Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Tosh on October 11, 2007, 06:05:05 pm

Title: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Tosh on October 11, 2007, 06:05:05 pm
Yesturday I bumped into a fellow window cleaner at a garage and we had a quick chat.

He basically said he'd had a naff week so far, cleaned one house that day (it was midday) and spent the rest of morning skiving.  He was off home, complaining that he was 'comming down with something'.  I could be wrong, but I suspect he was making an excuse more for the benifit of his Missis, than for me.

I'm sure we've all been there.  I'm there every month, once I've covered all the bills; I take my foot off the pedal and cruise the rest of the month; mostly; but I wish I didn't.  We'd be so much better off, financially!

I think it would be different if I had a more 'disciplined round'; you know what I mean, shops and stuff that need doing every week no-matter what the weather is, but the majority of my work is residential, so it's easy to 'cruise along'.

So how do you guys discipline yourself?

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Roy Harding on October 11, 2007, 06:10:55 pm
I set a target figure know that I need to do mrs x y and z to reach it, then work till I have done those houses.

I also set a target figure for the week and month.


Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Village Gleam on October 11, 2007, 06:24:59 pm
That surprises me Tosh, I thought you were a grafter and squeaks was the slacker.
Persistence is the key in any business. I assumed because of your military background and rank that you would have a will like steel.

Maybe you are a real window cleaner. What I mean is for you money is not the motivating factor.

I never give up. I have an obsessive personality, and I have been skint and I didn't like it. So for me I am probably driven by fear of failure.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Russell Macdonald on October 11, 2007, 06:33:35 pm
Hi Tosh.

Mondays are always my graft day & tuesday fairly hard. The thought if i get out & get cracking my week end starts friday is a great motive for me.  ;D

But then i get greedy cause some custy wants fascia's etc i do them on a friday, banging my takings right up.  ;)

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: NWH on October 11, 2007, 06:51:14 pm
You must have a target,i make mine money.Mon-Tue-Wed i`m flat out Thur and Fri i do the same hours but i sit down to eat my lunch lol,it`s not a lazy mans job this WC.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Grafters Cleaning Services on October 11, 2007, 06:53:13 pm
money ;)
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Nathanael Jones on October 11, 2007, 06:56:29 pm
I'm married,... if I loose motivation, she'll still kick me out the door and not let me back in until the wallet is a little heavier!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Davew on October 11, 2007, 07:14:32 pm
I'm ok as long as I don't pop home for lunch, I can't get going again in the afternoon.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on October 11, 2007, 07:17:11 pm
That surprises me Tosh, I thought you were a grafter and squeaks was the slacker.
Hey! >:(
Bullocks to you.

I did over 50% more than my usual yesterday.
I'm still knackered.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Moderator David@stives on October 11, 2007, 07:41:33 pm

My motivation is to have a clean sheet every evening, in other words if a job is due on a certain day, that job has to be done , so when i look at george in the evening, the not done entry reads 0 or very close to zero.

If you are not keeping on top of your round then maybe you should look for a part timer, whats the point of having x amount of work if you cant service it on time.

a couple of years back a guy called Paul C Smith  asked what was your goal for the year ahead and it got me thinking that i didnt have any(only to get rich one day) so got me thinking i had better have a goal, best thing i ever did.

At the time i set the goal of having predicted income of an extra £18k by the end of the 12 months , anyhow i think i achieved that within 6, so set my self another for another £15k , all in all since setting goals in the last 18 months i have an income forecast of over double of what it at was at the  time of setting that first goal.
In the last 3 months my income forcast has gone up by £20k, I wont divulge how this has happened but will only say without goals, your motivation will suffer.

My next goal is to get another £30k of new work by April 5th 2008, i am 100% sure i can achieve this amount, I have not worked out my strategy yet , but more of the same as the last goals.

why April 5th , well that is my tax year end, nothing other than that it is a significant date rather than a date just plucked out of the air.

