Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: D.Salkeld_Ltd on December 02, 2005, 06:25:23 pm

Title: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: D.Salkeld_Ltd on December 02, 2005, 06:25:23 pm
I was wondering Who has , like me fallen of their ladder what happened and why.
Come on  - be honest!!

About 5 years ago was the last time I fell. 
I had the ladder up to a low pitched tile roof (don't do those any more!!)
the ground was grass, hard and dry and on a slight slope.  I went up ok, did the three windows but when I was 2 - 3 rungs on the ladder going back.................
It slipped and down I went.  I had 13 staples in my scalp!! lucky not to kill my self.

It happened because I put the ladder on Dry hard grass and at two much of an angle.
Learned a lot since then!!

David Salkeld

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Ian_Giles on December 02, 2005, 06:47:31 pm
I've had a few slippages, the worst was when I was up the ladder cleaning the sign of a Kwik Save shop.
I knew the pavement was slippery and worn smooth, so I put the ladder up at a really steep angle, and I mean steep too!
I'd just got the the top and before I coud start....whoosh! out went the bottom :o

I was lucky, both of my feet went outside the rungs and I landed squarely on my heels.
At the time, this particular Kwik Save also had a bakery and one of the bakers had come out to cool down and have a crafty fag while sat on the window sill of the window almost directly underneath me.
Should've seen his face when I landed on my arse by his side ;D
Shame he wasn't underneath me...he'd have broken my fall ;)

I just looked at him and grinned sheepishly, put the ladder back up and started again, while he, without saying a word began to edge away from me...
After an hour I could only walk on tip toes cos I'd damaged my heels, luckily I had only bruised the bone in each foot...made me look like a mincing teapot for a few days though :-*

Had lots of near misses, you know, the ones where the ladder shifts suddenly and then catches, no harm done, but you know full well that if it hadn't caught on something the consequencies could have been really serious.

If you have spent years up a ladder, even though you may have been lucky enough to have never fallen (and I know very few who can honestly say that) you will have had lots of those little non event type slips, and it's just the luck of the draw if you escape unharmed.
Eventually your luck will run out. (or your knees will wear out ::))


Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: KJG on December 02, 2005, 06:50:20 pm
With 21 years 'proper' industrial under me belt, I've never once fallen of a ladder. The higher the laddering, the more respect I give it.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Sir Squeaky on December 02, 2005, 06:52:53 pm
I've a 5ft pointer ladder slip out on me, and it was so quick I was on my back before I realised what was happening.

Never fallen from a full size ladder, but I've also had one slip on hard dry grass.
I didn't fall as I was just stepping on to a sloping roof on the front to do the top windows.
What it meant was I had to shout for a pedestrian to put my ladder back up, as I was stuck on the roof.

Rog. :-[
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Roy Harding on December 02, 2005, 06:59:32 pm
Started my 21st year of window cleaning on the 1st of dec, and have never fallen.

But have had two near misses as Ian said move an inch and stoped, and have you ever had the fealing, your at the top and sudenly you feal as if your falling backwards and you sudenly shoot forwards, or is it me.

Slamed my head in the van last year six stiches :( ( stop laughing Debbie )

Regards Roy :)
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: KJG on December 02, 2005, 07:02:20 pm
Dave! I honestly wasn't being rude, you look like a big fella, which is obviously is all muscle being a wc. Were all your falls off aluminium ladders? I'm 15st and have only and would only use wooden ladders. Sorry for any offence.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: dai on December 02, 2005, 07:27:27 pm
13 years, fell once, broke one of those metatarcel [david beckham] things.
I was doing this job, first clean too. I was standing 3 rungs from the top trying to detail the far top corner. Had one hand on the bottom of the frame to keep my balance. Suddenly the window [that had been closed by the way,] swung outwards from the top and pushed me off the ladder. The ladder never moved but down I came onto a rock hard dried out lawn. I was laying there trying to figure out where hurt most. After a couple of mins I managed to get up and hobble to one of those rustic garden benches. I plonked myself down and the bloody thing snapped like a carrot so I was on my arse again. I managed to get up and hobble to the front door of the house. The bitch was the most unsympathetic person I have ever met.
I had left my car in a street that was behind her house and I had could not get to it without walking a considerable distance. In the end pesuaded her daughter to go and get my car and bring it to the front. Had to drive myself to hospital though.
All this came about because some idiot had fitted a tilt and turn window upside down, and another had gone too far up his ladder.
I was proud of the fact that the ladder had'nt moved though. I'd fixed stablisers on it. DAI
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Gordon_Taylor on December 02, 2005, 07:30:07 pm
I had a fall a few years ago, broke my wrist and hurt my back a little, I was using open top ally's, first thing I done when i had the money was replaced all my ladders with wooden point's I change the feet regulary and make sure there in good condition, for me it's about confidence at a shade over 17 stone I need to feel the ladder is 100 percent rock solid.

