Buy and sell used equipment here - Carpet cleaners, vacuums, scrubber dryers, rotaries, etc.

Machine for sale or swap
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 6 November 2003
Single vac, 50 psi pump, no heat.

The machine is 2 years old but hasnt been used for 18 months.

Ideal for car detailing, spot removal or upholstery where your normal machine is too big. EG Flats etc.

Has no tools or hose but takes normal 1.5" vac hose and standard quick connect solution line.

Can e mail pic if required.

Will swap for air mover or low speed rotary with shampoo brush and tank.



Posted by martin (martin), 8 November 2003
hi mark
  i have a low speed victor rotary with brush and tank,may be interested in a swap,can u let me know what your machine is and were you are
            cheers martin  07798 573888

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