Adam P

  • Posts: 1444
contracts for one off cleans - verbal and signed
« on: November 12, 2009, 11:27:55 pm »
how do people deal with contracts when doing one off cleans in domestic properties?

when we do one off cleas such as end of tenancy and spring cleans, we usually go to property, take down what the customer wants, agree price then either take key or start cleaning, customer goes away and then comes back when we are finished to pay, or we leave the key and an invoice and they will let us know of any issues and pay from one of the methods on the invoice.

my problem with this is how easy it would be for them to get away with not paying and say they never ever heard of us etc. I have thought perhaps get them to sign a little contract but then surely you can't ask to see a proof that this is their signature so makig it useless, the same with taking their new home address as i can't ask for them to bring bank statements within last 3 months as proof.

i give them our terms and conditions with information like cancellations, report of damages etc, and then when cleaning i take photos of before, whilst cleaning, and after shots. would this be all i need in case a customer decided to try and not pay us?


  • Posts: 275
Re: contracts for one off cleans - verbal and signed
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2009, 04:23:30 pm »
Hi Green

We always insist on payment on the day.  We do take cheques though which I guess is a risk.  Where this is not possible, for instance if its booked over the phone and we won't actually meet the client, then we ask for payment by BACS instead in advance.

If you've taken piccies I wouldn't worry too much about them claiming you were never there!

Best Wishes
