Andy 5

  • Posts: 5
Hi Guys
I have just bought a complete Sky Vac 85 and  poles  and  Camera and Inspection Pole.
I would be interested in any help with Pricing Work , Advertising, Best Practice just anything that would help me get going.
I was planning to do some of my families gutters to gain experience before starting to charge customers.

Jonny Swirljet

  • Posts: 205
If you type into Google search engine "gutter cleaning prices uk" but search under "images" it details flyers from company's

I found that when i'm actually gutter cleaning, people will approach you for information.

The camera pole set up is okay but also can be your downfall. In my experience keep your findings to yourself unless they are paying for you to do a survey. I don't mean that you say that the customers gutter are full up where in fact they're empty.  The things i like to know is "are there any areal wires in the gutter, mesh, fallen roof tiles. Are the down pipes blocked, have they got down pipe covers and the list goes on.

If i know that a job is going to be easy and i'm not going to get my ladder out and it's only going to take a short time i explain to the customer that i have a minimum charge of say £65. Always email a quote because their's a  a few days gap waiting for another company to make a home visit and make a quote

Most sole traders don't use a camera and will quote high whist yours is an honest quotation and remember the universe will help you if you help other people.

Don't quote low, quote fairly and take your time doing the job when you are in the learning stage.

Good luck

richard connett

  • Posts: 293
I’d get some ladders too. I would say halve the time they have to be used even though you weren’t planning to


  • Posts: 3931


  • Posts: 13274
Gutter surveys are a waste of our time, think of all that time going to, setting up then going back to your normal daily work then the possibility of returning for £65 - no thx.

I would reccomend going to site while your new to gutter vacing but it's really quite obvious if the gutters  full or going to be a regular run of the mill  effort

Have a set of prices in mind (changes slightly due to distance ) but basically a front and rear £80 - semi 3 sides £90 detached 4 runs £110 + anything that 3 storey is plus 50%

Majority is just a quote over the phone - anything oddball I look at - schools, office blocks warehouses etc...

Camera is only ever uses on our ongoing contracted work where we "inspect" and clear if required every six months

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.


  • Posts: 13274
This might be blocked.....

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Dave Willis

Are you intending to wash down gutters and soffits too?
If so you’ll need to factor that in. Be prepared to climb up there too. Dislodging gutter joints is easily done, blocked gulleys and S bends can be a right pain. Also check you are insured too. I latched on to a block of cement 50’ up once, if that had come away I dread to think of the damage it could have caused.
Gave it up shortly after that.

simon w

  • Posts: 1591
This was blocked last week   >:(

Charged £105.00 to clear the hopper box easy 20 minutes work    :)