
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2009, 08:44:34 pm »

There is an old saying in sales.  "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID" and sometimes too much information is counter productive.

funny enough i had a double sided ( tri folded ) leaflet explaining all about pure water and its benefits , i used to hand it out to new customers, 1 day a new customer said to me " to be honest mate, i done care how it works, i just want to see the sun shining through my clean windows " i took the hump at this and made some remark like " at least have a quick read and show some interest in the leaflet i took hours producing " with a smile ( sort of a cheeky smile to show i was just jesting and not about to deck him  ;D ;D ) he said to me " the next 10 customers you take on and give that leaflet to, when you next clean them, ask them how many read it " so i did

how many read it, ONE person and retired REME bloke, seriously, 1 person

i have 2 boxes of 1000 flyers still in the garage, they do not get used and havent for about 3 years now

peter holley

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2009, 10:33:48 pm »
Its all about selling the benefits - Clean windows!!!  and that they can relax while you do it safely with respect for their property.

I did a big wfp pure water bit on the back of my flyers and I have a bit on my website about how it works but still people (who have been long time customers) ask if its tap water!!!

yep i dont explain anymore, unless they ask.... they still dont get it.... all they care about is clean windows...


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2009, 01:35:35 am »
It is also flawed, if every cleaner only targeted propertys that they can charge 5 times their normal rates, whats happens when then run out of propertys to target or what happens to the cleaner when these customers sudderly find they cannot afford a window cleaner anymore because they are broke and there is a world wide ression going on, and he loses all of he clients to other cleaners who are charging more realistic prices.[/color]

I am not suggesting that you only focus on those willing to pay 5 times more, but that will happen. And as far as realistic pricing goes, that is also subjective.

A realistic price for leather jackets, for instance, and for window cleaning is subjective to your view.

I am not suggesting that you live completely outside the box of "reasonable" pricing, bit I am saying that it should be tested from time to time, to see if you're unnecessarily pigeon-holing yourself.

If you want to dislike me for selling information that can literally transform someone's window cleaning business, then feel free.

Do you resent the universities of the world? Do they really disseminate exclusively held information? Or are they merely structured to facilitate easier learning?

Why would you pay 10 quid for supper when you could make it at home for 1 ?

Answer: Some people are looking for shortcuts, and a reduction in the learning curve.

Incidentally, let's not forget the most important thing, here:

We're talking about marketing, and I asked you to post an example of an amazing marketing piece that you've crafted, leveraging proven marketing strategy.

This should be incredibly easy for you, since you know everything that I've mentioned, already.

We are not talking about how smart you are, we're talking about what you have done with what you've learned. Knowledge is useless if you never put it to work, so please show us how you've used the extensive marketing knowledge that you've gained.

I'll ask again: Please show us a supercharged marketing piece that you have created from scratch, that leverages all this amazing marketing strategy that you've long known, for free.

Do you know more about the window cleaning business - as a whole - than I do? Well, after reading your posts, and hearing your experience level, the answer is "probably, yes". I have no qualms saying that. When it comes to the nuts and bolts of managing and building a window cleaning business, in terms of budgeting, let's say, or keeping crew members around year after year, or what kind of WFP equipment to buy, or even how to do the actual work as well as possible, then you likely have an upper hand, with your greater years of experience. I mean that, you probably know more. You may not, but you probably do.

What you need to remember is that none of that stuff is on the table right now. This whole conversation is about window cleaning marketing.

Do you know more about how to leverage and apply proven marketing strategy into powerful real-world marketing tools for a window cleaning business? All I keep hearing is rock-throwing and an incessant reiteration of "everything you're saying is obvious", so the answer to this question is "no", based on what you've said so far.

This isn't about me being smarter than you, it's about you resenting my motives. Let go of that, man.

Why do people pay for education every day? Are they foolish for doing so?

Why not read the 1000's of books on these same subjects instead?

Answer: Because it takes too long, and it's hard to figure out who you should believe.

Nothing is new on this earth (aside from new Mac products...:)). What is new and fresh and invigorating is simply the mediums and methods by which the old can be more easily understood and applied in 2009, and more specifically, applied to our window cleaning business.

