets. Clean windows straight away or recommend to customer another time?
Also after what time is good to register with revenue if Someone have different full time job and want start to do window cleaning part time till build a good round. Because it's not smart to quit current work and try to build (minimal to survive) round in couple months?  What you guys think?
How long it takes ussualy to build it up? 3 months, 6months, 1year? If somone will be looking everyday or at least 5 days a week.

I know that it depends on diffent things but generally I want to find the best ways to get steady. I'm sure I want to make my round bigger and be full time window cleaner but I don't want to waste my efforts for nothing, losing money and time.

I've been reading and studying post in this forum for last couple of weeks and I'm really grateful for help and advice guys.


  • Posts: 6078
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2018, 11:46:56 am »
Hi. I know there's  a lot of similar post but I want to get all useful tips in one fresh post for potential newbies and of course for me.

 What time in year is the best to looking for new customers? Some say "late March" but some also say "mid February you can start" I heard also in winter months you can find customers who want to clean windows all year but it's hard to find a right amount of them.
When finally somone can decide when, then is another quesiton, what time is the best. Morning from 8 am? Afternoon from 1 pm or start in evening around 5 pm till 8 pm.
Someone already got equipment and leaflets. Clean windows straight away or recommend to customer another time?
Also after what time is good to register with revenue if Someone have different full time job and want start to do window cleaning part time till build a good round. Because it's not smart to quit current work and try to build (minimal to survive) round in couple months?  What you guys think?
How long it takes ussualy to build it up? 3 months, 6months, 1year? If somone will be looking everyday or at least 5 days a week.

I know that it depends on diffent things but generally I want to find the best ways to get steady. I'm sure I want to make my round bigger and be full time window cleaner but I don't want to waste my efforts for nothing, losing money and time.

I've been reading and studying post in this forum for last couple of weeks and I'm really grateful for help and advice guys.

All just my opinion.

Pickup customers all year round. Don't worry about it. Now is the time.

For canvassing evenings, weekends and bank hols best because more people will be in. But people are in through the day and if you are starting out you should canvass any time.

I would canvass and work it the following week, allows you to get a few together in the same area then go clean them all at once.

You are supposed to register within 3 months of starting, you can be both employed and self employed, I was for a year

How long is a piece of string, if you canvass and clean 24/7 (or as close as) you could build a round big enough to pay the bills in a month or 2. After 6 months you could well be full to the brim and looking to employ. However it will likely take you a few years to really refine e the round as it's 1 thing picking up work but quite another picking up quality work that lasts the course.

carl stanton

  • Posts: 814
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2018, 12:05:41 pm »

Agree with Adam, if you want the work you have to go out and get it. Be determined and yet prepared for reality. Some times you may go out and get one to nothing, other times a brilliant result. I hand nd that struggled to get to a half decent day’s work but because I kept at it this evening Window twtcchers and neighbours and cusromer recommendations translated into customers.

Time not out seeking = no work.
Time out seeking= opportunity for work.

Have a plan! what you will say, (clear and respectfully to the point) where your going to canvas (print a map highlite covered areas) , how long you will be out (be focused b dint wear yourself out) dress neatly perhaps labele gear.
value your service!

All the best


  • Posts: 8376
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2018, 12:50:35 pm »
Its always difficult to advise someone what to do.

Personally, I would get some basic equipment and start practicing on your house, your parents house, any house that you gain technique experience and look professional - you know the basics, feel comfortable and can get on doing a new clean looking as though you have been doing this for years. A newbie windie stands out a mile.

It's always better to canvass when its not dark IMHO.  The reason is you probably won't be able to see the job clearly in the dark so will be difficult to quote. (I got caught with a pub so I got the tee shirt. It was dark, but was brightly lit up. The windows looked easy to clean. In the daylight the frames were old flaking paint - not a job I would have taken on. Thankfully the pub went bust.  ;D) Potential customers will also be more cautious of strangers when its dark as they don't know who you are, so you will be less successful.

I would also try to get to know a couple of the local cleaners so you have an idea of pricing. Just introduce yourself and explain you don't want to undercut anyone's pricing. Ask them if they know of any areas that have lost a window cleaner. (This worked for us, its called networking.)

There are some who have a successful internet presence, others seem to do reasonably well with leaflet drops but I'm of the belief that the best method to get the ball rolling is to door knock.

