Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.

Bournemouth Courses
Posted by carpetmas5 (carpetmas5), 7 November 2003
Tuesday 18th November 2003.
Cleaning & restoration of hard floors including wood & stone.
Wedsnesday 19th November 2003.
Update to cleaning the cleaning the Chamspec way, marketing & stain removal.
Phone mike or John 01202 242244 or Fax 252246.
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 8 November 2003
Two excellent courses Martin. Would I be right to presume they're been run by Chemspec staff? Having attended their courses in the past I know they'll be excellent. Even as refresher courses. Unfortunately I'll be spending some time at the NEC that week for the International Motorcycle Show. I have to keep my priorities right Grin
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 8 November 2003
Why do companies put on courses in Nov' don't they know it's our busy time. they'd have more attending if they put it on in Jan.

I would have like to have done a hard floor course, but not in Bournemouth ( too far away)


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