I have yet to ask you for your money, and I never will. Keep it.


P.S. You've said a lot more below, but it would take too long to work through it all in a reply.

I wish there was some way to communicate more dynamically, and let everyone listen in...perhaps an ichat or something? I dunno...



  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2009, 01:40:17 am »
Okay, just watched your vid and was quite impressed.

I had a lot of leaflets printed that stressed the fact that i use hot water. These leaflets failed, why was that do you think?

Please show me the leaflet, and then describe the kind of person you sent it to.

Seriously, let's do it.

Kevin R posted one up on another UK forum, and I made a few suggestions as to how it could be improved, to be made more powerful:

He posted his old one, and I posted a suggested improvement.

Let's have at your flier. Please post a jpg, if you don't mind sharing.

(for those that feel I'm a jerk for selling information, please note that this example is free for you)


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2009, 01:43:14 am »
For example when I first started out I used to explain how wfp works, I use to tell then about the impurities that are in water and what it does if used to glean glass, this explained to need to use pure water.

While I was saying all of this you could see their eyes go blank and their brains would turn off, then they would then find problems about wfp cleaning (the windows are left wet, you are destroying the planet by using all of this water etc etc)

The same applied to leaflets I had made up, they were very flashy and had photos and all the information on it to make you an expert on wfp cleaning, yet the response was very low, compared with a simply made up flyer I had already used and still use now.

Most people have access to computers nowadays if you type a link to your companys profile on your leaflet, they will then go to it if they require more information, but only because they want or might need your services this seems to work better.

There is an old saying in sales.  "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID" and sometimes too much information is counter productive.

Sounds like you were trying to provide a technical education, instead of making a crystal clear connection as to how this system introduces so many benefits into their lives.

Can you show us this flier?

Or perhaps your simple flier that you use now?


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2009, 02:04:51 am »
The only one who's self esteem seems to have been dented is the caped crusader otherwise  known as window cleaning coach. The only people supposed to be on this forum are window cleaners. If you are not one coach you shouldn't be on here, and if you are you should be aware that the bar for bragging on this forum has always been set pretty high.So, while you are a good act, you ain't the best.

I never said anywhere that I am the best. Did you hear me say that somewhere?

Is it on my blog? In my book? On a forum somewhere?

Other people who have read and learned from my stuff say that, not me.

In fact, during my Nov 2008 seminar in Rhode Island, I addressed the fact that the chairman called me a 'marketing genius', and I explained that I am no such thing:

I think it's about halfway into the video. I am not a marketing genius, but I am someone who has tapped into the power of marketing, and who can explain how to migrate proven, core strategy, to develop powerful tools.

In fact, this internet place makes bragging ridiculous. Who knows if I'm telling the truth about who I am or not? Who knows if I've done what I say I've done?

Who knows if you're not really a 12-yr-old girl?

The only accurate measure that exists, to determine whether someone is a fraud or legit, is the application of their advice, or some kind of external proof.

So...implement what I'm saying, and then see what happens.

Is my self-esteem dented by a collection of WC peers from across the pond?

Well, I'm human, so the answer is yes.

I'll admit it, it does hurt. It shouldn't, since I don't even really know you guys, but it does.

Shall I curl up and run away because someone feels they need to attack me? Of course, not.

David Slater

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2009, 03:01:30 am »
Just for those here is the flyer that Kevin D worked on;

The first is my original flyer the second Kevin D's

Very nice. I'm impressed!!   :)

mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #47 on: January 03, 2009, 04:03:13 am »
It has to depend on the target market of course. But if i wanted a tradesman to come round i would associate glossy photos on leaflets etc as higher overheads, higher charges. And would be put off.
If i was looking for a specific skill, the above would reaassure me.

Marketing in the domestic side of window cleaning here in the uk is pretty easy. We don't need to do that much to attract new domestic customers because it's considered normal to have one.
As other people have mentioned, marketing to the commercial side is a stage that many of us haven't reached yet. And are weak at it, because of this.
With domestic work we just cast a net to pull in the work. No questions asked.
Gaining larger commercial contracts we have to provide more.

