Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Detailing high level windows?
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 23 September 2003
Those frosty mornings are on the way, and I have quite a few houses that have a little roof underneath the upstairs windows.
At the moment they are quite safe to stand on as they are not too slanted, but I don't fancy standing ot them after a frost.
I thought I might try using a pole, not waterfed, just one to stick my squeege on, but how do you detail when using this method?
Posted by sham33 (sham33), 23 September 2003
I normally wrap some scrim around a spare sqeegy handle, its a bit of a pain but i hardly ever do pole work.
Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 23 September 2003
I clean some houses with the same roof what I do is just tell them that it is to dangerous to clean it and knock 50 pence off the price , as with any windows if you cant reach comfortably without having to stretch dont bother with it your saftey is the most important thing to consider , you cant earn money with broken bones
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 24 September 2003
you probably do the right thing, when you take into account of the price of a pole extra time etc. I might as well deduct 50p form the price.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 24 September 2003
I had one yesterday where the roof looked a bit dodgy so i offered to do the window from inside or leave that window and the customer let me do it from inside
Steve Lowe
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 24 September 2003
I also had one the other week and told her my insurance did not cover me with heroics but if I fell I would have to claim on the householders insurance she told me to clean from inside too.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 24 September 2003
I don't think a lot of the customers realise that if you have an accident at their premises that you can claim off of their household insurance. I bet they soon change their mind asking you to do something dangerous when they do
Steve Lowe
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 24 September 2003
The expression on her face went from to
Posted by simonb (simonb), 24 September 2003
tell 'em up front its a bit risky so dont expect the finish to be as good and then you can just skip the edges.
Going inside takes time and costs money so don't go in to do it. They are usually just glad to have a w/c.
Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 24 September 2003
i always tell them when i first quote. had 3 falls in 15 years all of roofs like that stopped doing them and stayed upright for 12 yeaars
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