So a big thanks to Paul c Smith i owe you a bottle of red if you are reading this.

Does anybody here set goals too ?

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Russell Macdonald on October 11, 2007, 07:43:51 pm
That surprises me Tosh, I thought you were a grafter and squeaks was the slacker.
Hey! >:(
Bullocks to you.

I did over 50% more than my usual yesterday.
I'm still knackered.

I would say moaner, or old women.  ;D
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: geefree on October 11, 2007, 07:44:01 pm
i have had managers on my case in the past and i used to be commission only... that motivates you to work hard...

i still do exactly the same, with no manager on my back and knowing the money, ALL the money is going to me, is motivation enough for me,... at the end of a day and i have cleaned my very last one.... i look at the sky and think " its not dark yet, one more."... at this time of year..... and in the summer i just loved getting to my target and having enough daylight to leaflet drop too... now i will still go out to drop as i hate the phone not ringing for me.... but i must admit i dont like canvassing or leaflet dropping in the dark..... i like to see the DOGS , before they see me....

once bitten twice shy.  ;) :)
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Captain Scarlet on October 11, 2007, 07:45:12 pm
computer games, crazy friends, late nights, coffee and posting pictures of window cleaning!!
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Captain Scarlet on October 11, 2007, 07:48:38 pm
No honestly now, I have set jobs for the day and I do them, it really is that simple. I have never had to stop because of weather, Luke
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Feen on October 11, 2007, 08:07:16 pm
I do a few other jobs beside cleaning. Basically I have 3 fairly full weeks of windows and one slack one. In between I feed pheasants, cut grass, dig gardens, generally do what people want me to do. Tomorrow I'm off to pick up some furniture. None of these pay as well as the windows, but when I wake up in the morning and think "what am I doing today? uuuummmmm windows in x y and z" I'm happy and looking forward to it. Works for me. I don't go too much for goals (I don't have a target of £x by such and such date). I'm not knocking it at all, just pointing out that different things work for different people. I do agree with whoever said get jobs done by the due date. I hate having jobs overdue. That's when I feel pressure. Again that's me. By Monday, I'll be raring to get at a window :D (by Friday I may feel like throwing things at them ;))
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: brightnclean on October 11, 2007, 08:34:11 pm

Targets. Unless a business moves forward it becomes lethargic and gradually dies. There is nothing better than seeing a month on month growth in earnings. It makes you feel like you have achieved something. This isn't just about the money either. It's the feeling of satisfaction more than anything else. Stay still and it's all too easy to get demoralised and depressed.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: East coast window cleaning Services on October 11, 2007, 08:35:53 pm
Aint hard for me just remind the four figure sum each month for the mortgage dont pay itself
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Bertie Boo on October 11, 2007, 08:39:02 pm
I'm ok as long as I don't pop home for lunch, I can't get going again in the afternoon.

Ahhahahaah lol not just me then. Coming home is fatal  :'(

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Sir Squeaky on October 11, 2007, 08:43:22 pm
Do what I do.
Have lunch as late as you can cope with.

That way you've done most of your work in one go, and you can slack it afterwards.

I used to do 9.00-12.30 then 1.30-4.00.
Now it's more like 9.00-1.45 then 2.45-4.00.(at the latest)

That means I've done 80-90% of my target before I stop.
The afternoon's just a bonus then. ;)
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: East coast window cleaning Services on October 11, 2007, 08:45:53 pm
start early finsh earlys my moto leave most days at 6 finsh by 2 latest
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: pingu on October 11, 2007, 09:22:13 pm
Working to buy a house....

Real fireplace
Flagstone flooring
Aga cooker

Should keep me motivated for a few years  ;D


Have targets set for all aspects of my business..

Weekly, monthly, yearly and have just reset my target for 2010.

I watch my numbers like a dis-gruntled tax officer.

Each working day is used to further my ability to increase to growth and profitabilty of my simple one man band empire.