David Slater

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #48 on: January 03, 2009, 04:59:05 am »
It has to depend on the target market of course. But if i wanted a tradesman to come round i would associate glossy photos on leaflets etc as higher overheads, higher charges. And would be put off.
If i was looking for a specific skill, the above would reaassure me.

Marketing in the domestic side of window cleaning here in the uk is pretty easy. We don't need to do that much to attract new domestic customers because it's considered normal to have one.
As other people have mentioned, marketing to the commercial side is a stage that many of us haven't reached yet. And are weak at it, because of this.
With domestic work we just cast a net to pull in the work. No questions asked.
Gaining larger commercial contracts we have to provide more.

I'm not too sure I'd agree with that Mark.

I've had a few window cleaning leaflets put through my door and they've always been binned for these reasons -

1. printed off home printer (black and white) and cut with a pair of scissors - hmmm, he's obviously new?
2. too cheap - hmmm, is he insured?
3. only mobile number - sorry matey, if something goes wrong I want more than a mobile number!
4. knocked on the door - dirty jeans and T shirt - no way am I letting YOU look through my windows while I'm not at home!

Considering the price of property today and the thought of someone jumping around on the roof tiles or putting ladders up against my frames, I want to know that person has insurance and is running a commercial enterprise.

Even a tiny 2 bed new build will set you back upwards of £150,000 and much more in the people honestly want the first person who turns up doing a job on the most expensive purchase they have made in their whole life?

Personally, I'de be more likely to ring the second leaflet and ask 'how much'


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #49 on: January 03, 2009, 05:28:09 am »
Marketing in the domestic side of window cleaning here in the uk is pretty easy. We don't need to do that much to attract new domestic customers because it's considered normal to have one.

Eating is considered normal, too, but new restaurants are always opening up to try and lure you away from your old choices...

Don't shortchange yourself, you're giving up.

If you are truly in a market where anything you do means you succeed, because everyone wants a window cleaner, anyway, and you have ZERO competition, then I wish I was in business where you live!

You will earn a zillion pounds in the next year if you wanted to.

However, if you have ANY competition, or stiff competition, then you pay a high cost for marketing complacency.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2009, 05:32:53 am »
Thx David, glad you liked it.

What you guys (especially the doubters) should really do, though, is test this baby.

Take 500 of your standard, cookie-cutter fliers that everyone says work amazing, because "UK folk are too smart for marketing tricks", and make it go head-to-head with 500 fliers like the one above, and see which one gets more calls, and leads to more jobs.

Same area, same day, same way.

And the winner will clearly emerge.


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #51 on: January 03, 2009, 08:58:00 am »
Thought the free massage was the most interesting bit at the bottom of the page.  :o
If your windows are guaranteed to stay cleaner for up to four times longer then surely your customers will want four monthly cleans? Maybe you could lose money if you push that statement out? Either that or you will need an aweful lot more customers.


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2009, 09:26:43 am »
Just for those here is the flyer that Kevin D worked on;

The first is my original flyer the second Kevin D's

seriously now, the first 1 is to the point, and they know what they are getting

the 2nd, well i am honestly unsure about it, my take is it doesnt scream WINDOW CLEANER, will it just get put in the bin with the other 7 flyers for pizza, chinese and the local nail bar  ? ? ? ? ?, the words are too small, too much for the customer to read ( do they want a essay ? ? ?  )

i was allways under the impression that " short and snappy " works best

i know which i would use as i feel it would produce better results

just my opinion ;)


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2009, 09:34:16 am »
Thx David, glad you liked it.

What you guys (especially the doubters) should really do, though, is test this baby.

Take 500 of your standard, cookie-cutter fliers that everyone says work amazing, because "UK folk are too smart for marketing tricks", and make it go head-to-head with 500 fliers like the one above, and see which one gets more calls, and leads to more jobs.

Same area, same day, same way.