Happy Day's
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: windows_chepstow on December 02, 2005, 07:32:37 pm
After just six months of window cleaning I became to over confident with my B & Q ladders.

To gain access over a short sloping porch I put my ladders on the window sill - instead of getting a safer angle above the window - and climbed up.

It was extremely hot and the lawn was hard.

When I got to the top, the ladder slipped backwards and I first landed on the porch roof with a bang - I tried to cling on with my finger tips - then hit the ground; landing on my feet with my legs through the rungs.

A passer-by rushed up to me and Wor Lass just looked at me stunned.

'I'm a Geordie, I'm okay', I said trying to act cool.  'I'm parachute trained from the army'.

But my shaking hands showed I'd just pood my pants.

My finger-tips were scratched and I had a few bruises; but otherwise okay.

Also, my A-Frames have twice slipped from under me in the same shop and I've landed unhurt; with with a loud clatter.  The floor is really greasy as they have a bakery in there.  I now place a scrim under the feet or get Wor Lass to foot me.

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Paul Coleman on December 02, 2005, 07:48:58 pm
I was wondering Who has , like me fallen of their ladder what happened and why.
Come on  - be honest!!

About 5 years ago was the last time I fell. 
I had the ladder up to a low pitched tile roof (don't do those any more!!)
the ground was grass, hard and dry and on a slight slope.  I went up ok, did the three windows but when I was 2 - 3 rungs on the ladder going back.................
It slipped and down I went.  I had 13 staples in my scalp!! lucky not to kill my self.

It happened because I put the ladder on Dry hard grass and at two much of an angle.
Learned a lot since then!!

David Salkeld

I've been quite lucky really I suppose.  I had a few minor incidents where the ladder has just shifted slightly and I had two incidents where the ladder slipped.  The one that sticks in mind more is when I had the ladder leaning against the ground floor guttering of a tiled roof.  I was trying to reach the upper floor windows with an Unger pole (it was too short as I didn't have enough extension pieces).  Anyway, I climbed a rung too high and as I leaned forward the ladder see-sawed, slid down the roof and stopped with the top about six inches from the edge.  Yes, I was rushing too much.  Both of the worst incidents happened when I was angry about something unrelated to work.  The lesson I learned was to be calm when working at height.  Being pumped up with anger's adrenalin is a safety hazard.  I also put it down to being less experienced then.

HOWEVER, I had a lucky escape about a year ago too and this one is worth reading because it's quite unusual but could happen to anyone:  I was climbing down my ladder wearing a pair of trainers.  These particular trainers had those loops on the back that you can put a lace through - you know, those bits that are situated above the heel of the footwear.  Anyway, as I was coming down, the trouser leg of my overalls got caught on this lace loop and I ended up falling backwards off the ladder.  Fortunately, I was only 3 or 4 rungs up and I somehow landed with my back rounded so I rolled.  It was instinctive.  I've never learned how to do that.  I wasn't even rushing - just plodding away.  Shaken but not stirred.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: DP on December 02, 2005, 08:10:40 pm
I fell off about 9 months ago simple lapse of concentration, only about 7ft I forgot to step in (where the ladder goes from double to single) whilst building a roof at the side of my house. Sprained ankle which gave me grief for months and very dented pride especially as I was trained to use ladders by members of the Fire Brigade and used to teach others.   :-[