Without keeping stock of the numbers I would not be able to keep perspective on the bigger picture....

Of course some will say that many w/c think about money too much....but money is not the be all and end is just something we need and the little extra...allows choices.

I like to ability to choose.

Another way to keep motivated....I run my round by appointment...(sounds flash that!!)....customer know which day I will be with them...George tells me what to do and I follow blindly.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Wayne Thomas on October 11, 2007, 09:35:28 pm
I try to complete my list of jobs printed out from George for the day.

Work hardest on a Monday and the slackest on a Friday.

Also if I know the weather is going to change for the worst then I shift up a gear and get motivated to complete all my work so that if later that day, or the following day, it rains heavy, who cares, I'm off home to put my feet up or have the following day off accordingly.

A combination of all 3 of the above mentioned works for me!
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: quantum cleaning on October 11, 2007, 09:36:19 pm
my wifes the boss she writes up the schedule middle of the week for the following week, as we take on new work every week so every month is not the same start at 9.30 finish 4 ish aslong as we get the jobs in that week so theres no backlog everyones happy we do some appointments but the problem with appointments there are so many factors to take onboard bad weather for part of the day and so on ...keep thinking of the good things Ive always got  holiday booked never more than 4 months away and plenty of spare time with the kids and the wife

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Mr.G on October 12, 2007, 12:38:35 am
laziness motivates me to do short hours I'm afraid.
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: supernova77 on October 12, 2007, 01:35:12 am
I'm still trying to find what motivates me  ::)

I used to set targets and that helped a lot. Maybe I need to set some new ones!

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: pingu on October 12, 2007, 08:24:07 am
Lets face is repetitive, boring mundane work very much like working on a assembly line....

But it is all too easy to fixate on the boring, mundane part....but there are so many good things about this style of work and the fact that most of us have a very direct  say in our own business...some moan,bitch, gripe about their business and never seem to stop with all the moaning and there are those who see every slack/none work day as an opportunity to find more/better paying work.

This forum is like your local pub.....the character traits here will be found in your local dog and duck...

Motivation is a frame of mind ...I will never see my little small business as complete, when full I'll start getting rid of those jobs I dislike and replace them and then start looking at better money for work\effort expended...when happy with that...I'll look to replacing the jobs I simply just do not want or that interfere with something else I am looking to/for.

Name another job where this amount of control is available to the common man?

Book a holiday, buy the wife some bling, take up a hobby....go back to school, learn something else....or just put the extra cash away for that something special you might just want in the future.

Motivation means so many things to so many people...

Without a plan, motivation is hard to put into direct have to know where your going to be able to plan the journey.

Right I am off out with a fist full of leaflets...

Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Jago on October 12, 2007, 11:58:24 am
LOL Pingu you are sooo right and so is Andy I am just off to Canvas as the job I was going to do today is a waste if I have no other houses there to do
So I am planning to get as much in that road and the surrounding roads to make next week viable
So far from scratch I have picked up 60 customers now I have my leaflets I want twice that amount

What Motivates me is the ex missus she thinks it will all collapse and go wrong

Me I want to build an empire for my boys to work with me when they are older
I will beat her on this as she is minted from her earnings and has the house

Me I want to earn the same from less time to spend it with the kids and help out
If it works its better off for us and the kids will love itas they get to see us more and can be propper provided for so everyone is a winner
Right nuff tapping on Lapdog and off uniformed up lol to canvess
Title: Re: How do you guys motivate youself?
Post by: Londoner on October 13, 2007, 07:42:37 am
Poverty is a great motivator. Actually I find George is a great help because it tells you what to do each day. So all you do is print off the list and go do it.

But isn't it lovely when you get to the bottom of that list. Specially on a Friday,my last Job yesterday was 52 Collins Drive and as I rolled up my hose and packed my gear away I could her a voice calling me. It was a bottle of wine in the fridge back home!

Good luck with the canvassing Jago