General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.

Cleaning Products For Domestic Use?
Posted by Aaron (Aaron), 3 November 2003
Hello all... Heres to my first posting... Wink

There are two things I may need all your advice on but I'll pop it in another one ey.

My company has been established for 3 mths now. Initially I was buying my products retail from stores like ASDA, Wilkos etc. It's getting to the point where we need to start buying in larger quantities. Can anyone recommend some good but cheep companies that supply cleaning products for domestic servicesHuh

Cheers guys and gals

Posted by DP (DP), 3 November 2003
Hi Aaron
There is another thread already active on this one, go here:;action=display;num=1067613734

and add a specific question if there is anything particular. Not sure about the cheap bit, but certainly better quantities, thereby often "cheaper".

Posted by Aaron (Aaron), 3 November 2003
Quick response! cheers for that  Wink
Posted by Perry_White (Perry_White), 6 November 2003
a point to remember when using domestic products for commercial use is that you probably won't have the health & safety data sheets supplied, therefore you cannot do a COSHH assessment. This could leave you open to claims of lack of duty of care if someone is injured. If they do, you'd better have plenty of money 'cos your insurance will dump you like a hot brick! Shocked
Posted by Fox (Fox), 6 November 2003
Any store that supplies chemicals will issue a COSHH sheet for all their products, regardless of wether they sell to the public or wholesale.

We use some of Wilko's products - such as air freshner - you can order from them in bulk and they are very good at supplying all information requested.
Posted by petra (petra), 7 November 2003
on one of our contactsa we use Mr sheen and it was very easy aqiring the cossh info from the manufacuter, as simple as a phone call..
Posted by Aaron (Aaron), 7 November 2003
cheers for all your feedback... Aaron

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