Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.

50 ft WFP
Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 23 March 2004
Does any one use a 50 ft water fed  pole , is it a one man job or do you need 2 to control it. Where did you get it from ?, what are the good points, and bad.What sort of money do they cost
Posted by easycleanwindows (easycleanwindows), 23 March 2004
Does any one use a 50 ft water fed  pole , is it a one man job or do you need 2 to control it. Where did you get it from ?, what are the good points, and bad.What sort of money do they cost

We use a 4ft pole,35ft,45ft,80ft.
50ft need to be two men.
there are no bad points.
the good are that you can clean without using platforms etc.
the price varies ours in all cost just over 11 grand.
Posted by The_Fed_Man (The_Fed_Man), 23 March 2004
I've done it lots of times but it's safer to work in pairs.

Main problem is raising and lowering it, finding something stable enough to raise it against and with enough clearance. You can always have a quick rest if you can find somewhere safe to prop the pole, such as in a corner of the building.

Carbon fibre poles by the way, you'd never do it with an aluminium pole.
Posted by elfords (elfords), 23 March 2004
We use a 60ft pole with one man and find it is not a problem, just take regular rests and do not use it in high winds, we also raise it in confined spaces vertically straight up by using a combi ladder to gain access to the 12` high clamps
Posted by heritage (heritage lee), 11 April 2004
is 35 ft 4 floor
Posted by kevinmchugh (kevinmchugh), 11 April 2004
no disrespect fed man but i use a 45ft aluminium pole which i can raise by myself. must be the weetabix
Posted by poleman (PoleMan), 11 April 2004
We use 2 blokes to put our 60 ft pole up, but wonts its up just one man to use, as for cost my 60ft pole cost me just under a thousand pounds (Carbon fibre) but that was over a year ago so mite have come down in price.

Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 11 April 2004
Pole man
How often do you use it (60ft )
Posted by poleman (PoleMan), 11 April 2004
i only have 4 block of flats a month to do 6 floors up, but they say not to by one to you need it. you do need time on lower floors to get use to moving up to a 60ft pole,

Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 11 April 2004
I use a 40 ft at the moment , but this job is much higher and I did not fancy going up in a cherry picker, it would be once a month and I would not use it for any other jobs so the price has put me off.I have given the customer the phone number of Reach window cleaners from Preston

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