And the winner will clearly emerge.

i am going to take you up on this ( the reasons, im interested and i am going to have to have 4 weeks off with my hernia op, so in the last 2 weeks when i am s.posed to start to do some exercise to get me back into it, i will walk the streets, i will post the first lot 1 week, then the 2nd the next week

except i have 250 of my normal flyers, i will design something along the lines of Kevins ( except i will find a pic of some1 with  BIGGER smiles )


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2009, 09:43:53 am »
It has to depend on the target market of course. But if i wanted a tradesman to come round i would associate glossy photos on leaflets etc as higher overheads, higher charges. And would be put off.
If i was looking for a specific skill, the above would reaassure me.

Marketing in the domestic side of window cleaning here in the uk is pretty easy. We don't need to do that much to attract new domestic customers because it's considered normal to have one.
As other people have mentioned, marketing to the commercial side is a stage that many of us haven't reached yet. And are weak at it, because of this.
With domestic work we just cast a net to pull in the work. No questions asked.
Gaining larger commercial contracts we have to provide more.

I'm not too sure I'd agree with that Mark.

I've had a few window cleaning leaflets put through my door and they've always been binned for these reasons -

1. printed off home printer (black and white) and cut with a pair of scissors - hmmm, he's obviously new?
2. too cheap - hmmm, is he insured?
3. only mobile number - sorry matey, if something goes wrong I want more than a mobile number!
4. knocked on the door - dirty jeans and T shirt - no way am I letting YOU look through my windows while I'm not at home!

Considering the price of property today and the thought of someone jumping around on the roof tiles or putting ladders up against my frames, I want to know that person has insurance and is running a commercial enterprise.

Even a tiny 2 bed new build will set you back upwards of £150,000 and much more in the people honestly want the first person who turns up doing a job on the most expensive purchase they have made in their whole life?

Personally, I'de be more likely to ring the second leaflet and ask 'how much'

Ah, but there is a bit of subtle strategy in having simple non glossy leaflets. Its the "I am just a straightforward tradesman, poor but honest" approach and it does work. Also, I always include my full name, address and home number.
It has worked


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2009, 09:44:46 am »
Seems to be a pattern emerging there, first it has to be eye-catching (semi naked bodies) then it has to show value, which it does but without telling you what it is, then lure you in with some slightly smutty innuendos followed by the chance of a freebie at the end. Would it work? maybe but not with the pensioners around here  :)
Do i like it? - No
But that could be an age thing, maybe it would appeal to younger people but they aren't the best market in my area given the credit crunch.
And it leaves very little room to sellotape money to it.
Good effort.

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #56 on: January 03, 2009, 12:22:35 pm »
I like the idea of the second flyer, and Im sure it would attract work, although it looks like an ad for a health-club more than anything else.

But, saying that would it work better than the first one? I dont know. It would be interesting to see, I look forward to Matts experiment.

Does it make any difference at the end of the day though if you gain a custy by some straight-forward hard-talking-what-i-have-to-offer flyer or by some glitzy-sneak-in-round-the-back-caught-you-unawares-smulchy-imagery? I dont think so.

Also, if you gain a custy with the second flyer does that mean you WOULDNT have if you'd posted the first one through their door?

Perhaps you should post both through! (so Missus Evans was it the practical flyer or the one that played on your carnal instincts that took your fancy?  ;D )

Wouldnt work on commercial unless you did a chain of brothels  ;D



Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #57 on: January 03, 2009, 01:06:34 pm »
I get the idea & It's a good, nice transformation. But personaly i think the second one is too OTT for the residential w/c market & risks alienating a wide variety of customers as it screams "expense"! It may be ok for a specific target i.e. upmarket, exclusive area of property. Something between the two I would be happier with. ;)



Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #58 on: January 03, 2009, 01:13:04 pm »
im going to steal the idea at the end aswell

ask me to give you a free facial  ;)

i think it might be a winner  :P


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach PART TWO
« Reply #59 on: January 03, 2009, 01:40:46 pm »
Thought the free massage was the most interesting bit at the bottom of the page.  :o
If your windows are guaranteed to stay cleaner for up to four times longer then surely your customers will want four monthly cleans? Maybe you could lose money if you push that statement out? Either that or you will need an aweful lot more customers.

As far as the guts of this flier, I simply used what Kevin had from his old flier, so I can't answer that for him.