My brother fell last year whilst fixing some tiles on his roof only first floor. 4 weeks in hospital and 5 operations trying to fix pins in his ankle, they have now decided that his leg will have to be amputated below the knee. A high price to pay for some diy but not as high as it could have been.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: P @ F on December 02, 2005, 08:31:26 pm
Mine was down to that old enemy {RUSHING} , was doing a house that was 2 levels above ground and 1 below , the patio was wet and slimey so i used to chain the ladders to railing that went down to the basement , on this occasion i saw fit not to , got to the top of the ladder and it went straight away , it slid all the way across the patio , i didnt even let go of it , it went so quick .
I took out a hanging basket on the way , that slowed me down a bit , then i hit the railing , the ladder began to upend and i went headfirst into the concrete floor  of the basement, all i ended up with was a small bruise on the knee !

That was my lucky escape , but it taught me a lesson i will not forget !

  Rich   P @ F     :'(
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Andrew McCann on December 02, 2005, 10:02:34 pm
In just over 18 months or so I have had a few "slips" those and reading posts like these made my mind up to go WFP. Most of these posts are about " the ones that I got away with"...  I have now minimised my chance of NOT getting away with it. I still use ladders only as and when I HAVE to.. thank god  ;)

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: chris@c.m.s on December 02, 2005, 11:42:17 pm
havent fallen while window cleaning yet, though i did fall when I was helping a roofer, still not sure how i did it but ended up with one foot on the ground with my inner thigh over one of those folding camp type beds, was about an inch from complete agony and maybe having less than the 4 kids i have now, but also had moments when i have had to grab the ladder quick forgeting i'm not on the ground and leaning back doh  ::)         
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: on December 03, 2005, 12:43:27 am
Never fallen myself although I should never say never. Had a mate who's ladders twisted when he was only 3 rungs up. Fell on his elbow and was in surgery for 7 hours while they put him back together. His elbow is now pinned together with metal.

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: kingfisher on December 03, 2005, 01:55:36 am
Had several falls from a ladder most of them were in the first six months.
The most stupid one was down to incredible over confidence; I had to place a ladder down a narrow ally-way with a tall hedge down one side making it difficult to climb up the normal way with out getting a face full of hedge.
So I decided I would climb up the inside of the ladder then when I was half way up I tried to swing round to the outside of the ladder I did a complete 360 landed on the floor on my a-r-s-e still holding on to the ladder. :-[

The second most stupid one was in the snow I got away with it for the first few windows until compacted ice built up under the ladder feet, the ladder slipped back only stopping when it hit a flower bed then I bounced off it like it was  a spring board landing in the middle of a rose bush.

Older and wiser now I hope ;D

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Paul Coleman on December 03, 2005, 08:43:43 am
Had several falls from a ladder most of them were in the first six months.
The most stupid one was down to incredible over confidence; I had to place a ladder down a narrow ally-way with a tall hedge down one side making it difficult to climb up the normal way with out getting a face full of hedge.
So I decided I would climb up the inside of the ladder then when I was half way up I tried to swing round to the outside of the ladder I did a complete 360 landed on the floor on my a-r-s-e still holding on to the ladder. :-[

The second most stupid one was in the snow I got away with it for the first few windows until compacted ice built up under the ladder feet, the ladder slipped back only stopping when it hit a flower bed then I bounced off it like it was  a spring board landing in the middle of a rose bush.

Older and wiser now I hope ;D


Wow.  I did some daft things when I was younger but even I am amazed at the first incident  :)  .   I've had ladders at 45 degree angles and thought I was OK because the lower end was well dug into the ground.  I guess there's a big difference between me trusting my equipment and abusing it though.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: S.C.S on December 03, 2005, 12:21:28 pm
 :) Hi all Merry Christmas My first post in ages!!  :)

As for falling of ladder ive fell of twice,

First time was about 2 months into window cleaning i was on a slopping roof and as i walked back down the roof i stepped on the top of the ladder which was not resting on anything and it just pushed the bottom out luckily at the time my mate who i was in buiness with was below and as i fell he sort of caught my back if that makes sense cause as i fell my to legs went through the runners on the ladders so if id have landed id have broken my legs.

