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Having problems logging in?

To use this forum you need to provide a valid email address. Once you have chosen a user name we will automatically email a random password to the email address you supply.

If you do not get an email within 5 minutes it is likely that you did not enter your email address correctly.

Please bear in mind that it only takes a 'dot' or a 'dash' in the wrong place for the email to fail. If you realise you have submitted the wrong email address please email us with your chosen user name and we will amend it OR re-register using an alternative user name.

Error: 'User name does not exist'

User names are case sensitive. If you register as ABC Cleaning, for example, then you must enter the same upper and lower case format each time you log in. Spaces can also cause problems. ABCCleaning (with no space between the 2 C's) would also fail. Most systems will remember what you typed in the user name field originally and will appear as a drop down option after you've typed the first letter.

Error: 'Password incorrect'

Our system will email you a random alpha numeric password (which can be changed in your 'profile' section once you have succesfully logged in). Computers, being what they are, often return unexpected combinations. To ensure you are using the correct password rather than entering, say, a zero instead of the letter 'o' use the copy and paste facility to paste your password into the password field.

Error: can't stay logged in

If you are asked to log in each time you move from one page to another, it is likely that you do not have 'cookies enabled' on your computer. This forum uses cookies to identify who you are so you don't need to log in every time you use the site. To 'enable cookies' on your computer using Internet Explorer go to Tools - Internet Options - Advanced and click 'Enable cookies'.

Forgotten username and / or password

If you forget your username or password go to the login screen and click on 'Forgotten Password'. You can then either enter your username or email address and will will send you your login details automatically. Please make sure you enter your email address accurately.

Remember to keep the 'Always stay logged in' button checked to avoid having to re-enter your details each time you visit.

If you still have problems please email us.

Click here to try again

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