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Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.

Sub Contractor Wanted - Ladderless Cleaning

Posted by pristineclean (pristineclean), 31 March 2004
I'm currently on a builders clean at a school in Wimbledon, and I've been asked to clean the windows in and out.
Normally I'd do that with a cherry picker, ladder laws being ladder laws on sites and all, but I've got an interior 20ft window to worry about now, so thinking it might be just as easy to offer it to some marvellous covey with poles which could do outside and in.

If anyone's interested, the work is for anytime next week and I can be contacted on 01753 656098 or

Cheers Smiley
Posted by choice.clean (choice.clean), 3 April 2004
you might want to try a company called vision in south wales try directory enquiries they do some schools in london some friends of mine work for them

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