Choose an area and start in one corner and knock. If there is no one in, record that and go back until you find someone. If someone says they already have a window cleaner, then thank them for their time. Ask them as an after thought if they know what their windies name is. When you are on the street make a note of that name. Whilst your priority is to look for customers now, you also need to play the long game. (If his name is John and you hear he has given up window cleaning in a year or 2's time, you have a new potential customer list to knock even if he sold the business to someone else.)  Build up a house to house record of the area you canvass.
Obviously if you are getting no success in that area, then move to another, but don't forget the first area.

If they have a no canvassing notice on the door then respect that - just post a leaflet through the door. Some ignore it and knock. When the door is answered they apologise and tell the home owner they only saw the notice after they knocked and felt it rude to walk away. To me that's dishonest and doesn't add any confidence when you ask them if they would like the servcies of an honest, reliable window cleaning service.

Once you get a customer and they agree to a clean, then do it there and then if you can. If not, agree a time. Get name and mobile number and check if they have access issues - ie. locked side gates, etc. 

Once you have done a clean and got a customer, then you can door knock with a slightly different approach. You introduce yourself and explain that you are wanting to expand your window cleaning round into this area. Once your customers are happy with your service, then ask them for a referral. Are any of their friends locally interested in a good, honest, reliable window cleaning service? Don't offer incentives for names. ( A large % of our customer base has come from referrals and recommendations. We have one customer who got us around 20 new customers over the years including a business clean.) Once you do a clean, then knock a few doors around. We've just cleaned the windows for Mrs Gibson next door and wondered if you would be interested in our service as well. (Our is better than my.)

Forget about small talk for the next few years. Your new focus is window cleaning. If you see someone cleaning their own windows, stop the van and ask if they need someone to clean their windows for them. They can only tell you to get lost.

Once you have a customer the best way of collecting is via go cardless or some other process where you take payment a few days after the clean automatically - but only when you have done the clean. We have started to push BACS but customers forget to pay or pay you when they decide to. A lot of our older customers still pay cash and we do still collect on a Friday evening. Its a pain but a good way to start off as you can spend a little time with each building their confidence in you.
Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)


  • Posts: 8376
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2018, 12:51:51 pm »

Agree with Adam, if you want the work you have to go out and get it. Be determined and yet prepared for reality. Some times you may go out and get one to nothing, other times a brilliant result. I hand nd that struggled to get to a half decent day’s work but because I kept at it this evening Window twtcchers and neighbours and customer recommendations translated into customers.

Time not out seeking = no work.
Time out seeking= opportunity for work.

Have a plan! what you will say, (clear and respectfully to the point) where your going to canvas (print a map highlite covered areas) , how long you will be out (be focused b dint wear yourself out) dress neatly perhaps labele gear.
value your service!

All the best

Good points. Dress is very important although a suit would be a little over the top.

We had a salesman overseas that loved to hear the word NO. He had worked out that on average he got 11 No's before he got a YES. So although he worked hard for each sale, each No got closer to when he would hear a YES.

You are also right. Sometimes you can knock for several hours and get nothing, but there are days when you get lots of new customers. Its the luck of the draw as the saying goes. If you don't persever then you will never find the opportunities.

Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)


  • Posts: 80
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2018, 01:37:19 pm »
A couple of  my mates are windowcleaners that's way I was starting to thinking about doing this job. But all of them have system fitted also working in different places and got different points of view for the same thing. That's way I'm asking you guys and I'm really grateful for help because you not only giving good opinions but also you giving motivations and reasonable  "what you should DO and DON'T".
I heard that in one area on of window cleaner broke his back and some of customers been waiting for a year to get new guy because they've been busy. And no one's was knocking on doors. Someone just left some leaflets. Thats gave me a idea if I don't go and knock, I will get no one.  Also I met few window cleaners in my are but I didn't want to talk to them for example "how is it going" because one of them was looking more like gangster, other one like homeless, the third one like street fighter and I wonder, If they can have customers so why I shouldn't try? Just in my defence, my judgment wasn't only based in look. And usually I'm not judging people only because they look different.  I was watching them how they speak with other peoples. Also my Mrs. was holding me back,   to talk with gangsters. :D 