Second time was this year cleaning a slopping roof again the ladder just went i was about 11 ft up and this time i was on me own i was using one of them b & q ladders, i myself im 6ft 7 as some of youmight no whos met me and im close on 20stone im not fat b4 any of you say ha ha and i broke the ladder as i fell i had to throw the thing away good job really i came away with a little cut on hand and wet troussers as it was raining and all that for just cleaning there up stairs windows for £2.50 makes me wonder if it worth it sometimes.

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: S.C.S on December 03, 2005, 12:25:43 pm
and i aint thick just hungover ha ha slopeing
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: lee_dewing on December 03, 2005, 12:33:43 pm
hi, been w/c 2yrs, when i first started; 3 month's in, working for someone else.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: lee_dewing on December 03, 2005, 12:42:22 pm
i was in back garden angle was too steep, ladder came away from ledge at the top as i was climbing down 9ft up balancing on a ladder free standing, tried to lean out to grab at the wall, fell off hit the ground, which was on 2 levels hit the first then fell another 2 ft onto lower level (a bit off a homer simpson), luckily minor cuts and bruises on my arm did think that it was broke at 1st, looking to go wfp next year.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Jake on December 03, 2005, 02:47:13 pm
In 30 yrs in construction industry, I have fallen many times, and had time off through injury, the worst fall was 5 yrs ago , 1 year off and I never went back! While window cleaning, I have had a few slips, but 2 weeks ago I fell off  steps, hit the concrete path and landed on my shoulder onto the lawn which was another 3ft lower. Still getting over it now and still hurts, one thing is for sure, I dont think I am going to be so lucky next time!!!!

So having just bought a 'pure freedom' trolley system, we are not going to chance things again!!

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: gaza on December 03, 2005, 11:21:47 pm
FELL 16FT HEAD FIRST:Into a yorkshire brick wall,after ladders collapsed,landed on my head so was ok,wat a egg I had for a week or more couldnt wear me cap for a few days, back at work next day.
MY W/C WAS ONLY SAYING 26 YRS NEVER HAD A FALL:that was 18 months ago he was stamping down his rubbish in a wheelie bin,when it tipped up, hasnt worked for 18 months cus he shattered his thigh and his hip.

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Ben Walker on December 03, 2005, 11:35:32 pm
When i was teenager, helping out in the garden lopping branches of a tree in the garded at home, placed ladders against branch i was going to saw off...
well no i didn't place them against the end to be sawn off! Not that bad...
But the other end, the end attached to the tree.

What i didn't foresee though was that upon sawing the branch off, the weight of the branch would suddenly lessen, and so then... wooooo 
left with top 2cm of ladder resting agaist branch :o ...
with me holding down the branch so that it wouldn't rise up any more!!
so all ok, as long as i don't leave go of the branch!

The funny thing is, even if someone came to the rescue it is limited what they could do to help (without another ladder, rope etc) What they going to do.. climb up, hold the branch while i climb down?!

sooo did i....
1. being a school boy, use my school tie to secure top rung of ladder to branch, then climb down!
2. Climb onto branch, along branch monkey fashion and down tree!
3. lose strength, left go of branch and woooooo crash to the floor?

You chose, each is pretty funny



 ;D alright then, its no. 2

however... (further twist)... upon getting off the branch and onto the trunk, the ladders were still there with the rubber ends resting on the branch!!


Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: D.Salkeld_Ltd on December 04, 2005, 08:29:10 am
Thanks folks for being honest.

Observing the stories, would you agree:

It's not the ladder to blame.  It's OUR inexperience and stupidity in not following good safe practice rules.

There is no such thing as an ACCIDENT.  It's nearly allways HUMAN ERROR.  Even if the ladder broke it is still human error in not checking the ladder or choosing a good ladder.

A few point I would like to reply to:

Wooden Vs Ally

KJG: I use an Ally ladder, Light Trade with good feet and Ladder Mits.

DP:  Interested in your comment in missing the Step In when trained by the Fire Brigade.
I have been a retained Fire Fighter and the trainig helped me think a bit more.  Just remember "3, 2, 1,....STEP IN!!!"

