Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
New Starter In Ireland
Posted by Cleanndry (John Byrne), 22 March 2004
Hello All,
I have been watching the contents of this excellent forum for the past couple of weeks and it prompted me to try out window cleaning for a change of career. (I was made redundant 2 months ago) I now have a couple of questions that you may be able to help me with.
I have gone out and bought the equipment recommended by the other posts on the forum and have now cleaned windows on 5 houses, (friends and Family).
I think it is now down to my technique to perfect and this is where you can help. Soooooo I have a few questions..
My squegee is ending up with a lot of suds on it after a couple of windows. Can I prevent this ?
What exactly should I use the scrim for ? Im still not sure of its use ? Should the squegee be wiped in it or only wipe the edges of the window with the scrim.
Lots of suds in my water bucket, any way to prevent this or is it normal. Im probably using too much soap.
Is there any written techniques for window cleaning on this forum.
Thanks all for your help in advance. I look forward to your responses and will keep you all informed about my progress.
John Byrne
PS Sorry its such a long post.
Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 22 March 2004
Hello there John, and all the best for your venture into the world of Window-Cleaning!
My squegee is ending up with a lot of suds on it after a couple of windows. Can I prevent this ?
Lots of suds in my water bucket, any way to prevent this or is it normal. Im probably using too much soap.
You're right, it sounds like you are. If there's too much soap in your bucket, there'll be too many suds on the applicator
If things are as soapy as you describe, very soon you're going to have really bad skin problems. So, either a lot less washing up liquid in the bucket, or use stuff which is designed especially for window cleaners . . . GG3 or 4, Glimmer Clean, etc etc. Have a search on here or other supplier's sites for all the different variations available. What most of them have in common is that they produce little or no suds. The more suds around, the more time you waste mopping up at the end of cleaning the window!
What exactly should I use the scrim for ? Im still not sure of its use ? Should the squegee be wiped in it or only wipe the edges of the window with the scrim.
Guys who have been in this game for a while will tell you that scrims are for wiping your hands on! "Detailing" with a scrim is going round the edges of the frame or for taking off smudges from the pane. Some try to use a dry one, others use one which is slightly damp and a dry one to buff up.
Me? I use GG3 with a moist, not soaking wet, applicator. This should leave you with very little detailing to do, if any, and you only need to wipe over the sill with your applicator to leave an excellent job.
Is there any written techniques for window cleaning on this forum.
This might help, but I'd rather you invested in an extension pole than use an old broom handle, as he suggests.
Techniques when they're written down always look rather peculiar to me, your best bet is watching other window cleaners, or even ask them to show you if they don't seem too growly. You'll also develop your own technique, everybody works a little differently but we all hopefully end up with the same result. An efficient job and a happy customer.
Go for it John, the only thing that's holding you back is them suds!
All the best - Davie
PS Sorry it's such a long reply!
Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 22 March 2004
Hello again John.
Guess what I've just found . . . scroll down till you get to the red bar with "Spotlight" on it and there are details about the second Irish Cleaning Expo.
You'll find Ionic Systems on Stands 10+11, Omnipole on Stand 18 and Tucker Pole Systems on Stand 35 they're all Water Fed Pole companies. Hmmm, should be fun!
Posted by Cleanndry (John Byrne), 22 March 2004
Thanks Davie,
Im using Ettore Squeegee Off. I should probably be using less of it in my water to prevent the suds.
All I have to do now is start knocking on doors and touting for business in my local area.
Posted by mogs (mogs), 22 March 2004
john where bouts in ireland u from? i live in the north... if there is any help r hints i can give u feel free to ask...
u can email me on
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