  • Posts: 8376
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2018, 03:14:58 pm »
A couple of  my mates are windowcleaners that's way I was starting to thinking about doing this job. But all of them have system fitted also working in different places and got different points of view for the same thing. That's way I'm asking you guys and I'm really grateful for help because you not only giving good opinions but also you giving motivations and reasonable  "what you should DO and DON'T".
I heard that in one area on of window cleaner broke his back and some of customers been waiting for a year to get new guy because they've been busy. And no one's was knocking on doors. Someone just left some leaflets. Thats gave me a idea if I don't go and knock, I will get no one.  Also I met few window cleaners in my are but I didn't want to talk to them for example "how is it going" because one of them was looking more like gangster, other one like homeless, the third one like street fighter and I wonder, If they can have customers so why I shouldn't try? Just in my defence, my judgment wasn't only based in look. And usually I'm not judging people only because they look different.  I was watching them how they speak with other peoples. Also my Mrs. was holding me back,   to talk with gangsters. :D

Go with your gut with regard to other windies. You are going to get some's back up sooner or later.

As regards advice from others - there's not too much to be said really. You have to filter out what doesn't seem reasonable to you. All I can say is that if you work hard and put effort into it you will succeed. It will take time and there will be times when you wish you hadn't bothered.

My son was working full time and was looking for an extra job to do on Saturdays to bring in some extra pennies. He got given a small round that his mate didn't want as it entailed climbing over outside washrooms to access the back windows. It was 3 days work but he quickly lost interest in doing it. So I eventually did it for him. When I lost my job I concentrated on growing the round.

The difference was I had to do it and succeed - we had a mortgage to pay. My son had a job and so didn't have the desperation drive to carry on what he started.  It will probably be more difficult for you than it was for me to get the business going, but there are lots of examples of windies who have started w/c and had employment as well.

Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)


  • Posts: 80
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2018, 03:29:21 pm »
Unfortunate I've got time till June/July because in this time they going to shut down site and I'm going to lose job. Every one got bills to pay and also there's no other way to find similar job with similar pay for me so I need to build at least round enough to pay bills. :) cheers lads

Marc Stock

Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2018, 04:01:23 pm »
Good luck.

Honestly though. There is no time like the present. Get out there and canvass.


  • Posts: 6078
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2018, 04:02:14 pm »
Don't go into it thinking it will be easy, it's not. You will want to quit at times and you will question why etc.

But keep going and you will succeed no doubt.

I started out about initially about  4  years ago, I had a full time job in a warehouse.

I started off valeting cars on a weekend for a few extra quid. it wasn't until about a year later I lost my job. I quickly within a week or so of losing it managed to get a part time job 16 hours which gave me the platform to go forward with the business.

A few months later I started cleaning windows and got into all sorts carpets, gutter, pressure washing etc.

I worked like this part time for about a year until I got to about 100 window customers then Jan 2016 I went for it full time.

So 2 years on I no longer do any of the add on work and am solely windows, have about 330 customers now and am busy most days.

I really struggled with getting decent prices in my area, been through a truck load of Messer's and ex customers, invested and lost a lot of money along the way.

So it's doable, depending on your drive and also the area you are in you may find it harder or easier but like I said just don't think it's gonna be easy, prepare for the long game and keep the faith that if you just keep moving forward eventually it will all fall it to place.

Best of luck

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2018, 04:59:17 am »
The sooner you start the better imho.

I relocated 6 years ago and started up again from scratch. Here's what I did.

I went out during the day, all ready to work. I knocked doors, introduced myself and said I was offering a window cleaning service, then asked if that would be something they would be interested in.

If the answer was no, I'd thank them for their time and move on to next door. I simply repeated this until I found a customer. Once I did, I offered to clean there and then so was up and running as it were. Once I'd done the job, I resumed door knocking.

Realistically to build a decent compact run will take several years, so you will need to be determined and not put off by setbacks, such as messers and non/slow payers.

Be polite, professional and patient, but not pushy. When we all started we were all desperate to get work, but it's important that this doesn't communicate itself to potential customers.

When cleaning, take as long as you need to do an excellent job. Invest in the customer and they will invest in you, and many will recommend you to family, friends and neighbours.

Best wishes,

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


  • Posts: 928
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2018, 02:14:49 pm »
I went out during the day, all ready to work. I knocked doors, introduced myself and said I was offering a window cleaning service, then asked if that would be something they would be interedted in.

If the answer was no, I'd thank them for their time and move on to next door. I simply repeated this until I found a customer. Once I did, I offered to clean there and then so was up and running as it were. Once I'd done the job, I resumed door knocking.