As a closing comment:

WFP has got to be a safer alternative to ladders. 
But if we still use ladders we ALL, no matter how "experienced" we feel we are should read through the new HSE advice to make us think more about safety on ladders.


David Salkeld
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: brett walker on December 04, 2005, 08:50:40 am
Touch wood, i have never fell off a ladder  ;)

In our job we need to use ladders for access etc, so there always is a risk i suppose its a bit like crossing a road accidents can happen in any job or any walk of life  :o
Water fed pole - safety first :)

I've read somewhere on one of these forums you can fall off a ladder but you cant fall off a wfp 8) 8)

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Paul Coleman on December 04, 2005, 10:14:03 am
Thanks folks for being honest.

Observing the stories, would you agree:

It's not the ladder to blame.  It's OUR inexperience and stupidity in not following good safe practice rules.

There is no such thing as an ACCIDENT.  It's nearly allways HUMAN ERROR.  Even if the ladder broke it is still human error in not checking the ladder or choosing a good ladder.

A few point I would like to reply to:

Wooden Vs Ally

KJG: I use an Ally ladder, Light Trade with good feet and Ladder Mits.

DP:  Interested in your comment in missing the Step In when trained by the Fire Brigade.
I have been a retained Fire Fighter and the trainig helped me think a bit more.  Just remember "3, 2, 1,....STEP IN!!!"

As a closing comment:

WFP has got to be a safer alternative to ladders. 
But if we still use ladders we ALL, no matter how "experienced" we feel we are should read through the new HSE advice to make us think more about safety on ladders.


David Salkeld

Sure thing. We are all prone to the occasional error no matter how much practice we have had.  It only takes one as well.  Something that didn't really get a mention is wet rungs.  You have to choose your footwear carefully to avoid a slip.  I've had a few less dramatic near misses until I started exploring diifferent footwear.  I say less dramatic because the worst that ever happened was the foot slipping down one rung below where it was meant to be.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: brett walker on December 04, 2005, 12:42:12 pm
Yes wet rungs are a problem, i find the grip on my rungs is wearing thin a lot of the window cleaners that have been doing it years swear by the wooden ladders.   :-\

Anyone ever cracked their knee on part of the ladder? :'(

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Andrew McCann on December 04, 2005, 01:38:11 pm

cracked my knees.. bumped me noggin into it while it was on the roof rack. Stepped off the bottom rung only to find it was the 2nd one up... stepped right into me bucket. Went up that one rung too many to reach that corner I should have moved the ladder along to get to.. and so the list goes on.

David is absolutely right. We call then accidents but almost without fail its down to human error Having said that take away the ladder and replace it with WFP and none of the above will happen. I am human and as such I will always be tepmted to take what I think are small risks.

I saw a guy the other day doing dormers on bungalows. I had to stop and just stare in amazement. He had climbed up his normal ladder carrying a short piece of one with a piece of metal welded on to the top of each upright at a 90 degree angle. He had the pieces at the top placed on the roofs of the dormers and was standing on the bit of ladder which was actually just hanging there!!! And he was stretching one arm out and balancing it by sticking his leg out. he was working on his ladder contraption at a 45 degree angle  with one foot on a rung and holding the ladder with his hand ( you will all know what I mean by that)

I used to hate dormers.. love em now with me WFP  :)

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Paul Coleman on December 04, 2005, 04:23:45 pm

cracked my knees.. bumped me noggin into it while it was on the roof rack. Stepped off the bottom rung only to find it was the 2nd one up... stepped right into me bucket. Went up that one rung too many to reach that corner I should have moved the ladder along to get to.. and so the list goes on.

David is absolutely right. We call then accidents but almost without fail its down to human error Having said that take away the ladder and replace it with WFP and none of the above will happen. I am human and as such I will always be tepmted to take what I think are small risks.

