Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Anyone need a classic van??
Posted by Bones (Bones), 18 November 2003
Have a look at thia if you would like a van for your window cleaning
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 19 November 2003
Hi Mikey,
A few years ago i used to use a classic van for work and if its in really good condition and you have it sign written it certainly gets you noticed I rebuilt a ford Anglia van and fitted a two litre engine from a RS2000 and after getting it re sprayed it certainly stood out.
Posted by Bones (Bones), 19 November 2003
Steve You Boy Racer (a bit like Shiiner with his Alloys on his van, Ha ha)
My Ideal van would be a Mini Van But have you seen how much they are going for now!! I hear all the Yanks are buying them up and shipping them over to the U.S.
But I do think that a classic van would bring you more custom, as you said it get's you noticed
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