This is exactly what I did - cleaned as soon as the quote was accepted. I do however live in an area where there are a lot of retired people who are very often in during the day. This may not work so well on the outskirts of London for example where it may be more productive to canvass evenings & weekends .

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 05:21:36 am »
When I first started, it was September/October time that I started canvassing.  I did it in the dark all through winter.  I was pretty desperate as there was an awful recession and I couldn't choose when I had been made redundant (third time in two years).  Although interest rates were very high, I did pick up enough dribbles of work to pay my way (just).
I wouldn't canvass in the dark now because I don't need to.  Also, it puts people off and they are generally more wary than back then.  Weekends are OK though, so long as you don't start too early on a Sunday.


  • Posts: 23617
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2018, 06:08:19 pm »
Hi. I know there's  a lot of similar post but I want to get all useful tips in one fresh post for potential newbies and of course for me.

 What time in year is the best to looking for new customers? Some say "late March" but some also say "mid February you can start" I heard also in winter months you can find customers who want to clean windows all year but it's hard to find a right amount of them.
When finally somone can decide when, then is another quesiton, what time is the best. Morning from 8 am? Afternoon from 1 pm or start in evening around 5 pm till 8 pm.
Someone already got equipment and leaflets. Clean windows straight away or recommend to customer another time?
Also after what time is good to register with revenue if Someone have different full time job and want start to do window cleaning part time till build a good round. Because it's not smart to quit current work and try to build (minimal to survive) round in couple months?  What you guys think?
How long it takes ussualy to build it up? 3 months, 6months, 1year? If somone will be looking everyday or at least 5 days a week.

I know that it depends on diffent things but generally I want to find the best ways to get steady. I'm sure I want to make my round bigger and be full time window cleaner but I don't want to waste my efforts for nothing, losing money and time.

I've been reading and studying post in this forum for last couple of weeks and I'm really grateful for help and advice guys.

this time in january (25 years ago)i went canvassing in the snow on a large estate and picked up 3 customers.i was over the moon!i now clean 90+ on this estate.

you gotta want it badly......its not easy,if it was everyone would be doing it.....

good luck
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 7744
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2018, 06:14:10 pm »
What time in year is the best to looking for new customers?

Its no good waiting til September if you've got bills to pay today.

The best time, is now.

Dan marsh

  • Posts: 94
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2018, 02:00:50 am »
Hi jurand only 4 months ago i was asking the same questions you are now . I decided I needed to do something new in my life and so did my freind we both have full time jobs as taxi drivers I work nights and my freind difrent shifts day an night both with mortgages to pay and family's but we decided to go for it . We spent months researching on you tube watching as much as we could Steven Lee , Mark munro are just some that could help you out and off course asking loads off silly annoying questions on here to these guys who luckily enough are willing to give you great advice . I learned a lot and got lots off great tips and advice from them.  Me an my partner had 6k to spend to start out as we wanted to do it properly but ended up doubling that as we new this is wot we wanted to do and we are despart to get out off the trad we are in now . If you are lucky and one off the guys on here is close to you then I'm sure they'll be happy to help you out a little . We were very lucky as a local near us robbo 33 was really kind enough to show us the ropes and gave us loads off help with using the pole correctly setting up our van an all sorts . Because we both have full time jobs we know it'll take us longer to build our round but we new that any way and being complete rookies we don't mind as we are learning new things on every job . We started 2 months ago and we have got around 48 custermers so far an that's basicly from door knocking which i wasn't looking forward to at the start but u get used to it quickly and only roughly 6 hours a week . I think lots off research ask questions on here try an get a bit off hads on experience if u can and present you're self smart , tidy polite and confident . A few have asked me how long I've been window cleaning for an I say well I worked for somone years ago for a while an went on to do something ells but now I've decided to start up my own buisnes . Hope some off this has helps


  • Posts: 80
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2018, 09:51:10 pm »
A massive thanks to everyone for help advice and shared experience.  Now I'm much more determined. Also I'm  going to try reduce my current hours in work or find smth for less hours and spend more time in checking different places around my area for new customers.


  • Posts: 229
Re: Best time to start / Build bigger round tips
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2018, 07:29:16 pm »
A lot of information been given. I think all can be said in few sentences.

What regards new customers - there is only one time which is perfect to gain new jobs and it is - NOW. 

all you need is just do it.

I canvass January, and could do it december. Just been out this sunday for an hour and picked up few jobs. Just do it....