I saw a guy the other day doing dormers on bungalows. I had to stop and just stare in amazement. He had climbed up his normal ladder carrying a short piece of one with a piece of metal welded on to the top of each upright at a 90 degree angle. He had the pieces at the top placed on the roofs of the dormers and was standing on the bit of ladder which was actually just hanging there!!! And he was stretching one arm out and balancing it by sticking his leg out. he was working on his ladder contraption at a 45 degree angle  with one foot on a rung and holding the ladder with his hand ( you will all know what I mean by that)

I used to hate dormers.. love em now with me WFP  :)


For some years now I have cleaned dormer windows with an unger pole/backflip.  I just explained to people that, although it may not be as good as a normal clean, it was a lot better than no clean.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: andy east sussex on December 04, 2005, 04:24:13 pm
last christmas i fell off the ladder cos the floor was wet so went to hospital and i had 2 brokern fingers then next day it happend again but only bruised my back ive only just started to get back up a ladder again
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: busydaffodil on December 04, 2005, 06:08:25 pm

I love that word!!!   

Sqeaks......on your back huh? ;)   
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Sir Squeaky on December 04, 2005, 10:11:00 pm
Sqeaks......on your back huh? ;)   
Rather! ;)
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: sussex187 on April 26, 2006, 07:09:57 pm
fell off 4yrs ago and only just had the last operation on my ankle to rectify my mistake was hard grass and dew in morning and wham before i know it was on my arse with my leg snapped in half with bone poking out had loads of screws and a plate 5 operations the last one being an ankle fusion please be careful lol
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: jeff1 on April 26, 2006, 08:30:08 pm
After 23 yrs going up ladders 15 yrs in the security trade putting up bell boxes, security lighting and cctv, then 8 yrs window cleaning, I fell of a pair of step ladders while working in a hire shop doing security, i fell of these steps and landed flat on my face, knocked the wind out of my sails and twisted my knee, while i was laying on the floor in this hire shop, the young guy who was serving behind the counter seen me fall, and because i was just layed there he passed out, and i mean passed out, from were he was stood all he could see was this metal bar that had gone right through my head,but was actually behind me, everyone in the shop started panicing we had one dead and one passed out, I stood up hobbling on one leg, cutting a long story short on this one I ended up tearing my cartiladge in my knee, and ended up having an operation on it ten weeks later.

The second time was when i was window cleaning about five years ago, cleaning first floor windows of a pub, the ground sloped both ways, placed small planks and bricks to level the ladder and i had the wife footing the ladder (only used to take her with me so I didn't have to kiss her goodbye in the mornings) she got distracted (so she said) and the ladder slid down the wall, I was still holding onto the ladder and the top section stopped on the big wooden lintel above the door below and the bottom stopped on a beer barrel, lucky you might say, I don't think so because I carried on, feet come off the rungs and my legs went through my ladders until i stopped on my gear stick and squashed my plums. I got off my ladder My mrs was in stiches and I was bent over in agony, Telling her through gritted teeth to go away (very Politly of coarse) needless to say she didn't get what she wanted that night.

Changing over to wfp sometime this year, who knows the mrs might take on jobs with electricity lines over head, she keeps telling me I'm worth more dead than alive, O how I love my wife.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: pjulk on April 26, 2006, 09:18:50 pm
Last year i had my ladder slip down the wall about a foot.
It was on a green patio which was wet.
The first thing i knew about it was when my heart was in my mouth.

I also fell from a ladder once comming down i missed a step luckily it was only about 3 steps from the bottom but i still came down with a thump.

Also had the ladder slip sideways a bit and stop.

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: mick40 on April 26, 2006, 09:42:02 pm
fell off a ladder 2 year ago. i went to do a job but didnt have a ladder big enough.The guy whos house i was gonna do said he had one that will do the job.result- ladder slipped i fell 20 feet and got myself 2 sprained ankles and a badly broken wrist. I was wary as hell for a while about going up ladders again though, but back cleaning again.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: rosskesava on April 26, 2006, 10:14:45 pm
I've never fallen myself and I put that down to paranoia. I don't like ladders and it has to be safe before I'll go up it and if I'm not happy, then it's a BIG no. Walking on tiled roofs or slopping roofs are also a very BIG no. Today I was 15 floors up harnessed and tied to 3 safety bolts and I felt safer doing that than I do being up a ladder.

I'm still happier wfp'ing even though I don't think the results are as good but that is another story and not for this thread.

