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Posted by Petersullivan (Petersullivan), 25 February 2004
Evening guys , what form of advertising do you find works best for you,  Huh
Posted by SteveTruman (SteveTruman), 25 February 2004
Word of mouth.. is the best. My van 2nd. then a toss up between YP and the local rag. Have to be in both to get the peeps who haven't had any cleaning done before. Hopefully they ring you first Roll Eyes Roll Eyes



Done the supermarket thing  Angry The diary thing  Angry The estate agent thing  Angry Im phoning on behalf of the police/firebrigade thing  Angry The on your doorstep thing and they dont work.. Give me your money  Grin Grin

Just thought of something else but dont know wether it would work. Fridge Magnets, has anybody used them and do they work.

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