Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Moan of the day
Posted by James (Stooby), 30 July 2003
As usual, I set off from my home in Essex at 4am this morning, to beat the rediculous amount of traffic that builds up from 5am on the A13 going into Central London. By 5am I'm 30ft up a ladder with the rain just starting. I complete the outsides by 6.30. Rush to second job to get access before cleaner leaves at 7am. Here I find myself hanging out of 5th floor (old, sticky, flakey painted) sash windows. Get out of there by 8am. On to a new job in Soho, wait outside 'til 8.30 and then realise (as 20-30 parking wardens come streaming out of the building I'm supposed to clean the 3rd floor of) I've only got £4.00 on me and I'm on a yellow line and I've left my wallet at home. I make a hasty retreat back to 1st job to do insides put £4.00 in meter (1hr parking) run around insides, ragging everything. Get back to van 3 mins to spare. Spot parking warden hiding around the corner waiting to write a ticket. On my way home by 10.00am. Money earned £75. Money spent: £10 deisel, £5 congestion charge, £4 parking not to mention proportion other costs eg public liability ins. van mantainance/tax/ins. etc. etc. etc. and now I sit here thinking "am I to old for this s**t?"
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 30 July 2003
your moan is an eye opener.
i always thought that working in the city was a good earner. another forum i was on made it sound like we all charge too little and should be on £35 per hour. here in rural norfolk i wish!! so today with an mot booked on my car i shot out and did £50 travelled about 30 miles. nice to hear someone be honest.
Posted by James (Stooby), 1 August 2003
On the whole I price jobs at £30 p/h but almost half will will disappear in overheads, however on a good day (which are few and far between nowadays) I can clear 20/25ph.
Being old (39) and lazy now, if I'm not on my way home by 10am its a bad day and this doesn't help profits.
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