I have seen someone else fall though. He was doing somework to a shop sign and as he came down the ladder from about 12 or 15ft up, he missed his footing where the top section goes into the one below. His foot went in between the rungs and he fell backwards and landed on his back and head. All I can remember is a blood appearing on the pavement from underneath his head and his eyes rolling around like he was drunk or drugged up. Someone put a cloth under his head and it turned red with blood.

I don't know what happened to him or how bad his injuries were but the ambulance men were treating him on the pavement for about 30 minutes. They took ages getting him onto a strectcher and into the ambulance so apart from a head injury, he probably had a serious neck/back injury as he was strapped up head to foot. The ambulance then drove off very slowly at about 5 mph with it's blue lights flashing.

The police cordoned off the entire area so it was probably very serious.

A few weeks later I started window cleaning.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Morph on April 26, 2006, 10:26:19 pm
Heading into my 20th year w/c, 7th month wfp.
I have never fallen off, my ladder has never slipped more than an inch!
My motto has always been, "If you don't feel safe, you are not safe.  Come down and think why."  I have taught a few over the years and have passed that onto them.  No-one I have taught has had even a slip .... So far!

But I know loads of people who have fallen, many with permanent injuries. 

I hear another w/c has fallen and died this last week.  Another tragedy, another family ruined!  So sad. 
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: P @ F on April 26, 2006, 10:33:29 pm
I forgot to mention the fall that made me change to wfp , was doing a big victorian house and was over stretching , hand slipped off the rung and landed on my knee caps , my injury was a 180* rotated split cartlidge , 5 weeks off work in all , when i was in the hospital bed waiting to go to the theatre i told the other half as soon as i can walk im getting those pole things !

The rest is history , in a way im glad i fell off !

 Rich   P @ F  
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: mick40 on April 26, 2006, 10:41:06 pm
yeah im gonna look at some systems this week.dont think ive got my full confidence back yet and maybe never will.dont really know too much about them but ive seen some good home made ones on here,unfortunately, i can play football quite well and a bit of a darts player but when it comes down to the technical stuff im somewhat lost.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: P @ F on April 26, 2006, 10:49:27 pm
Dont worry Mick , all Q's will be answered if you have any , and if you live near to any other members on here i bet you a pound to a pinch of poop one of them will be happy to help you build your system , they really are a super bunch of chaps you know !

 Tally ho old bean   ;D

 Rich   P @ F 
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: dave0123 on April 26, 2006, 10:55:34 pm
iv had a slip twice, first was about in the first 4 to 7 months of starting and put my ladder up and got up there and jus sliped out from underneath, just basicly should of looked at the ladder more and positioned it diffrently.

seconed was a few months ago on a farm slipy floor but when up it was little squired windows stupid me rushing shud of put more thought in. Anyway got up there got my cloth out 2 wet the little squoired windows with jus damp then i scrim them polish them up got it out and the ladder started 2 slip n down i went landed on my legs wasnt to high jus a grashed leg n but brused smaked me mouth on the laddert but was ok jus made my gum bleed a little. funny thing is my cloth is still on the window ledge :P i didnt go back up 2 clean it again lol but i got me cloth back the month after:D lol. Must admit it did scare me and makes u that much more carefull when working. looking to get into WFP soon for the high and diffcult windows that arent suitable for ladders.

