Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
Buying established Work
Posted by Slatercleaners (Slatercleaners), 1 February 2004
I'm looking at starting with buying a few days wk and canvassing the rest.
I'm not sure what a good price is.
For Work that takes 2 days every 4 wks and generates £200 I've been asked for £700.
Is that fair? It's based in North of Scotland?
I'd really appreciate any thoughts.
ps this site is excellent.
Posted by andy (andy), 1 February 2004
its sounds ok to me. But im sure you could do the work in 1 day if you work hard.
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 1 February 2004
In very general terms, the going rate is about 21/2 times what the work is worth per month. For very good work, (upwards of £35 ph) 3x is not unusual.
£100 a day is, to be honest, not great. But allowing for regional difference, and added to the fact that it would be a nice kick start, I think I'd probably have it.
However, if the work is worth less than £20 per hour I probably would say 'no thanks'.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 2 February 2004
Hi Silly
What sort of price do you guys charge for a three bedroomed semi in Bristol
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 2 February 2004
For a three bed semi in Bristol we'd charge about £10 - £12. This type of house would take me around 20 minutes. My daily target (working on my own) would be £170. Though I don't always make that, I do usually make at least £150
Though this of course depends on the area. And there is a shortage of good window cleaners here.
I work with Mrs Silly, which is a great selling point. (How many young ladies do you see window cleaning?) Customers really like that. Also I make an effort not to look like your average window cleaner. I am always smartly dressed and clean shaven. All of our stationery is headed with our company logo, and once in a while we produce a leaflet for customers telling them about new services, changes etc. and inviting their comments.
All these little touches will allow you to stand out, and therefore command a higher price.
Also, when canvassing, a high price gives an implication of quality. And having an expensive/ smart/ professional looking/ female window cleaner is sometimes a status symbol. (I've heard that from more than one customer - they do boast about their window cleaners to their friends)
Posted by Slatercleaners (Slatercleaners), 2 February 2004
Who do you use for PI Ins?
Posted by Slatercleaners (Slatercleaners), 2 February 2004
Roughly what can I expect to pay for PI for £2m
Posted by Slatercleaners (Slatercleaners), 2 February 2004
I'm going to offer 3x as it is very nearby where I stay.
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 2 February 2004
PI Insurance? Do you mean Public Liability Insurance?
I paid £110 for £1million of cover but its better to get it from the fed.
(Why do you need £2m? In case you accidentally demolish a block of flats? £1m is the standard amount!)
[Remember - you can modify your post by clicking on the "modify" link. This can save you having to add endless posts if you forget something]
Posted by Slatercleaners (Slatercleaners), 2 February 2004
The local council stipulate the £2m. and charge £150 for 3yr licence.
Thanks for the tip about modifying posts...
Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 2 February 2004
Hi Phil,
I think the 2 million is in case you kill someone with a falling ladder etc. 1 million used to be enough. I guess people are becoming more expensive these days
Posted by Slatercleaners (Slatercleaners), 4 February 2004
Do you have the name of the company your Public Liabilty Insurance is through?
I'm trying to avoid phoning round the well known insurers who will probably be a waste of time.
Posted by CHUCKK (CHUCKK), 5 February 2004
for pi insurance try ARNOT 0191 375 3400 KATE SHELDON got mine for £79-£1000000 you need to hagle
tell her you can get it cheaper elsewhere
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