Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
FED MEMBERSHIPPosted by wrighty (wrighty), 11 February 2004
I read a post on here a while ago saying no matter when you join the fed you will pay for a year whether you get 12 month or 6 month out of it ie: in June you pay again for the year even if you joined 3 months ago and still paid for a full year.
I am writing this post to clear the situation up of which I think is unclear to alot of you peeps.
I spoke to the fed today and I am happy to say I am joining tomorrow.
I am joining and paying the 1 years subscription fee of £50.00 which will give me membership untill next February (2005). In February 2005 I will pay a fee which will give me membership until June which is the Feds year end and then I will pay another £50.00 which will bring me inline with the members June - June years subscription so you see you dont lose any money at all regardless of when you join as you will get the full value of you subscription fee.
I hope this helps and clears up any doubts or hesitations about waiting and joining in June.
Craig Wrighty Wright Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 11 February 2004
Why cant you just pay the fee to take you up to June this year , then pay again in June .When I joined I was told that the fee was £45 per year so I joined , then in June a few months later I received a form for my next years membership , when I enquired about it I was told that the year starts in June, so I had to pay £45 again
JohnPosted by wrighty (wrighty), 12 February 2004
I am joining today so I will let you know cos I was just going off what I got told on the phone yesterday.
CraigPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 12 February 2004
Hi Craig
They have been telling Karl (in Spain ) that he can join and the forms are in the post, but I dont think he has had them yet and that was a few months ago. Did you get a name when you were told this, and have they put it on paper .
JohnPosted by karlosdaze (karlosdaze), 12 February 2004
on 02/12/04 at 15:41:54, Majestic wrote:Hi Craig
They have been telling Karl (in Spain ) that he can join and the forms are in the post, but I dont think he has had them yet and that was a few months ago. Did you get a name when you were told this, and have they put it on paper .
Hi John,
thats correct, I'm now a fully paid up member. I haven't gone into details of when its renewed or how, I'm just glad I was finally accepted. Posted by wrighty (wrighty), 12 February 2004
Hi Chaps,
I went into the Fed personally today and joined. I paid £50.00 to join and my insurance which is public liability for £123.74. So I am now a full member. The way the membership works is like this.
I joined today for a year (£50.00) for the period 12 Feb 2004 - 12 Feb 2005. In Feb 2005 I pay a small fee for the period Feb - June which then brings me in line with the feds year. Then in June I pay £50.00 for a year and so on every June after that and thats how it works. They do offer an insurance for personal injury which pays you £120 a week and I really didn't think it was worth it or necessary but again the personal injury insurance is not a must where as the public liability is.
I hope this has cleared the matter up.
If you wanna speak to me my number is 07766 012876.
CraigPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 12 February 2004
Hi Karl
Thats good news, will you be going to the Fed show
JohnPosted by wrighty (wrighty), 12 February 2004
Hey John,
I think I will end up going as I have never been to a show before and I think it will be a good experience and a good laugh. By the way my name is Craig
Craig Posted by Majestic (Majestic), 12 February 2004
Hi Craig
Yes it is a good day out and it will be good to put faces to the names ( I dont know about Silly though ), will you be trying your luck against the Turbo.
JohnPosted by Silly_Philly (Silly Philly), 12 February 2004
Just look for the youngest person there, accompanied by a tolerant, patient, responsible looking young lady and that'll be me and Mrs Silly. (I seem to be the youngest person on here anyway!)
Just for any who would like to meet me and Mrs Silly, my real name is PHILIPPosted by wrighty (wrighty), 12 February 2004
Hey I'm younger than you I am 26 on Monday.
CraigPosted by sc (sc), 13 February 2004
Happy B'day.
But I can beat you.
Only 23.Posted by wrighty (wrighty), 13 February 2004
Thanks SC,
And Majestic I might try my chances against the turbo
what about yourself.
CraigPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 13 February 2004
At 21 ish I must be the youngest, I have seen the Turbo in action he is to good for me
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