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: steve k on April 27, 2006, 07:25:06 am
years ago when I was a fireman, I was doing some painting work on my days off to make ends meet. I was to paint this womans gutters.
I had a set of trestles with me and a ladder that was too short to reach the gutters. NOW I know it is unthinkable...but then, I put the trestles at base of house on their full height and plonked the ladder on top. The ladder was now 3 or 4 rungs above the gutter...resting ON the gutter as well!!
I climbed up and had the gutter at about waist height when the trestles just fell back away from the house...this was a high terraced house and I fell straight down onto the flagged patio.
I actually remember thinking as I was falling to crumple as I landed...I landed on my feet and crumpled into a heap...I lay there thinking that I must have broken legs/pelvis and the pain would kick in any moment..the young son of the house had seen me fall past his window and was distraught.
The woman ran out and I realised I did not have a single thing wrong!!
I got up slowly and sat down amazed. She got me a brandy and I thanked God.
To this day, I have no idea how I survived that.
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on April 27, 2006, 08:49:15 am
yes me to :-X many moons ago up about 15ft wind blew I went one way the ladder went the other,droped me tools and made a split second make me mind up ::) when I landed I went into a forward roll,this helped break it a bit,and I landed in a pool of water,this was in december time,I did hurt my angle,from that day on,we used poles and back flips every day,using the ladder was if and only :)and if they were not happy with the windows with the pole, tough get some one else ;D
Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: Moderator David@stives on April 27, 2006, 01:56:05 pm
After 23 yrs going up ladders 15 yrs in the security trade putting up bell boxes, security lighting and cctv, then 8 yrs window cleaning, I fell of a pair of step ladders while working in a hire shop doing security, i fell of these steps and landed flat on my face, knocked the wind out of my sails and twisted my knee, while i was laying on the floor in this hire shop, the young guy who was serving behind the counter seen me fall, and because i was just layed there he passed out, and i mean passed out, from were he was stood all he could see was this metal bar that had gone right through my head,but was actually behind me, everyone in the shop started panicing we had one dead and one passed out, I stood up hobbling on one leg, cutting a long story short on this one I ended up tearing my cartiladge in my knee, and ended up having an operation on it ten weeks later.

The second time was when i was window cleaning about five years ago, cleaning first floor windows of a pub, the ground sloped both ways, placed small planks and bricks to level the ladder and i had the wife footing the ladder (only used to take her with me so I didn't have to kiss her goodbye in the mornings) she got distracted (so she said) and the ladder slid down the wall, I was still holding onto the ladder and the top section stopped on the big wooden lintel above the door below and the bottom stopped on a beer barrel, lucky you might say, I don't think so because I carried on, feet come off the rungs and my legs went through my ladders until i stopped on my gear stick and squashed my plums. I got off my ladder My mrs was in stiches and I was bent over in agony, Telling her through gritted teeth to go away (very Politly of coarse) needless to say she didn't get what she wanted that night.

Changing over to wfp sometime this year, who knows the mrs might take on jobs with electricity lines over head, she keeps telling me I'm worth more dead than alive, O how I love my wife.

Pure class, I have just spurted coffee all over my laptop reading that one.
Been there got the t shirt

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: JohnL on April 27, 2006, 06:27:14 pm
It seems most of these ladder accidents are down to user errors but the ones I dont like are the unknown ones. New houses are the worst. A nice lawn almost up to the house, you sit the ladder, give it a good kick into the ground and up you go. Problem is the builders have put all sorts of rubbish down and cover it up with a lawn. Twice I have footed a ladder and half way up it tilts to one side. The ladder is actualy sitting on a pile of bricks covered by a lawn which with a heavy load becomes unstable and gives way. Over you go. Thankfully I am only little  :) and was able to slide down with no damage done.

The other time I went I rolled away, got my feet on the floor to get my balance but fell straight onto a large barbed wire fence.  ( I work mainly in very rural locations and this was about 2 miles from the next nearest house ) Full body weight onto the wire, sideways, but face down, with both arms over and through the other side of the wire and literally pinned across the chest and under the armpits with the arms locked in as well.  The only way out was to slowly and carefully lever myself up on my chest until I was able to use my hands to push even further off the wire. ( Steve McQueen eat your heart out  :)  ) Punctured is a word I would use and ripped apart. In many places and still have many arm and chest scars to prove it. That was painful but not life threatening thankfully. I dont like barbed wire anymore!   ;D

But thankfully nothing like the outcome that some of you guys have experienced

Take care up there guys, or should I say take care down there before you go up there!

Title: Re: Who's Fallen of a Ladder - Be Honest!
Post by: 007 or what on April 28, 2006, 04:20:06 pm
i fell of my bloody ladder today. i dont even use the dam things, all i did was knock the guttering with the pole so i lent the ladder up against the wall, was fine going up sorted the problem out was 4 maybe 5 rungs from the bottom and my foot slipped on the wet rung i caught the ladder and was just thinking how lucky i was not to of fallen, oh and this forum, 2 more steps down and before i knew it i was on my arse. My knee is killing me  :'( It would have to be friday wouldnt it. :( :( >:( :( >:([