Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.

Registering your business name
Posted by fez (fez), 28 November 2003
I've been window cleaning under my own name for over a year now but I have decided to give my business a proper name to sound more professional.
What I wanted to ask is do you have to register your company name either locally or nationally somewhere?
I did an internet search and found a couple of companies that do it for you for around £60 per year. Is it crucial that I do this as it sounds an awful lot of money for not much really.

Any ideas out there? Huh
Posted by andy (andy), 29 November 2003
Dont go down that path! just phone up inland revenue to register the name. They will tell you how things will work, ie:- self-employed stuff,insurance stuff,tax stuff. They will also send you a big pack to rad through which is really helpful.


make sure your insurance cover is on your company name.

Posted by fez (fez), 29 November 2003
Thanks for the info, that really helps!

I thought that it was strange that you had to pay a company to do it for you. £60 a year was a lot for nothing. Embarassed
Posted by highwash (highwash), 29 November 2003
sensible info from andy. - a quick, easy and cheap way to prove when you started trading under your new name is to send yourself a letter stating your intentions addressed in your trading name ASAP. postmark will be proof of date.
plenty of other free info available from your local business link
Posted by kilimanjaro (kilimanjaro), 29 November 2003
if you want to become a limited company (probably not a good idea for most window cleaners) you'll have to register your name with companies house. This may be the service that the companies you found on your search were selling.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 29 November 2003
Hi Fez,
         I may be wrong but if you are a sole trader i dont think you need to register a name Huh I think it is just common sense to check that no one locally is using your name. I think that is why most people incorporate their own name in their company name .

Steve Lowe
Posted by andy (andy), 29 November 2003
Very true steve! but he said he wanted to give him self a name.

Anyway fez, when you want to go limited all you have to do is check the companys house records on the internet for your company name. If not use give them a call and pay a little fee to register.

They will ask questions and you will have to provide information on a regular basis.


If you need any more help just give me a shout.  Wink
Posted by fez (fez), 29 November 2003
Thanks for all the advice, what these internet companies offer is protection of your business name, i.e. to stop other people from using your name("passing off" is the term that they use). What I really wanted to know was if it was really necessary to do this but I seem to have the answer I was hoping for - I won't bother. I'll just inform the Inland Revenue of a change in name.

Oh, and I'm not going limited.........yet! Grin
Posted by paul (paul), 30 November 2003
ive just gone ltd but beforwe i was just trading as reflections cleaning services all your bank and account does is put your real name trading as whatever you call your company its as simple as that  
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 30 November 2003
Hi Paul,
          Who do you use to insure your guys (Employer Liability)  Huh

Posted by Fox (Fox), 1 December 2003
Are you sure you don't want another 10 companies out there with the same name as you?

Or have to stop using the name you have got because someone else registared it?

Soz to put a dampner on it - but hey it happens - doesn't mean you have to pay through the nose to get the name registared though!
Posted by simonb (simonb), 1 December 2003
You register a name to protect yourself from others using it.
Your name needs to be of value such that others would want to use it.
You also need to maintain the name so annual fees.

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