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Dry Ice Blaster
Posted by craigbooth@icevent (craigbooth@icevent), 19 November 2003
An Ascojet 901 dry ice blaster with 4 hoses and gun barely used during research project for sale
Also new equipment available[url][/url]
Posted by kb58 (kb58), 15 January 2004
Hello iceman!

Out of interest what kind of research did you do with your ice blaster?, Tell me more and your end results if you don`t mind?


Posted by craigbooth@icevent (The Iceman), 16 January 2004
We were working on a project to clean kitchen extract ductwork remotely.

Since then, and after learning about the existing (poor) supply of dry ice and dry ice blasting equipment, we've gone ahead and developed dry ice pelletiser, gas recovery and blasting equipment.

The Ascojet can be let go very cheaply if you're interested.

Have you had a look at dry ice for cleaning?
Posted by kb58 (keith b), 17 January 2004
Yes i have had a look at dry ice cleaning before, and as you said getting hold of a local ice supplier/transfer of pellets/cost/noise etc has always been a problem. but having had a look at some of your websites i think the pelletiser machine in a mobile unit/van etc could be a good idea!.

As yet im finding it difficult to way up different/best methods of cleaning with dry ice and whether i can find a big enough market in a particular industry to make it worth while!.
How much did you want for the ascojet 901? and pelletiser and recovery unit to suit?. Undecided

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