General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.

Best way to clean dusty window blinds?
Posted by keybrite (keybrite), 12 December 2003
what is the best way to clean very dusty window blinds
without taking them down Huh
Posted by petra (petra), 12 December 2003
damp flick duster
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 13 December 2003
Are they vertical blinds ?
Posted by keybrite (keybrite), 14 December 2003
we should be so lucky, they are horizontal and lots of them.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 14 December 2003
I regulary clean a load of venetian blinds for a solicitors that i clean and i found the best way to clean them is by picking a good day and then i take them down and hang them up outside and wash them down and then just finish off with a cloth.

Posted by woodman (woodman), 15 December 2003

I have not come across a better method than Ultra Sonic
cleaning when it comes to vertical and venetian blinds. Wink
Posted by elfords (elfords), 15 December 2003
Could you explain what ultra sonic cleaning involves  Huh
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 15 December 2003
I  dont know if it helps
Ultrasound waves generate a rapid succession of compression and decompression phases in the cleaning tank. The temporary but extreme compression shatters the countless, microscopically small bubbles which have built up and so generates high-energy turbulence over the workpiece. The result is highly intensive, thorough cleaning. At the same time, pulsating micro-flows carry off particles of dirt and feed in fresh cleaner continuously.
Perfect ultrasound cleaning calls for a liquid medium which transmits the sound waves easily, keeps dirt in solution and prevents it re-adhering to the workpiece.


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