Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.

Dog Poo - A Health Hazard?
Posted by Silly_Philly (Silly Philly), 4 February 2004
I got a new customer today, the lady stopped us in the street to ask, so we said ok.

Well, the fronts were ok, but when we went to the back garden there was dog poo everywhere.  It really was very bad.  To be honest it made me feel quite sick.

Along with the usual thoughts of "how am I going to negotiate this minefield, where can I put the ladders down" etc, it also crossed my mind to simply shut the gate and walk away.

Surely this has to be a health hazard.  Do you get some horrible blind-making disease if you get poo on your hands? I think I read that somewhere.

Anyway, we (carefully) did the windows this time as she wasn't home and it seemed impolite not to.  But I am seriously thinking of saying I won't do them again with the back garden in that state as it is a health hazard.  (not to mention unpleasant)

Anyone had a similar experience?  Do you think that's fair?  I feel a bit cheeky saying that but also I don't want to get ill if it gets on my shoes, ladders, hands etc

Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 4 February 2004
Dogs dont just poo, you dont know where they  take a  pee , the thought of that on my shoes no chance , I think I would give it a miss , smell dog sh     not me
Posted by paul (paul), 4 February 2004
i have done a cople like that best to avoud i think or ask her to clean the mess up ? Grinunless you add pooper scooping as an extra ha Grin ha Grin ha  Grin
Posted by stevekennedy (stevekennedy), 4 February 2004
I can top that! Two weeks ago we were doing a job in a well-to-do area of Aberdeen. When we turned the corner to do the windows at the side of the house we were greeted by a terrible stink and some brown objects all over the place.

A blocked sewer had emptied its contents on the owners lawn!  Roll Eyes

She was very embarrassed   Embarassed

Needless to say... ...we gave it a miss. Lady paid anyway  Cool

Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 4 February 2004
I used to clean the windows of a lab ,and they used to test human poo, the ones that you take to the doctors in a little jar . I did it 3 times the smell was to bad it was just like being in the toilet  after doing one . I dont miss it
Posted by Simon_King (Simon_King), 4 February 2004
If I were you I would'nt go back and do the back until it is cleaned and disinfected. If the yard is as bad as it sounds I dont think she will clear it up. I have a customer who has a Great Dane/ Donkey combo. She NEVER cleans it up and you can smell the back garden two doors down in the summer! Honest.
I clean the house next door and many times I have almost been sick at the stink. You can imagine the size of the hounds mound.
Anyway I told her that I would'nt clean the back because I thought it was a health hazzard. She looked embarassed and said just do the front and side. As I said she never cleaned it up so I dont think theres much hope for you. But I hope Iam wrong!Oh and yes there is a disease that you can get from Dog log its called Toxicariosis and yes it can make you blind.  Cool
Posted by Bones (Mikey aka Bones), 4 February 2004
Cat Crap is a nightmare this end, how about anyone else??

I've lost count of how many times i've started to walk down the ladder and blobs of it all over the rungs and had to go home and wash the ladders down  Angry Angry

Posted by gibbouk (gibbouk), 4 February 2004
i priced a customer up before xmas here back yard was full of dog shit, i said i could not do it as i dont want to walk it up my ladder and get it on my trousers. she asked me to phone a day before and she would clean it up for me. it was done disinfected and spotless and she tipped extra.

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